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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    Computer is in a stable condition now, so that's good.
    Just read the last comic. *Insert lengths of opinion, criticism and praise here* I know many of you won't agree with the above points, but I truly think they're right.
  2. Adventurer
    My list of awards -
    Best Barraki - Ehlek, I love the weapons, the spines and the way the body is built.
    Best Toa Mahri - Toa Mahri Jaller, he looked the most stylish and the Hannah Crab was cute. :blush:
    Best Store Exclusive - Karzahni, mainly because of the story, but the set is pretty cool. B)
    Best Matoran - Dekar, yellow's my favoruite colour.
    Best Hydruka - Thulox, he's got better body armour.
    Best Titan/Warrior - Gadunka, he's very posable and the colour scheme works really well.
    Now for the bigger awards. Each winner of the awards will be given a trophy by the IAIA's leader, Winner!
    Best Canister Set - Toa Mahri Jaller! His prize -
    Best Small Set - Dekar! His prize -
    Best Large Set - Gadunka! His prize -
    Now the big one!
    Best Set of 2007 - Gadunka! His prize -

  3. Adventurer
    I saw Sweeney Todd yesterday, I liked it (the singing didn't actually annoy me! ), but the blood could have been a bit less dramatic.
    In other news I'm Flying Force! now, a few more and I'll be at the Kal!
    Other than that, the Takanuva topic should be done today, then I'll just need bones to approve it...
    That's it, sorry for the quick entry!
  4. Adventurer
    Seriosuly, at the moment I so want a Rode. I mean people lie so often (including myself ) that it is next to impossible to know when people are serious, joking, lying and telling the truth. >_<
    Anyway my RK project is coming along, hopefully I can make some more progress on it this weekend. One that's done, expect to see an official Bionicle love topic.
  5. Adventurer
    Message from Winner:
    The IAIA has been informed that the criminal profile of serial spammer, Adventurer was sent in today. Read it here. Due to lengthiness, it had to be cut. Today however, the IAIA is proud to present to you, Adventurer: The Untold Story:
    (The following exert is the end of the mentioned bio from the given link and it is recommended that you read that first)


  6. Adventurer
    First off - yes, I have switched names with Takua the Wanderer.
    Anyway, I'm seeing Cloverfield 10:00 AM tomorrow. I hope it deserves the hype it's received and I'll post my thoughts on it tomorrow in another entry.
    That's all for today.
  7. Adventurer
    I really want to type something and I can't think of anything. So I'm just going to type what ever pops into my mind and then censor it.
    Well, I saw the movie Kite Runner today, it was sort of sad at parts, but it had a fairly good ending, but not as good as C L O V E R F I E L D (I love typing it like that. )
    Today was also my last day in Sydney and we went up to centre point tower. It was so fun listening to tourists talk. I also checked for Phantoka, but I didn't find any, so I'll have to check when I get home. Tomorrow I'll be going back home to Brisbane and the day after that I go back to school. I will be bad having to go back to school, but it'll be good seeing everyone (I couldn't see anyone over the holidays for two reasons, 1) I was away most of them. 2) All their numbers were in my old phone and I changed my number so they couldn't contact me. )
    Hopefully when I get back, my computer will be fixed, or we'll have an alternate plan. If not, don't expect me to be on BZPower much between school and having to use other people's computers. When I do get a computer and I've gotten use to being back at school AND I'm not at my Dad's, I swear the Takanuva topic will be up as will my new epic and if bones isn't bust, the physics topic.
    What else can I type about... *Kills -Adventurer-* That was fun, anyway I reached my long term posting goal, beating SPIRIT, for some reason he was always my target, don't know why... I've also noticed over the last month and a bit, I've really been ignoring my post count/rank, I don't know why and I don't know it's good or bad...
    See ya later!
  8. Adventurer
    I can't decide if I'm happy with my entry. It's sort of vaguely like what I wanted it to be like, but I dunno, I don't feel like I'm ready to post it yet.
    In other news I have tried all of my new subjects this year:
    Science Accelerated
    Maths Accelerated
  9. Adventurer
    For Christmas I got an MP3 player in the shape of a Lego brick. I'll post pictures later.
    I also got a few games (the FEAR expansions, the Diablo and Starcraft Battlechests, COD:WAW, The Witcher EE, FIFA09, Lego Batman) I got two Lego sets (Axalara T9 and that collectible big General Grievous thing), some DVDs (Simpsons season 11, Kill Bills, Sweeney Todd), a few books (can't remember their exact titles) and a whole heaps of clothes (a ton of shirts and a belt, but no pants ). Apparently I have a package coming from NYC, but I have no idea what will be in that considering my last present from there was a collectable lightsaber from the Skywalker Ranch.
    Anyway I was nearly about to finish updating the Taka topic, but the it turned out half of the lexicon had been deleted from going over the post limit. Shurtgal saved the day, but I still need to redo all the extra stuff I added and the coding and links etc... After that I'll start RKing properly (though I already updated all the 2009 sets in the Set Database, but pictures wouldn't upload due to stuff being all werid ).
    Any who I think that's it.
    Oh, I'm going to Sydney in two days, don't know how busy I'll be there, but I'll be able to get some of that awesome BBQ octopus.
    Oh an give suggestions on what you want for Glorb & Tim II.
  10. Adventurer
    1) Am sick at the moment. Not taking time off school though, lots of tests and bits of assessment... Its everywhere!
    2) Am in the middle of a LOST marathon. No mentioning season six in this blog. According to the law here, it is currently early season three.
    3) Looking for Clutch Powers....
  11. Adventurer
    I think this blog needs an entry...
    Well, in drama a friend and I made a short children's version of A New Hope. It was very fun and involved us running around firing lasers at the audience. I have a lot of homework this weekend, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get the amount of RK work I wanted to. Please don't hate me!
    Other than that, I got my own copy of the Watchmen finally so that I could reread it before the movie.
  12. Adventurer
    Well I'm going to see Rush Hour Three tomorrow as well as go and do some other stuff. As a result I'll have limited access to BZPower Today I also added chapter three of my epic, though I doubt anyone's interested
  13. Adventurer
    I have my grades for most subjects (I don't know Drama and Health Education yet...)
    Science - A/A+
    English - A+
    SOSE - A
    Maths - A
    Also, I know my subjects for next year, English, Advanced Maths, Drama, Music, Programming and Science Academy. Not many of my friends are in my classes except for Science Academy and English, but oh well.
    Other that that, after I come back from holidays in two weeks time (BTW - I'll be completely inactive next week most likely as I'll be away and with no internet access ), I plan on fully redoing the Official Physics Topic finally (as well as fixing the image problem in the Makuta topic/s ).
    In other news, I plan on making a follow up to Glorb and Tim, but I might do it based on different characters. What do you guys think?
    That is all for now.
  14. Adventurer
    Two things today:

    I apologise to anyone that was caught up in my ignorance
    The other thing is that I have remade my BS01 account as it was deleted. I named the account "Adventurer" so my next BZPower name will be Adventurer
    PS: I get my Tenor Sax in a few days
    PSS: I bought Heroes season one today, so I'm happy
    PSSS: No school tomorrow
  15. Adventurer
    I went to Ikea today to buy a new wardrobe, not much to say. As a result I'll be seeing Rush Hour Three tomorrow instead of today .
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