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Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins

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Status Updates posted by Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins

  1. thats right nothing can help him in....teletubie land!!!


  2. the meaning of life is this number 8675309 want to know wut it meens? pm me then

  3. then what did i just eat? O_O

  4. they are dangerous if you don't know how to handle them and place them

    if they are in the right hands they are pretty safe

  5. they want to fight! who would build up an army and say "we don't wanna fight!"?

  6. they're just such a cheap copy off

  7. this is great i am the official general of the saturanian army and i get to lead them into lots of battles!

  8. TO THE MOUNTAINS *munches oyster cracker*

  9. tomarrow i shall be back to Lhikan636 :D

  10. u better watch out u better not speak u better not shout i'll tell you why lhikan is in town u better not tick .... me off or he'll rip your head off lhhiikan is comin to town


  11. U COPIED DEX'S COMIC U DIE NOW!!!!111!1!11111111ONE!111

  12. uhhhhh ok! :D


  13. uhhhhhhh hoight! *jumps out window*

  14. um... why are the demons crying? did you woop them or somthing?

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