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Posts posted by Primus

  1. On 12/8/2019 at 10:30 PM, Sir Keksalot said:

    How'd you get all the "rays" to attach to those flex pipes?

    There's a second tube (3mm rigid) behind the gold flex axles that the rays connect to via an exo force clip. You can see it if you zoom in on the photo a bit :)

    • Like 1
  2. Master of Darkness. Destroyer of Ta-Koro. Butcher of Toa. Scourge of Mata Nui...




    28250767077_f15b1cd3d0_t.jpg 29248180638_e0622863ca_t.jpg 42401623914_4bf4c58ca4_t.jpg


    While fighting Teridax, Tahu became corrupted by antidermis and drained of his honor. He killed Teridax and absorbed his power, becoming fully transformed into a force of pure evil. He then when on a spree of destruction, killing the other Toa and levelling Ta-Koro. Tahu acquired the Kanohi Vahi, the Mask of Time, so that he could relive the killings of his closest friends and revel in their misery......


    By embracing his dark desires, Tahu has become the Lord of the Shadows...


    Built for the BS01 Legends and Infamy Contest.


    Also the mask is a Lego Prototype part I got back in 2010 in case you were wondering :)

    • Upvote 8
  3. I love this guy. I love the distribution of red and how the red elements used all match even though they're from dramatically different kinds of sets. Seriously, the way the technic fig seat matches and angles on the Mata foot and how the subtle printing on the constraction shins mirrors the ridges on the Bohrok shield, all amazing. Of course the disk-based limbs are great.


    Shoutout to that av-toran torso. I think those torsos and the Ben-10 torsos are actually really spiffy elements, people are just afraid to use them.


    By the by, how do you edit your photos?

    Glad you like it! I really love trying to build around those torsos, they can be very challenging but also very rewarding, and can lead to some pretty weird proportions (which I like lol).


    As for editing my photos, usually I only crop them and adjust the color balance slightly, but I did a bit more for this one. In my original pictures the blue sheet that I shot against was all wrinkly, and instead of reshooting the photos I decided I would just edit the background (this was also my first shoot against this blue sheet). In a trial version of Photoshop I selected the background, feathered my selection (leading to the glowing edge), averaged the values, and then added a gradient. I'm not too sure how I feel about it, usually I don't mess with the background. What do you think about it?


    Nice, I like the design of the limbs there and the use of a chair as a head is quite ingenious. I also like the intentional use of yellow half pieces. It's just an excellent design overall.

    Thanks! I really love using those yellow half-bushings for extra splashes of color  :)


    Also shout out to BlackSix for the front page mention! That was pretty cool to logon to  :D

  4. A bot designed to work in large furnaces & forges, Vern spends most of his days toiling away making sure machinery is kept running. The heat exchangers in his arms and legs coupled with a multitude of cooling tubes allows him to work in extremely hot environments for hours on end.




    002.png_thumb.jpg 003.png_thumb.jpg 006.png_thumb.jpg 008.png_thumb.jpg


    Brickshelf Gallery


    Really liked how this guy turned out, finally found a use for that av-matoran torso & train wheels I had laying around.


    C&C appreciated, hope you guys like him!

    • Upvote 9
  5. Love the user of tubes, and the head looks just perfect. Not much to say really but I do feel like he needs to have more iron grey on his body beyond his head. A majority black body with a shiny grey head doesn't look right to me. Rest of him is awesome though.

    I feel you there, but none of my other gunmetal parts seemed to fit the MOC thematically. I personally like the emphasis it puts on the head, but I get that's not everyone's cup of tea.


    Those curved, thin-toed, thin-fingered hands and feet are delicious contrasted with the mechanical bits. Really a unique mech.

    Now there's a name I recognize! Glad you like it man, hope you've been well :)

  6. I've been on a bit of a tear building stuff recently (in comparison to my previous hiatus, anyway). This time, a I've managed to make a hard-suit for a TechnicFig who had no legs. Found him while sorting all of my parts and decided he needed a suit to make up for it. He's a "final boss" foil to an older MOC of mine, the Gevangen Hardsuit.




    And yes, there's a TechFig in there!


    004.jpg_thumb.jpg 006.jpg_thumb.jpg 011.jpg_thumb.jpg 013.jpg_thumb.jpg 014.jpg_thumb.jpg  020.jpg_thumb.jpg 001.jpg_thumb.jpg


    Brickshelf Gallery


    Hope you guys like him, C&C is appreciated!



    • Upvote 4
  7. Wow

    Just wow.

    This guy is amazing.

    The shaping and flow are nice.

    I like the monochromatic color scheme.

    Quick question; how good is his articulation?


    This a good MOC sir.

    Well done.

    I would say that he has decent articulation in his arms, however his head doesn't move at all and the legs are also pretty stiff. I would say I sacrificed mobility for looks, however I think for a model that will be doing a lot of sitting on a shelf that is fine. Any opinion on that?


    Um... wow! :bigeek:


    He reminds me of a really dark version of the Rhino certain Marvel alt timelines have, but less bulky and more tall and menacing. I can see this doing a lot of damage. I second what TimeLord said above, it looks great! And to add to his question, how well does he pose? For example, is he more topheavy, so he could topple if pushed too far?


    I applaud you, well done!

    Yea he does look like the Rhino! I would say there was some subconscious influence from that as I do borrow on those themes. He's pretty well balanced due to the wide feet and the supports in the legs so he doesn't topple over. The weight of his arms also helps with his sturdiness, before I put them on I had a problem with the torso separating!


    Now his is a good one, forearms seem a bit too sleek compared tot e rest of the model but besides that nitpick it's perfect. The custom head is an excellent touch and I love how it's been built. This is a good build for sure.

    Thanks for the feedback! Any ideas on what could help that visual? I was thinking more texture on the underside but don't really know what pieces could help with that....


    Thanks for the replies all!



  8. I think the only argument that those pieces could not be eyes is that there is white used elsewhere in the MOC and they could be mistaken as accents? However, most eyes are white so I don't think that's the strongest argument...


    Either way, sweet dragon DV, really like the little details in the torso. Nice use of those robot arms to make a rib cage and cover up some gaps.



  9. Only gripe I have is that I feel that the wings are too high up on the body, I think if they were situated in between the legs it would look more balanced. IMO, that would be pretty fitting for a serpentine dragon. Also, since I'm assuming the wings articulate, if you posed them not fully extended it would look better as it wouldn't have that gap in between the panels.


    Other than those to minor gripes I think it looks great! Good work man.


    Edited because I said "I think" at least seven times.



  10. Great work! Overall shape is great and really resonates with Pohatu's theme of speed. Only nitpicks I have is that there are some exposed axles in the chest cavity and the circular plates you used (little rusty, but I'm pretty sure its this piece?). Is it possible to use some shorter axles in the chest cavity? Or, if you have to keep the longer axles, is it possible to put some 1/2 bushings on them? As for the circular plates, I think if you swap them with some 2x2 turntable tops it would look a little sleeker (again, particular to that piece so maybe I'm a bit biased).


    All in all, awesome creation!



  11. Thanks for all of the replies and the positive reception, really glad y'all like the MOC so much! Gonna address a couple of your questions and concerns:

    The build of this is epic. The legs and body are both nicely designed. The colors are also great. By the way, what's that thing dangling from below the body?
    I'm assuming that by "dangling thing below the body" you're referring to the lower part of his torso where his arms are attached. His arms attach at the base of his torso.
    I really like the limbs, particularly the way the tubing for the torso lead to the legs (Arms?) My favourite part is the torso, which I want to use at some point. Would you be willing to post instructions for it? I love that colour scheme. 10.3/10
    I'm glad you like the torso, it's my favorite part too. Sadly I won't be posting any instructions for it though. There are plenty of pictures that I posted, try working it from there. Feel free to PM me if you run into any problem areas!
    Ah, I was waiting for this since I saw it on brickshelf. Nice build, the reversed anatomy is very cool and dynamic. Cool limbs with hands, cool middle torso, and cool head! His head does look a tad flat from the side, but thats opinion on my part. The legs are skeletal and robotic without looking bare; I congratulate you on that because I have yet to come up with a reliable method to do that. Just curious, how much articulation do you get on the elbow joints on the support limbs? Awesome moc.
    The articulation on the elbow joints is limited, but they move enough to pose and stabilize the MOC. That joint is typically very articulated if you don't use four beams, I just like the look of the four beams and also the added structural integrity.
    This is a fantastic MOC. It reeks originality in it's entire construction. The head is fantastic. It definitely refreshing to see builders reach outside the bounds of pre-made masks and create something great out of nothing.It's almost organic in nature, like something out of Prometheus, but I guess that's were the Sebulba inspiration comes in. My only complain would be to integrate the ankles so that they're not so plain. Perhaps some sort of shoulder armor in front of the foot itself. Either way, a wonderful creation.
    Yeah, the feet and ankles are my least favorite part. If I go back and revisit this MOC, that's going to be the area of most concern for me. Thanks for the input!Again, thanks for all of the replies, I really do appreciate it!
  12. 7455961722_9b9a822d7e.jpg

    002.jpg_thumb.jpg 004.jpg_thumb.jpg 006.jpg_thumb.jpg 007.jpg_thumb.jpg 009.jpg_thumb.jpg 001.jpg_thumb.jpgActually built something for once in a good while.Anyways, he's supposed to be some sort of creepy/sinister robot. And it was inspired by Sebulba.Hope y'all like him,PEDIT: Changed the main image to 500x378 so that it fits in the forum rules and suchEdit: Main image thumbnailed due to dimension and file size. Please keep posted images in BBC to 640x640 pixels and 100 kB.-Wind-

  13. I all sorts of dig this MOC. Tons of character to it, really enjoy the pistons on the arms and the head, as well as the side profile, the hands and the feet. Do not care for the bare lightsaber in the mid-torso, it's just begging to be covered up. I like how the tubes draw in at the center to create a more rounded and evenly distributed shape in the torso. Really great stuff in my opinion, definitely conveys that it is a monster that's rebuilt part of itself with robot parts.

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