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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    OK, today I decided to finally complete the last mission is Fallout 3 before the DLC stuff came out, but before I did so I downloaded the patches and got Games For Windows Live. Not a good idea. I lost all of my saved games. My character is dead and I am sad. I suppose this means I have to start from the beginning again, so much to redo. *Sighs* At least it's fun.
    EDIT: Turns out I just needed to turn off Games For Windows Live, which is a shame because I need that if I want achievements.
  2. Adventurer
    For Christmas I got an MP3 player in the shape of a Lego brick. I'll post pictures later.
    I also got a few games (the FEAR expansions, the Diablo and Starcraft Battlechests, COD:WAW, The Witcher EE, FIFA09, Lego Batman) I got two Lego sets (Axalara T9 and that collectible big General Grievous thing), some DVDs (Simpsons season 11, Kill Bills, Sweeney Todd), a few books (can't remember their exact titles) and a whole heaps of clothes (a ton of shirts and a belt, but no pants ). Apparently I have a package coming from NYC, but I have no idea what will be in that considering my last present from there was a collectable lightsaber from the Skywalker Ranch.
    Anyway I was nearly about to finish updating the Taka topic, but the it turned out half of the lexicon had been deleted from going over the post limit. Shurtgal saved the day, but I still need to redo all the extra stuff I added and the coding and links etc... After that I'll start RKing properly (though I already updated all the 2009 sets in the Set Database, but pictures wouldn't upload due to stuff being all werid ).
    Any who I think that's it.
    Oh, I'm going to Sydney in two days, don't know how busy I'll be there, but I'll be able to get some of that awesome BBQ octopus.
    Oh an give suggestions on what you want for Glorb & Tim II.
  3. Adventurer
    I have a piece of steak stuck in my tooth. It's been there for four days now and I haven't been able to get it out. I have no toothpicks (or dental floss) and brushing my teeth doesn't work. Anyone have any ideas?
    Also I should be getting my yellow spinny soon.
  4. Adventurer
    Yay! I have internet again. You see I'm at my dad's house for the next two weeks and his phone line has disappeared. It took me a bit of convinvcing to get him to finally use wireless, but I won. Anyway we're getting internet more cheaply than we used to so it's all good. B)
    I think that's all I had to say...
    Oh yeah, does anyone have any thoughts about the next Glorb & Tim? Should it be based on different characters or be a sequel?
  5. Adventurer
    Yay! I'm back from the beach! I've only been able to use my step dad's iphone for the last week, so I've only been able to view, not post. More importantly. I need a new program to make banners and avatars with. Anyone know a good free one I can download somewhere? I really want to start making stuff again.
    Also I'm an RK now, cool. B) However, I still plan on revamping the physics topic first. That beast will not defeat me...
    As for my holiday, it was alright, for the first half of the week the surf was too calm, useless for doing anything really fun and the second week was too cold and rough and many beaches were closed. Still, I managed to get wet a fair bit and annoy some tourists. I also had my own apartment 'cause of a stuff up with the resort thing. I had my own spa, cable TV, kitchen, double bed, balcony and there was an ice-cream store like right next to me. It was pretty fun.
    Other than that, I need people to fill me in on what has happened in the last week. I managed to see that thing in Binky's blog, but other than that I've been pretty out of it.
  6. Adventurer
    I have my grades for most subjects (I don't know Drama and Health Education yet...)
    Science - A/A+
    English - A+
    SOSE - A
    Maths - A
    Also, I know my subjects for next year, English, Advanced Maths, Drama, Music, Programming and Science Academy. Not many of my friends are in my classes except for Science Academy and English, but oh well.
    Other that that, after I come back from holidays in two weeks time (BTW - I'll be completely inactive next week most likely as I'll be away and with no internet access ), I plan on fully redoing the Official Physics Topic finally (as well as fixing the image problem in the Makuta topic/s ).
    In other news, I plan on making a follow up to Glorb and Tim, but I might do it based on different characters. What do you guys think?
    That is all for now.
  7. Adventurer
    More ice cream is currently being made and this time, we have a better idea of what to do as well as a new flavour.
    I'm pretty bored at the moment so I'm going to ask you guys to ask me questions about stuff.
  8. Adventurer
    For drama I have to do a mime script. It's meant to be targeted at year five kids and is also meant to have a simple story. Any ideas what I should base it on? I can't really decide.
    Anyway, as a very small amount of you may already know, I made home made ice-cream (no machine, just cream and chocolate etc...) on the weekend. We only got to make chocolate and vanilla, but we'll do other flavours later. The texture of the vanilla wasn't great, but in some parts it felt ice-creamy and had a great flavour. The chocolate was great, tasted and felt like real ice-cream, I'd call it a success.
    Anyway, I'm going to try and update the Official S&T Lexicon and Takanuva Topic and see what will happen to the 2008 Makuta topics. I'm not sure if I'll take on any new official topics next year, as I might just focus on getting the physics topic into order. If you agree with this idea, start actually discussing something there so I know any effort I do will be useful.
    Anyway, that's it for now...
  9. Adventurer
    I got Bionicle Legends#11 and Toa Ignika.
    They'e both awesome, though I won't talk about either since Toa Ignika is old for the rest of the world and Bionicle Legends#11 isn't allowed yet.
    In other news, we've used our download limit, so we have really, really slow internet now, so don't expect me to post much for the next week...
    That is all!
  10. Adventurer
    I'm not gonna make it to Bionicle Legends#11 without spoiling myself... I already know some... I'm gonna go spoil myself... Be back in a few minutes.
  11. Adventurer
    People who have Bionicle Legends#11 or have read spoiler, can you please stop alluding to stuff that happens in it? I mean saying stuff like "I wish all the *CENSORED* didn't die" or "Ooh! This topic has something to do with what I read in Bionicle Legends#11, but I won't say what. Though I will say that it sort of goes with this theory..." Seriously, can you just wait until the release date to boast, complain and discuss the book? I'm not gonna be getting it until well after the release date (due to long shipping times) and I'm trying not to spoil myself on something I've been waiting since 2001 for, so can you please settle down?
  12. Adventurer
    My profile views number starts with 13! This can only be bad! Someone help me change this!
    Anyway onto serious news, I finished Crysis Warhead and I was wondering if anyone who has it wanted to play me in Crysis Wars?
    Other than that, I'm going to start rereading the Bionicle books in preparation for Bionicle Legends#11 which should arrive sometime in November. I sure hope it lives up to expectations.... So far this year has felt a tad bit rushed, probably as a result of the changed book schedule. It seems that Greg is putting more emphasis on non-book story telling and for the first time in a while, I have enjoyed the comics more than the books (books are still great though, don't get me wrong). Then again, this is like the first time in five years that I've actually been able to own the comics, so I might be a bit biased.
    That's all!

  13. Adventurer
    Glorb the alien sat in his rocket with his bestest buddy Tim the robot. They flew their rocket into space really fast so that they could defeat the evil Joker in his evil space station manned by zombies. Glorb and Tim piloted into the docking bay and ran out of their shiny spaceship and took out their laser guns. They happily vaporised hordes of evil zombies as they made their way into the Joker's top secret laboratory which Glorb somehow found out the location of. Tim covered the hallway while Glorb confronted the Joker. The Joker called his super-secret hitman zombies who took Glorb's laser and threw Tim in the bin and then crushed the bin. Then suddenly for no reason a giant novelty chocolate biscuit in the shape of a bear came in, saved Tim, Glorb and put the Joker in jail.
    The End
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