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Posts posted by Xarok


    For me the question is if it will ever surpass 2008 (which I have hopes that it will).


    Well, for starters the color schemes are one hundred times more vibrant and interesting than anything produced in 2008, and the Toa Mata actually look like themselves. I'd say it's well on its way to surpassing 2008, if it hasn't already.


    I remember being pretty disillusioned by the 2008 Toa. I enjoyed Lewa and Tahu's revamps, but I will say I prefer the 2015 Toa over the 2008 ones.

  2. These things like clumsiness and sleepiness could be interesting and add to the characters if they're not treated extremely specifically and if they're not just tacked on for no reason.


    Having flawed hero's is important in story telling, and if they treat these things as points to larger internal struggles for the toa, then they're really great.

    I really hope they can do that. I'd like to see character development beyond just the Toa learning to work together. Like some internal development that focuses on each character individually.

  3. I feel like Aladdin is probably the only play you listed that would be appropriate for Bionicle's target audience, buuuuuuuut.... I love the idea of Lewa and Onua as Roger and Carmel, so my vote goes for the Producers.



    2015's characterization is far more dumbed-down than G1, for now at least, which makes it worse.

    Currently I have to disagree. Even though we haven't seen much of them, the new Toa are already more complex than the original ones, with actual weaknesses other than just attitude problems. If you're referring to the Protectors, we've hardly seen them at all, so I think it's a bit early to judge.


    Sleepiness and having no sense of humor are more character flaws than weaknesses, really (although there is some potential with some of the others, yet to be reached).


    I'll have a greater chance of seeing an interesting character if I wait for the villains, though.


    I don't know if I'd call it character flaws either, I feel like those elements were added purely to give more humor to each character, to keep it from being too serious.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I had made up my mind to buy Lewa first, as my favorite character and the first of the Toa Mata I had bought way back in 2001. I go to my local Target, they have every Toa EXCEPT Lewa. I check Wal-Mart; they have a random assortment but again, no Lewa. Toys R' Us? No Lewas there, either. Either Lewa is disproportionately popular in my area or the universe itself hates me. I was VERY tempted to buy a different Toa but ultimately am still holding out for Lewa.


    :mirunu: Lewa0111 Nuva :mirunu:

    I had a similar problem, I eventually found Lewa at a super Target though. Certain stores in my area only have certain Toa. I have yet to find a place that has all 6 Toa and I haven't found Gali or Onua yet.

  6. I think everyone needs to consider the fact that the 2015 Bionicle line was only officially released 4 days ago worldwide. Anyone who is already proclaiming to like it more than the 2001 release, including all of it's story, media and sets, clearly didn't like the Gen 1 stuff very much at all... 

    Not entirely. I'm not saying 2015 is better than 2001, but if we're looking purely at the 2001 Toa vs the 2015 Toa, I'd have to say I like the new ones better. It's too early to say anything about the story at least for me it is.

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  7. I think a Toa FPS would be neat.

    Or something alone the lines of destiny. FPSMMO. You can build your own Toa and explore mata nui, Metru Nui and voya nui.

    Bionicle Heroes on the DS kinda did this it was an FPS there wasn't much exploration but it was cool to play a Bionicle shooter. They should have made the console version of Bionicle heroes FPS. I always thought an FPS would be perfect for Bionicle especially during the later years of G1 which seemed to focus on launchers and ranged weapons.

  8. One thing I remember about Bionicle that was a pain, following the story. I understand it's a toyline so they have to make toys and the story kinda has to go around the toys, but sometimes during those months between releases (April-June) the story just felt barren. I always felt like sometimes they had to pad down the story with filler so they didn't have to bring the new characters into the story until the new toys came out. I always thought it made it feel so restricted story-wise and when they didn't wait to bring in new sets it was always irritating to read the books and comics and not have the new sets. Especially during 2005 when the Visorak were in the story even before the Hordika, eventually when the Visorak came out, I felt like I'd already seen enough of them in the comics and I just didn't find them very interesting. I thought the Legends series at least did a good job though, with bringing back the classic Toa Nuva to fight the Piraka that way we could have some sort of conflict instead of just the Piraka being evil and a build up to the Inika. (although the Inika build up was really cool because we actually got some story with the Matoran so we could reacquaint ourselves with them before they became the next set of Toa) The winter to summer wave was usually the less exciting part because it was always either the Toa going through basically the tutorial level of a video game that lasted several months, like the Morbuzahk or in this case Skull Spiders or in the later years, the villains doing evil things before the next set of Toa came. I know this summer we're going to get some baddies for the Toa to fight, and I'd love to see a proper build up for them in the story.

  9. I don't know how I feel about Makuta being a "good guy". I'm sure I could open up to the idea after a while, but right now it seems a little out of place. Makuta has always been evil of his own volition so it's a bit jarring to see a mask possess him and make him go bad. It'd be super cool to see Lego throw in a crazy twist like that, and I guess I'd prefer that over having the possessed Makuta be evil, since I feel like it's almost an insult to such a great and powerful character, it'd be like if in the next Batman the Joker was actually a good guy and was being mind controlled. I wouldn't mind Makuta being rouge or "chaotic good" though as long as he's not like on the Toa level of heroic. At his most good, I see Makuta as an anti-hero. Don't get me wrong, I don't want the new gen to be a carbon copy of G1, but I'd hate for them to bring back my favorite heroes and give my favorite villain the short end of the stick. As long as they do it carefully and don't make him straight up a good guy, I could probably grow to accept it.

  10. Bionicle Heroes was very meh. It offered some nice fanservice and some neat eye candy, but for me, it was excruciatingly boring. It's basically the opposite of the Bionicle 2003 game, (which was worse but it sucked for completely different reasons, bad camera, too hectic during larger fights, and unfairly difficult especially for a kid's game, (looking at you Lava surfing level) I doubt we'll ever see it but I would like to see a Zelda style adventure game set on the Island of Okoto. I'm really hoping for a mobile Mata Nui Online Game style adventure. Or maybe with the recent Mask of Creation game, we might start seeing Lego releasing flash minigames from time to time. Hopefully they're better than the Mask of Creation though.


    I'm really not expecting much out of a Bionicle game at this point. I've accepted that it's likely we'll never see a good Bionicle game again.

  11. Well TLM felt like it was made by a kid, oh wait...

    Well, that's what they were going for. I personally liked it a lot.


    As for 2001 vs 2015? That's a very hard decision to make even though I actually love the new one a lot so far. This is kind of like asking me to pick between A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds. So far it's basically a retread of the classic with some aesthetic differences and a shift in the tone, since this new Bionicle seems to be more lighthearted and cartoonish, but it still had that cool tribal feel we got from 2001 Bionicle. I personally would say objectively speaking, these new Toa are more interesting, more well put together, and have more playability. Lego seems to have found a nice compromise giving us the points of articulation we had in the Inika and onward sets from G1 while bringing back the gears we all love from the olden days. It's hard to say, I have a lot of nostalgia from the 2001 arc but just comparing the original Toa Mata to the 2015 Toa, I think 2015 has the upper hand at least in design and playability. As for the story, we'll have to wait and see.

    Also I think it's kind of unfair to compare Mata Nui online to the android/IOS game. MNOG was a massive adventure, while Mask of Creation is basically just run around tap the bad guys to win. It's not good, but I didn't expect anything from it anyways. I'd love to see another MNOG style game on smartphones or browsers, heck I'd even be willing to put out some cash for a good Bionicle game.

  12. I'd really rather not see a Metru-Nui arc. Don't get me wrong, the setting was really cool but I had one tiny little problem with it: I personally hate flashbacks, and the first year of Metru-Nui was neat because it opened up the possibility of other islands besides Mata-Nui, and served as a cool origin story, but the second year was just boring filler. Completely unnecessary, and I felt 2005 tried way to hard to be dark but it ended coming off as so cheesy. Vakama going to the dark side was a lame twist because we already know he's going to be buddy-buddy with his pals again because he was there with his fellow Turaga to tell the story in the first place. We already know the Toa Hordika save the day and find the cure for the venom because they're still alive as Turaga in the present day, so that pretty much removed any suspense in my book. I wouldn't mind a quick little side story like they did with the Toa Haga, but please don't make an entire arc a flashback that just kills it. Even as a kid I had basically no real investment in the 2005 arc. If they do something like Metru-Nui they should make it set in the present day so we can at least move forward in the story or don't take two whole years to do it.


    all have the same basic body, just with some different parts tacked on,


    what an apt description of Jaller, Hahli, Kongu, Kopaka, Ackar, and Gelu. :u


    Shots fired! I'm not sure exactly what my personal worst would be, like there were certainly some that I wasn't a big fan of but I wouldn't call them bad. Except maybe Umbra. He was pretty bad. The color scheme made me want to cry. I remember being pretty irritated with some of the small sets particularly the Voya-Nui Matoran. The deformed look they had I could get over, I actually liked it and thought it fit pretty well, but would it have killed them to at least recolor something? Even the Rahaga which came from 2005, the year of copy-paste sets, (except for the titans, those were cool) gave us Metru recolored Rakshi heads and spinners.

    I know it's a cheap shot, but the Voya-Nui Matoran felt like they needed some recolors for masks or something. I pretty much built all of them without even having to go to the store. At least it was a nice way to get a few extra parts for MOCing.

    I think for me the worst Bioncle sets are the ones that are clones, more specifically clones of older sets that were already clones of each other. More specifically the Bohrok-Kal. Why did they do that? I was so disappointed with them. I remember thinking how cool the Toa Nuva were and who the first big baddie they'd face would be, and bleh it was just re skinned Bohrok. I know the Rakshi were clones, but when they came out a great deal of the the parts that made them up were new molds. Sure the Toa Nuva had a lot of similar design choices too, but they had enough new molds to justify it. As far as I remember the Bohrok Kal had new shields, but other than that every piece was just recolored to silver, which devalued them even more in my eyes because it made the fact that they're clones even more painfully obvious.

  14. There are certain disadvantages for not getting any new handhelds devices besides a 3DS for over five plus years. This is one of them. :P


    Anyways, I haven't seen a lot of footage on this yet. I probably won't have time to until tomorrow. But going by what I have seen, I think it could be a fun game to play. 

    In regards to this game, you're not missing out on much. I'd rather just replay Bionicle Heroes on the DS. (Probably my favorite Bionicle video game to be honest) I'd like to see Lego remake and port the flash games to Google play.

  15. It's pretty meh to be honest. It's basically run to an area, then tap the enemies to win. Bionicle hasn't really been very strong in the video game department sadly. I really would like to see a point and click style game like the Mata-Nui Online Game, but that's a pretty tall order. I'd kinda like to see Lego re-release some of the G1 Bionicle.com games. That'd be awesome! I'd love to see some actual game design experts work on a Bionicle game. I doubt it'll ever happen, but I always felt a Zelda style adventure would be perfect for Bionicle. I always wanted to just explore the Islands, but the games seemed to focus on linear platforming when Bionicle was really more about the adventure. I'm not asking for say a Skyrim sized island to explore, but I'd like to see a Bionicle game on any system, smartphone, console, handheld, PC, whatever, that has some exploration and simple but clever puzzle solving similar to Zelda.

    • Upvote 1

    I'm not a big fan of the Protectors. I wish they had actual names instead of just Protector of X.

    I think that now that we know the Protector title is passed down from father to son, the generic names actually make a lot of sense. This way, the Protector sets can represent either the Protectors of the present (when the Toa arrive) or the Protectors of the distant past (when Ekimu's body was first found and laid to rest). It isn't locked in to representing just one or the other.


    I suppose they could achieve the same thing by having every Protector have the same name as his father before him, but that would be a lot more confusing than them just sharing a title, I think.


    Thanks for clearing that up for me, I take back what I said about the protectors. I like the idea of it being a title passed down.

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