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nuhvok campaign manager

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Status Updates posted by nuhvok campaign manager

  1. Sorry, I've been too busy looking at the forums. :P I'm really glad though, I was sick of the "Hey it's premier week! But you can't enjoy it because the forums are down!" "Hey it's been a month since premier week but the forums are still down!" It sickens me.....

  2. Only with him while using his zoom ability. I think it had something to do with the graphics and sound effects on his weapon.

  3. Yeah I do but I stopped playing when every time I walked through a door in the jungle level and all the graphics were scrambled. When I restarted, all the toa didn't have heads and the game would freeze when I fired matoro's weapon. (No pun intended.)

  4. oH NoeZ!!!!111! i hAs BEen InFECteD bY the newbie ViRUs! (Stabs a syringe into leg) Ah, that's the stuff. (faints)

    P.S. I know. I was so excited when it came in the mail! Now I just need Stronius.

  5. Things have been pretty good. This friday my Dad's going to be in a play and I bought Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. Oh, and I'll be going to the beach in a couple of weeks,

    but other than that I haven't been doing anything

  6. Actually I should just change it entirely. I'll get on it. So how have you been?

  7. Sorry I missed the time. :( Will Thursday at the same time work?

  8. It's not just cpus, in wi-fi battles I have that problem too. I guess it's because I have trouble focusing on more than one foe at a time so I end being killed in the confusion. Hey! Do you want to brawl tomorrow around 6:00 or 7:00? Or maybe a different time if that time isn't good for you.

  9. No, not anymore. By the way, the way brawl works it won't register until I get on the first time. Once that happens we'll be registered.

  10. In single combat I'm killing machine but when it comes to four person brawls I'm basically the sandbag item with a sword. :P Now if I may change the subject. Do you want to Brawl tomorrow and if so when do you want to? I'm free tomorrow so I can brawl whenever.

  11. Ironically, I used Rayg's sprites for the picture. And now we're using them against him. It doesn't matter. I've got a little score to settle with him. ):)

  12. It's the weapon I gave you for your birthday. It's called the Death-O-Matic 5004!

  13. I'm glad you like it. And now with your present and my army we can RULE THE WORLD.... of sprites. :P

  14. Sorry. Happy belated birthday! (embarrassed)

    Is there anything I can do for your birthday?

  15. Alright, but if you DO want something let me know.

  16. Congratulations! Is there anything you want? Perhaps an army of your own? :P

  17. Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

  18. I KNOW!!!! I hope I at least get Stronius but by the way things look I'll probably just get Mata nui instead. Either way I'm not complaining. :D But still. (crosses fingers)

  19. Thanks! And also as a prize, each of the winners are getting on of the summer 09 sets before anyone else for free!


    I thought I would inform you of the current happenings of my life. :P

  21. Yeah Luigi is much better than Mario, you'll like him a lot. My personal favorite is Meta Knight, I can take down a level 9 CPU of Meta knight in single combat without items as well, Meta knight. :P

  22. I'm glad you like it! By the way, what's your favorite character?

  23. What am I saying in the picture?

  24. I LOVE my army! Thanks!

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