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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    I'm ending the contest early 'cause I can.
    Anyway I'll keep this short and hopefully sweet:
    Banner winner: Toa Z! Yay etc...

    Avatar winner: Everclear! Woo yay! etc....

    Prizes will be issued when I decide how they should be done.
    Thanks to everyone who entered!
  2. Adventurer
    I want snow! If any of you have magical weather control powers, please make it snow in Brisbane, Australia.
    In other news, I'm planning on moving another copy of my S&T quote collection to my BS01 user page. I've already made a start, but I've only added about a tenth of the content and it will take years to sort into sections as I plan to do...
    That's all for now!
  3. Adventurer
    Yeah I got sunburn yesterday after going to Moreton island for the day. Went parasailing and snorkeling and just missed out on jet-skiing there... Anyway I got sunburn on my shoulders and sides of my legs now so that's fun. At least it's just the type which makes your skin have a dark red tinge to it, rather than the type where your skin starts coming off.
    In other news for some reason I have recently found myself Pridak obsessed... Please help!
  4. Adventurer
    Computer is in a stable condition now, so that's good.
    Just read the last comic. *Insert lengths of opinion, criticism and praise here* I know many of you won't agree with the above points, but I truly think they're right.
  5. Adventurer
    Since my blog is now being ignored, I can use it to talk to myself in private.
    Adv: So how are you today my very good friend?
    Aid: I'm very well. And you?
    Adv: I'm terrible. It is impossible to kill one who is no longer in reality.
    Aid: Maybe you should consider a new target?
    Adv: Blasphemy!
    Aid: OK, OK.... How about you use someone as a dart board?
    Adv: *Throws dart at self*
    Aid: Not you! That hurt you know...
    Adv: Maybe I should focus on the BRC...
    Aid: But the set database is so much more funner!
    Adv: True... Well perhaps I should finish that Makuta topic...
    Aid: It is finished... Just not posted...
    Adv: Maybe get Zedsis to make up some pretty pictures for them? =)
    Aid: I'll be on it in a cats eye.
    Adv: What the dog does that mean you fool?
    Aid: Whatever you want it to mean my good friend.
    Adv: I don't like you, go back to sleep.
    Aid: But it's two in the afternoon!
    Adv: Just do it!
    Aid: OK... *Goes to sleep*
  6. Adventurer
    I can't decide if I'm happy with my entry. It's sort of vaguely like what I wanted it to be like, but I dunno, I don't feel like I'm ready to post it yet.
    In other news I have tried all of my new subjects this year:
    Science Accelerated
    Maths Accelerated
  7. Adventurer
    OK guys, figure out what word I derived the word "Vespidax" from to guess the theme of my next epic and my next avatar.
    In other news, I decided I should tell you guys what I got for Christmas -
    Simpsons PSP
    A new mobile
    Three non-BIONICLE books by Greg
    LEGO General Grievous' Starfighter
    LEGO Naboo Starfighter and Vulture Droid
    LEGO Mars Mission Alien Mothership
    Two computer games
    Some sheet music for trumpet and sax.
    Stands for my trumpet and sax.
    Over three hundred dollars in cash and gift vouchers
    Simpsons Movie on DVD
    Simpsons season ten on DVD
    Toa Undersea Attack
    New furniture for my room
    That's all I can think of at the moment, though there's probably heaps of stuff that has temporarily slipped my mind.
  8. Adventurer
    Only a few days left until I can get my first Star!
    In other news I can't decide whether to play Mass Effect first in lead up to Mass Effect 2 or to play BioShock in lead up to BioShock 2.... I'm leaning towards BioShock, but Mass Effect 2 comes first...
    Oh and I'm soon going to order a bunch of Bionicle literature of Amazon... I just realised that I'm probably going to have to sell my cat.
  9. Adventurer
    I'm not gonna make it to Bionicle Legends#11 without spoiling myself... I already know some... I'm gonna go spoil myself... Be back in a few minutes.
  10. Adventurer
    I have my grades for most subjects (I don't know Drama and Health Education yet...)
    Science - A/A+
    English - A+
    SOSE - A
    Maths - A
    Also, I know my subjects for next year, English, Advanced Maths, Drama, Music, Programming and Science Academy. Not many of my friends are in my classes except for Science Academy and English, but oh well.
    Other that that, after I come back from holidays in two weeks time (BTW - I'll be completely inactive next week most likely as I'll be away and with no internet access ), I plan on fully redoing the Official Physics Topic finally (as well as fixing the image problem in the Makuta topic/s ).
    In other news, I plan on making a follow up to Glorb and Tim, but I might do it based on different characters. What do you guys think?
    That is all for now.
  11. Adventurer
    Didn't get to bed until like 3 AM last night and had to get up at 5 AM to go kayaking. Got back at 9 AM, fell asleep, woke up at 3 PM. Look at BZPower and see prank stuff which really hurts my head.
    I'm making this my own mini refuge amongst the madness. It'll never reach me here if I have anything to say about it.
    In other news crazy tests are over! Another 11 weeks until they return in full force!
  12. Adventurer
    Mum's side of the family opened Christmas presents a few hours early (flying to Sydney in a few hours) and here's the base of my haul:
    Wii + Wii Fit Demon's Souls Deluxe (See Previous Entry) Simpsons Season Twelve Yellow Jetrax! (Hasn't arrived yet, apparently provided by a a Canadian Ebayer, BZP member perhaps? ) Grindhouse collection Tripod DVD Patapon 2 Chaser's Annual Bunch of Chocolate An Lollies Dilbert Daily Calander Expect more to come once Christmas lands in a few hours.
  13. Adventurer
    OK, I was planning to change my name to something cool just for a bit of change. I was doing about fifteen things at the time and I was using my Dad's old computer. As a result, I didn't notice that his browser had put an old password into the new name area, erasing the one I had out there. I noticed this fairly quickly, but my hand was faster than my brain and before I knew it, I was winnie.
    It's about fourteen or so days until I can change my name to the one I originally wanted....
    In other news it seems my Photobucket account has asploded... I'm considering a few things on how to get everything working again, suggestions on more efficient ways to store multitudes of images online without a billion account are welcome.
    Oh and school started. I'm now doing two maths subjects, three sciences and English... I kind of envy the people I see walking to music and drama now.
  14. Adventurer
    For drama I have to do a mime script. It's meant to be targeted at year five kids and is also meant to have a simple story. Any ideas what I should base it on? I can't really decide.
    Anyway, as a very small amount of you may already know, I made home made ice-cream (no machine, just cream and chocolate etc...) on the weekend. We only got to make chocolate and vanilla, but we'll do other flavours later. The texture of the vanilla wasn't great, but in some parts it felt ice-creamy and had a great flavour. The chocolate was great, tasted and felt like real ice-cream, I'd call it a success.
    Anyway, I'm going to try and update the Official S&T Lexicon and Takanuva Topic and see what will happen to the 2008 Makuta topics. I'm not sure if I'll take on any new official topics next year, as I might just focus on getting the physics topic into order. If you agree with this idea, start actually discussing something there so I know any effort I do will be useful.
    Anyway, that's it for now...
  15. Adventurer
    I'll be away without electricity for the next three days, a week after that I'll be at music camp for a week and then a week after that I'll be in NYC... Then the following week after that I get off because of Swine Flu.
  16. Adventurer
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    What do you think? (Spoilered due to size )
    I have limited access over the next three days or so. A storm knocked out our power and hurt one of our computers. As a result I may not be on much in the next three days, though I should be back after three days
    Contest still going, only three days left
  17. Adventurer
    Today is my first days of holiday and I feel happy! As a result, I'm going to do a quick thing of notices -
    This week I made the Official Makuta Phantoka Topic, my first official topic with the FT account.
    I found this picture of Toa Ignika and as a result, Toa Ignika is now my favourite 08 set so far.
    My new favourite smiley is good old .
    I've updated my content blocks and will make them better in the near future.
    That's about it for now.
  18. Adventurer
    Entire inbox is down to two messages... Though I have a lot of stored ones...
    Now that is out of the way, I am slowly catching up on house-keeping stuff. I next plan to see if I can get back into helping out with FT topics and I'll also start maintaining my BS01 account (again ). I also need to catch up on missed serials etc... As well as the Bioshock 2 Viral (Something In The Sea)... I had been neglecting both...
    Once all that is done, things will start to get back to normal for me.
    Oh also, something I like about these current ranks I'm getting is how they foreshadow the next one (look at the shadow in the middle); kudos to whoever came up with the idea.
    'Tis all for now I think...
  19. Adventurer
    Just got TLR, will be watching it in a few moments. I also found that old Bionicle game (the one everyone says is bad ) which I never got around to getting, so I'm happy.
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