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Everything posted by ~Xar~

  1. ~Xar~

    So Dx Is Sick, Guys.

    Get better. Or Orb's KaHulk will kill you.
  2. UPS! UPS! U.P.S!

  3. Shoop Da Whoop



  5. Blue combo? Whazat?

  6. I want a poster of this: Found that last year looking for a christmas av and banner and PP. It worked for all of them.
  7. COUGH!!! COUGH!!!!!!!!! YOU unrolled the poster? No. WE DID. You need to get better at description.
  8. Psycho Santa iz back.

  9. Sounds like AI and Irobot combined. Sounds equally promising though. Are you really eager though? Because if you are, you'll end up writing it like I did with my book. I'm now eager to write the sequal.
  10. Humans and Elephaunts are the only animals that get scared when they see a skeleton of it's own kind.
  11. Truly beautiful... Truly. Let's give my brother A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE!
  12. ~Xar~

    Not A Dr.suess Tale

    Dude... Orb... That's exactly what I was thinking! Using a pic of his real face and putting it on the hulk! !
  13. ~Xar~

    Not A Dr.suess Tale

    Havn't checked your wall in a while. Maybe it healed. Be right back, I'll go upstairs and check...
  14. WOOT! I just got my new RPG, Vengeance, approved! Be sure to check it out once it's posted!

  15. I'm the one with the red goggles and the knife with the futuristic outfit. The kid with the jigsaw mask is one of my friends, and the girl is his sister. The one on the far left with the mask that Resev has wore that mask last year, too. The kid on my left is an immortal, and my friend with the shotgun is a hillbilly. But becuase of his name, I called his costume the Joebilly costume.
  16. Happy Birthday bro.

  17. Dx, why did you change your name again? XD

  18. Yes I have a 360. And a guy named midnight cowboy lowered my famous 5 stars becuase I disaggreed that school shootings are helping us control our population, and should be continued.

    So sick and twisted..

  19. Thank you ^^

    Uhh.. some guy put a link in his banner saying, "The profile of the guy whos parents I killed" I clicked on it, it was my profile 0_o;;;;

  20. Hey, I'm sorry guys, I'll bring back psyco santa in late November. For now, I need to celebrate the fact that the Tyranids are in Dawn of War 2!


  22. ~Xar~

    Dude, the picture you posted in the dead Miley Cirus topic of the car, is definatly fake. look at the sky and trees and weather. It said early hours. It's bright out in the picture. It's raining even though that morning was sunny. And there is snow on the trees in the backround XD.

  23. Dude, no offense, but the necron climbing on top of the space marine looks like birdman becuase the top of the space marine's helmet looks like a beak.
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