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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    Internet has been going in and out over the last few months, but today it was worse than usual. To pass the time I watched High School Musical one and two on channel nine or seven. This is not natural behavior and I want to know if there is something wrong with me.
    PS: I'm using this colour and font now.
    PSS: I changed my avatar and the previous IAIA entry to suit the holiday season.
  2. Adventurer
    A few things I handed in my first piece of German assessment, special thanks to Toa of Kenn for the help! Nearly finished my manual arts project...My rooms is completely bare now, new furniture comes tomorrow!I'm seeing a movie tomorrow, either Gabriel or Death at a Funeral I want an official topic.
  3. Adventurer
    I've managed to find some time to update the Official Makuta Mistika Topic. I'm not completely finished yet, but hopefully tomorrow I will be finished that and will be free to update the Official Takanuva Topic. It would be appreciated if you guys could head over to those two topics and see what needs to be added.
    In other news I came 104th in a race.

    Ok it wasn't a race.
    I was the 104th person in my grade to hand in my subject selection form out of about 300 people. Hopefully I'll get all of my preferences, but I'll have to wait and see.
    Unfourtunately I haven't been able to check for Mistika recently, though hopefully I will be able to pick a few up soonish. Other than that though, there hasn't been any real news.
  4. Adventurer
    I saw Sweeney Todd yesterday, I liked it (the singing didn't actually annoy me! ), but the blood could have been a bit less dramatic.
    In other news I'm Flying Force! now, a few more and I'll be at the Kal!
    Other than that, the Takanuva topic should be done today, then I'll just need bones to approve it...
    That's it, sorry for the quick entry!
  5. Adventurer
    I'm getting a new desktop computer soonish (this should fix the internet problems hopefully ) because my current ancient one is making more and more threatening noises. I'm thinking of buying a PC game with it and I was trying to decide between Crysis and Bioshock. Any suggestions?
    In other news, my cat is starting to get better, but she still isn't eating. Other than that, she is still limping around a bit, but I reckon that she'll be fine.
    I won't be on much over the next week due to a lot of tests and assignments on top of the internet troubles. The week after that, I'll be completely inactive because of music camp.
    That is all for now.
  6. Adventurer
    I made this in power point after reading bonesiii's blog Don't forget to see the below entry, I need to know my name by Wednesday...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  7. Adventurer
    An energy flail, or an energy launcher? I have basically made power point versions of both of them and I can't decide which one. The concept behind the energy flail is cooler, but the energy launcher looks fancier. I can't decide! Any suggestions? Which one do you think you would be more likely to vote for?
    BTW - I'm not showing you the pictures yet.
  8. Adventurer
    IAIA member Spinsmile has recentley informed us that he has discovered the location of the perfect weapon! For those who do not know, the perfect weapon is a weapon so perfect it can destroy anything instantly. This may be our chance to bring Adventurer down for once and for all. Spinsmile tells us that the PW is located in Norway. The IAIA will shortly dispatch a team consisting of BR, Dazed and Nahnah to assist Spinsmile in obtaining the weapon. We fear that Adventurer will soon send his minions after Spinsmile, so if you have any information on Adventurer's motives or future plans, please let us know.

    In other news, Popcorn was recently involved in a fight against one of Adventurer's new servants. Popcorn tells us that these servants, which we have named "Aemons", are shape shifting creatures made out of light. Our agent Giveup is currently working on an anti-Aemon weapon. We will inform you of any breakthroughs. The IAIA is pleased to tell you that Popcorn is in a stable condition in one of our medical facilities.


  9. Adventurer
    Just two things
    1) I wasn't online yesterday because of a storm that was near us yesterday. "I hate those Melbourne players!" (If you get that joke, tell me )
    2) Tenor Sax is easy, I have had it for only a week and I already know a dozen notes
  10. Adventurer
    Well I'm going to see Rush Hour Three tomorrow as well as go and do some other stuff. As a result I'll have limited access to BZPower Today I also added chapter three of my epic, though I doubt anyone's interested
  11. Adventurer
    I hate tests, exams, quizzes, HtW () and projects in any form or name I've done most of them now, but a quick update:
    English - I got an A for my letter writing and I have to perform a play by Monday with three other people...
    Manual Arts - I've caught up, only one project left, a copper spoon
    German - Got two As for my speech/project, only a writing test tomorrow.
    Maths - Three period test next week. I'm scared
    HPE/Bioscience - Did the only piece of assessment today, it was dead easy
    Music - I have to finish my Wolfmother CD cover by Monday and I had a test today. Stuffed up on rhythm I also have a guitar test soon, I'm pretty confident with that though
  12. Adventurer
    Saw Dark Knight yesterday and I wish Heath Ledger wasn't dead 'cause now he can't do another one (he was really good).
    Anyway I'm going to try and catch up on FT stuff today since this has been one of the few days I haven't been doing anything. I've also been tinkering around with the new computer and playing Lego Indy (which is really fun ). Unfortunately I don't have Photoshop any more, so I probably won't be making quite as many banners and avatars for a while.
    Oh, also I nearly forgot:
  13. Adventurer
    I really want to type something and I can't think of anything. So I'm just going to type what ever pops into my mind and then censor it.
    Well, I saw the movie Kite Runner today, it was sort of sad at parts, but it had a fairly good ending, but not as good as C L O V E R F I E L D (I love typing it like that. )
    Today was also my last day in Sydney and we went up to centre point tower. It was so fun listening to tourists talk. I also checked for Phantoka, but I didn't find any, so I'll have to check when I get home. Tomorrow I'll be going back home to Brisbane and the day after that I go back to school. I will be bad having to go back to school, but it'll be good seeing everyone (I couldn't see anyone over the holidays for two reasons, 1) I was away most of them. 2) All their numbers were in my old phone and I changed my number so they couldn't contact me. )
    Hopefully when I get back, my computer will be fixed, or we'll have an alternate plan. If not, don't expect me to be on BZPower much between school and having to use other people's computers. When I do get a computer and I've gotten use to being back at school AND I'm not at my Dad's, I swear the Takanuva topic will be up as will my new epic and if bones isn't bust, the physics topic.
    What else can I type about... *Kills -Adventurer-* That was fun, anyway I reached my long term posting goal, beating SPIRIT, for some reason he was always my target, don't know why... I've also noticed over the last month and a bit, I've really been ignoring my post count/rank, I don't know why and I don't know it's good or bad...
    See ya later!
  14. Adventurer
    Only one more section of Takanuva topic left to do, it has taken far too long for what it is. After tomorrow I just need to hope bones gets my PM.
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