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Status Updates posted by Zyrox

  1. Technically (I hope) you can't 'cause MY laugh started with a capital.

    So there, take that.

    And while we're at it why don't you go get some fresh air...

    *Cackles maniacally*

  2. How 'bout the "Mighty Not-ducks" =P

  3. Then when you grow old and can no longer be a knight they will call you Sir, The Power That Once Was.


  4. That button is what I call THE COMMENT VAPORIZER!!

    (2$ per use.)

    All funds go to the Zyrox charity.

  5. Hey FD, if you ever change your name you should change it to the exact opposite of what it is now.

  6. Dead people can talk to eachother. =D

  7. Yes but once unicron eats you you can blow him up from the inside with the Allspark.

    *Allspark-ifies unicron*


  8. Heeeellllo mistah, pandaman!!


    As the Munki said, why?

  9. I did? How?

    And besides I blame you for hurting my tongue.


  11. *Takes Nihiy's gun and breaks it in half*

    I've been shot too many times with this and there's no reason for you to start shooting FD. figure something else out for him. I have Flaming Boulders, dynamite, comment vaporizing lazers, anti-austrich cannons, and flame throwers. Be more ORIGINAL Nihi. :P

  12. Power! You scared 'em all away!

  13. I agre with Xeriak.........






    Or however your supposed to say that.

  14. Looks like Sputnik.

  15. *Dodges rocket*

    *Fires three rockets at Nihi*

    I wonder how it feels being microscopic...

  16. but the important thing is you die 1 second before I do. =P

  17. My shares were not for sale!! Give em' back!

    *Buys back all shares for Zyrox fund*

  18. Ain't that great Nih? =P

  19. Now that's not very nice Nid.

  20. Skip the matches TPTI, I use flame throwers...

    Now who wants a pair of flaming pants...


  21. TPTI, I expect you to give me back my Comment Vaporizing Lazer once your finished.


  22. Very sad to see ACD come in fourth. Now I have to wait another THREE months ATLEAST to play it. Oh well though, AMG will be over by then and you'll have a better shot at winning. Then I'll be voting for you, and I'm sure so many other AMGers will too.

    Best of luck to you then. For now I just have to wait (Three whole months!!)

  23. Yes, you do have comments. But soon they will disappear because of my comment-vaporizing lazer cannon. :D

  24. Ya know at first I didn't beleive what you said about exchanging passwords but after reading some of Sets comments (Or at least I think it was Sets) I'm starting to think you actually did.

    And if you did:

    That is why you never give you password away.

  25. Ha!! Take that Nihi! My bodyguard is the Hulk, and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Well there is but we just won't mention that...

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