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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    I have my favourite Kal now! I'm happy.
    Anyway how do you guys like my new avatar and banner? I hope Artakha doesn't look too odd on it's side in my banner. I also got Shadows in the Sky today. I haven't read it yet, but I will as soon as I've finished watching Cloverfield, which I now have on DVD. That's it.
  2. Adventurer
    I'll start off by saying that the Star Wars thing was very funny and enjoyable. Anyway, yesterday I spent a gift voucher I got for Christmas and got Mutran & Vican, an Indy set, a little Castle set and some Rhotukas. Other than that I haven't been doing much so I'll leave this entry at three sentences.
  3. Adventurer
    I finished my BBC#49 entry and I noticed that when you turn one of his capes front ways, he looks like Sweeney Todd. I'm trying to decide whether I should name the entry Sweeney Todd or not...
    Anyway tonight I'm going to see that one man Star Wars trilogy thing. I'll tell you guys what I think of it tomorrow.
    Also, today was the last day of school and I got an A+ in that business test yesterday, 22/22.
    See you, people!
  4. Adventurer
    I'll give you guys an update on the two tests I had today.
    Business - Dead easy. Dead Short. Dead.
    Science - Easy, but I think my long, messy answers might confuse the teacher....
    Anyway, I should be getting results on poetry and maths tomorrow....
    That is all.
  5. Adventurer
    I'll do this in the form of the list to make it easy.

    I got a Venus Fly Trap on the weekend for about five dollars. He/she is growing nicely and it is fun to watch insects buzzing around it as I hope for a foolish one to land on it. This has only happened once and it was fun. I wish there was some chemical that existed to make the traps grow bigger, but there isn't.
    The Takanuva topic seems to be doing well and I hope to have a Makuta Mistika (won't be posted for a while yet though) done in a few days. I have also been given permission from bonesiii to post the physics topic finally. Instead of trying to complete the entire thing in one hit, we're going to post it and add to it bit by big.
    I reached 8000 posts which seems to be quite an accomplishment when I look back. I must say the rank looks cool.
    Mutran is out but I won't buy him until I get Icarax, who I cannot find. If anyone is Brisbane knows if he's out and where, please let me know.
    I've started to make an MOC for BBC#49, but I can't find my second black Rahkshi head. At the moment he is headless, armless and is missing some armour on his left leg....
    My half brother (who is also my first brother or sister ever ) will be born in a week or two...
    Also coming out in a week or two is the last Saga of Seven Suns book - Ashes of Worlds. I can't wait!
    I have business and science tests tomorrow, but the day after that day is holidays! That's it for now.
  6. Adventurer
    Competition time!
    I want a LEGO Indiana Jones banner and avatar next, but I don't actually feel like making one myself. As a result I have decided to make a little contest. There are two sections -
    What it must contain -
    Lego Indy! Lego Indy's hat! What it can contain to get you extra bonus points -Lego Indy's whip! Generally though, if you can't fit the whip in without making it look bad, leave it. If it looks over crowded you're more likely to lose points, not gain them.  
    What I want in an avatar -
    Not much of that white stuff you get from cropping it poorly. As said above, I don't want it too crammed. NO WORDS! I would definately prefer no text. Not too many effects. Try and not go overboard with effects, especially with glowing etc... Banner (468x60) 
    What it must contain -
    Lego Indy! Lego Indy's whip Lego Indy's hat What it can contain to get you extra bonus points -Include a Lego treasure of some type Include a Lego vehicle of any type Not much of that white stuff you get from cropping it poorly. Not too crammed. NO WORDS! I would definately prefer no text. Not too many effects. Try and not go overboard with effects, especially with glowing etc... The winner will receive a free Gadunka whilst all participants with receive a free dog! Contest starts 01/04/08 and ends 01/05/08. I hope you guys enter!
  7. Adventurer
    After many hours of unpaid overtime, Nahnah, Dazed and BR have found agent Spinsmile. Spinsmile was quick to assure us that he was actually on holiday and not taken captive by a mysterious bandit known as TtW, but we will investigate either way.
    Project REWopzb was canceled to due to a sighting of Adventurer off the coast of an unnamed island in the Pacific. Giveup and Winner tracked the known criminal to a deserted warehouse where they found Takepic tied to the ceiling. The trio will now continue their search while all other IAIA members will search for and obtain the Perfect Weapon.

  8. Adventurer
    Here is the list of 2008 BIONICLE sets that I have and those which I plan to get next -
    Vamprah (x2)
    Chirox (x2)
    I plan on getting Lewa next and then Icarax.
    In other news I am now nearly on top of my homework so should be able to come on more and as a few of you should have seen, I've posted a very lazily made theory about the Makuta Mistika. If you have any quotes to help prove/dis-prove it, please post them here or there.
    Also, if anyone has noticed, my profile comments has hit over 100 due to the spammy RPG like war going on there. Keep it coming!
    In retrospect, those last two entries were a bit too deep for me.
  9. Adventurer
    Just a quick comment - why do I notice so many people posting things like "That's your opinion, it's not a fact!". This seems like a stupid statement in my opinion (). Why should someone have to say that what they say is their opinion, shouldn't everything they post be their opinion? You could argue that there would be confusion about whether someone is stating an opinion of fact, but shouldn't facts be shown in quote tags, noted with their source or "but this is a fact..." being included in the post? Just something I thought of when I was reading a post.
  10. Adventurer
    I'm playing barritone saxophone for the band as they don't have enough base, I'm enjoying it so far.
    In other news I'm at my Dad's house which has a good internet connection, which has allowed me to get my first Kal!
    Other than that, I've PMed the Takanuva topic to bones, but he hasn't replied yet, if I don't get a reply in the next day I'll re-send it to him.
  11. Adventurer
    Only one more section of Takanuva topic left to do, it has taken far too long for what it is. After tomorrow I just need to hope bones gets my PM.
  12. Adventurer
    I saw Sweeney Todd yesterday, I liked it (the singing didn't actually annoy me! ), but the blood could have been a bit less dramatic.
    In other news I'm Flying Force! now, a few more and I'll be at the Kal!
    Other than that, the Takanuva topic should be done today, then I'll just need bones to approve it...
    That's it, sorry for the quick entry!
  13. Adventurer
    Hi guys! How are you all doing!
    I need to get another forum to post in regularly, so I thought I'd join an TBRPG in the RPG forum. Thing is I really don't know any of the rules or anything, so if someone could give me the rules and etiquette etc.. that'd be appreciated.
    Anyway, I got a new avatar and banner of a wasp which I like.
    Takanuva topic will be done this weekend (first free weekend I've had in two months...) so that'll be cool... Hopefully... I'll probably need some of the American fans to revise the time line as I can't get the comics.
    That's all for now folks!
  14. Adventurer
    Went back to school today, I'm in year nine now. I have two new subjects, Art and Business, so far business isn't looking that great. I'm also in two A classes, science and maths an our maths teacher is pretty cool. That's all I have to say really, though I checked for Phantoka and didn't find any.
    See Ya!
  15. Adventurer
    I really want to type something and I can't think of anything. So I'm just going to type what ever pops into my mind and then censor it.
    Well, I saw the movie Kite Runner today, it was sort of sad at parts, but it had a fairly good ending, but not as good as C L O V E R F I E L D (I love typing it like that. )
    Today was also my last day in Sydney and we went up to centre point tower. It was so fun listening to tourists talk. I also checked for Phantoka, but I didn't find any, so I'll have to check when I get home. Tomorrow I'll be going back home to Brisbane and the day after that I go back to school. I will be bad having to go back to school, but it'll be good seeing everyone (I couldn't see anyone over the holidays for two reasons, 1) I was away most of them. 2) All their numbers were in my old phone and I changed my number so they couldn't contact me. )
    Hopefully when I get back, my computer will be fixed, or we'll have an alternate plan. If not, don't expect me to be on BZPower much between school and having to use other people's computers. When I do get a computer and I've gotten use to being back at school AND I'm not at my Dad's, I swear the Takanuva topic will be up as will my new epic and if bones isn't bust, the physics topic.
    What else can I type about... *Kills -Adventurer-* That was fun, anyway I reached my long term posting goal, beating SPIRIT, for some reason he was always my target, don't know why... I've also noticed over the last month and a bit, I've really been ignoring my post count/rank, I don't know why and I don't know it's good or bad...
    See ya later!
  16. Adventurer
    I saw I am Legend today. It was a good movie, but it was nothing like the book and the book is way better. Other than that, I also went to the shops today and didn't see any Phantoka. that's it, I know this is a really short entry, but I hate typing on this keyboard.
  17. Adventurer
    Known criminal, Adventurer has taken the Alias of "Takua the Wanderer" now and has taken over the body and possibly mind of IAIA member Spinsmile. If you see Spinsmile/Adventurer/Takua the Wanderer, approach with caution and report his location to one of out many friendly IAIA centre staff.
    In other news, Takua the Wanderer (know known as -Adventurer-) has committed crimes against the IAIA and is to be captured dead and alive. Also, anyone found participating in the rebel alliance known as the "Adventurer Club" will be hunted and killed by member Popcorn.

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