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Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins

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Status Updates posted by Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins

  1. i got a new nick name for ya



  2. i has are been watching ur profile....for like the last ten seconds and now u can prepare to ASPLODE! *asplodes*

  3. i heard u like coments so i commented MWAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  4. i know a 1 year old kid who has a nephew

  5. i know a 3 year old who is an uncle XD

  6. i know but what do i need those for?

  7. i know i just think its kind of a waste of space to say "don't spam" over and over again but thank you for the epology

  8. i know i'm just being topsey turvey for a while

  9. i know right *teleports into space * *head explodes*

  10. i rarely know what you guys are talkin about


  11. i seeeeeee sounds kool or cool how some of you pronounce it

  12. i shall now make a mad face from the likes of you


  13. i still saved the day*strikes pose*

  14. i think he meens it should be number 1...

  15. i think it might be from dume or vakama

  16. i think it was origonally emporor krahg or however you spell his name

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