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Blog Entries posted by Primus

  1. Primus
    Turns out I still have pieces (helps to unpack and have a place to build):

    I've got more in the works so keep an eye out....
    Also hi, it's been a while.
  2. Primus

    It's been awhile BZP. A long while actually. Over two years since my last build.

    (Kreger, which I built in Dec of 2011 but didn't post until June 2012).

    But I'm back at it again, and, hopefully, I'll be building considerably more frequently. I brought some pieces out of storage to my apartment, so the plan is to build more. We'll see how that goes.

    Anyways, onto the more important thing:

    (Click for larger size)

    First off, you'll have to pardon me on the photo. My lightbox got destroyed in all of my moving around and I seemed to have misplaced my lamps/camera/tripod, so all I have right now is my cell phone and terrible lighting.

    Man did it feel good to sit down with my pieces all spread out and put stuff together though. Definitely something that I have been missing. I can't wait to build some more.

    I'll be seeing you around BZP.

  3. Primus
    So whoa, forgot this thing still existed. Anywho, been really busy and such this past year, doubt that I'm going to be any less busier. Shipping out to Utah for a week on Sunday and then moving into a new apartment when I get back, so I don't think I'll be by the pieces for a good while.
    However, I did manage to build something (well actually I built It awhile ago and have just now taken some decent pictures of it)
    (click on the picture to go to the topic)

  4. Primus
    Well, to start things off, first year in a loooooooooong while that I did not get any Lego whatsoever for Christmas. I think the last time that happened, the Piraka had just been announced and I wasn't too interested in Bionicle at the time (although I got interested in it again when the Inika came out, so that was pretty short lived). Well, who knows, maybe I'll get some Lego on my Birthday in t-minus 5ish days.
    Anywho, I got:

    A box of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies
    Two Brooks Brothers Bow-ties
    A bag of Swedish Fish
    300 Hardcover Graphic Novel
    A wool sweater
    A lot of socks

    All in all a great haul, for sure.
  5. Primus
    So, dunno how many of y'all know about Lego CUUSOO, but essentially people can post up "projects" and if there's enough support from other users, Lego will review the project and it has a shot at being a set. So, I thought that I would post up my old Midak Mech on it and see if it gains any traction (because, personally, seeing a MOC become a Lego set would be pretty awesome) and also because I think it's the most viable one.

    (image takes you to the CUUSOO project page)
    Feel free to support the project if you think it's a good idea, and let me know if you think there are any of my other MOCs that would be a better idea for a CUUSOO project instead, or something that would make this project better.
  6. Primus
    I'll take more pictures once I make a new lightbox, my old one got smashed when I moved out of my apartment. There are some spots on this guy that I want to touch up, but I'm happy with the overall look of the MOC, especially the silhouette.
  7. Primus
    So glad to be done with finals, going to be enjoying my 2 week winter break. Already have at least one MOC in the works this break, we will see if I build any more.
    Looking forward to going back to work on the 3rd, but I miss being at school. It's kind of surreal thinking about the fact that I'm going to be 20 in less than 13 days. Time sure does fly.
  8. Primus
    So, howdy I guess.
    I've been considerably busy this school term, what with doing 20 credit hours, pledging to a fraternity, having my own radio show, going to track meets, doing homework, participating in the Student Alumni Council, and a bunch of other stuff.
    So, because I felt that I didn't want to get blindsided by all of the stuff I'm going to have to do once my classes start to ramp up (and I know they will, considering 3 of the 5 classes I'm taking are Sophmore I level classes and I'm only a Freshman II), I went to Home Depot and bought a 4x8 piece of dry erase board, had it cut up into four equal segments, and started to put together a week calendar (which is what is posted), a homework calendar, and an event calendar (for stuff happening in the future).
    So yeah. I go home tomorrow for easter, and who knows, maybe I'll grab some of my pieces and take them back with me.
    I beat single player on Portal 2 in under 8 hours, way solid game. I won't give out any spoilers about what actually happens in the game, but J.K. Simmons as Cave Johnson is awesome.
  9. Primus
    So, I think it's just insane how much my life is different than what it was like right when I graduated high school (which was only 10 months ago). There was a month of downtime between when High School ended and "College" (in my case, "Work") started.
    In the past 9 months, I've:

    Had 3 school terms, yet only even been on campus for one Worked 40 hours a week for 6 months Moved out of my parents house Joined a fraternity Rented my own apartment Started paying taxes Learned that I'd rather live with my family while I'm working than be on my own, even though they annoy me sometimes and living on my own is awesome (mainly because it saves me a ton of money) Learned that it is really hard to stick to a budget, and just because I have money doesn't mean I should spend it Felt that everything's just flying by Learned that 17 credit hours are not only possible, but pretty easy (for intro classes) Decided that I made a great decision coming to Kettering Talked to parents and Scouts about what it's like being an Eagle Scout at 4 different Blue and Gold Banquets Found out that I'm much more of a gearhead than I thought Not built a whole lot Attended my first Lego Convention Had the most fun of my life hanging with people I never new before college, yet rarely talking to my "best friends" from high school Put on weight, more than I wanted to, and have struggled with it, but I'm improving Bought a sound system Became a big fan of electronic music Gone to my first live concert (it was awesome) Learned how to draft and make things in CAD Learned to not be as worried about how people view me Decided on what my focus is going to be: Plastic Product Design
  10. Primus
    Like, stupid rich. Because there are just somethings that you can only get when you're so rich you don't know what to do with yourself.
    Just to note though, at 180k (USD), the Morgan Aero Supersports is cheaper than a 458 Italia by about 130k. And I totally rather have the Aero.
  11. Primus
    So, um, I want to buy them all. Well, let me rephrase that. I want to buy 2 of all of the heroes, a witch doctor, and maybe Rocka XL.
    But wow, LEGO has got me hooked on this line for the foreseeable future.
  12. Primus
    I don't really like pandering for comments, but I was wondering if some of y'all could take a look at my BBCC 61 entry
  13. Primus
    Well, from the last BBCC contest I entered (55) anyways:

    But I do have an entry for 61. And I plan on getting farther than I did in 55. >:]
  14. Primus
    My Goals for MOCing:

    -Make a Toa-Ju-esque MOC
    -Make something that uses those Pridak Feet in a cool way
    -Use more Mahri tubes (I love those)
    -Build a good Fusion MOC
    -Build some more non-Toa
    -Make more rahi
    -Use some of my cooler colored masks (in particular my green Kaukau or red Pakari)
    -Get Better

    (this is more of a check-list of things I want to do before I stop MOCing)


    Well, I was actually looking for a different entry from my earlier years of having a blog, but this one made me smile a bit. Mainly because I didn't stop building, but also because of how my priorities shifted as I started to become a better builder.

    Also its just really funny to me to see that my goals shifted from those up there to these right here:

    -Get Better
    -Never Stop Building
    -Build things no one else has ever built
  15. Primus
    So if any of y'all have been following my blog recently, you'd know that I've been building some things (shocker there) and talking about a collaboration. I think.
    Anyways, I have been working on a collaboration, and its still way in progress.
    Of course, I'm referring to the
    There are two sides, COG vs. Rebel. One is a strong military force, the other an underpowered uprising. Evil vs. Good. All that jazz.
    Basically what I'm saying is, YOU should definitely check it out, and if you're planning on going to Brickfair, you should make a COG or a rebel (or both!). And if you want to send in a MOC, why not send in a COG (or a rebel) (OR BOTH!)?
    The more the merrier, and besides, where's the fun in a collaboration if we keep it to ourselves?
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