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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    I started an epic if anyone's interested, it's about a lost Toa of electricity named Arthax. The links in the Adventurer's Topics Of Choice content block
  2. Adventurer
    Well BZPower's back finally!
    Well I met Vezon the Charming Maniac and Black Six in NYC. Both were very interesting to meet and (is being held to ransom to say this) awesome.
    There's a bunch of other stuff that has happened, but I don't think anyone would really care about that. I will however say that everyone must see District 9. Saw it a bit over a week or so ago and it's awesome. B)
    EDIT: And my birthday is like real soon.
  3. Adventurer
    Due to the board being offline and a bust schedule on Saturday, I bring you several days worth of Adventurer
    Thursday Night: War of the Worlds Musical and Kongu Mahri
    This entry takes place a few minutes after I finished my last entry Having just got off BZPower for a bit to get ready for War of the Worlds (the musical), my step-dad (known on BZPower as Yorrick Kaine) came home and had Kongu with him (I'd given him the money in the morning so he could get him at lunch) so I thanked him, built him quickly and added him to my Toa Mahri shelf By then we were ready to go. It was taking place at a entertainment centre and we were meeting several other people their. While we waited, I got some calamari and chips from an 80s style food place thing along with a drink and ice-cream (I was glad that they let food inside ). Once the show started there was a lot of music and a bit of singing/talking and one thing I did notice, is that the Martian Tripod's feet looked nearly exactly the same as Rahkshi feet! Afrter the interval I saw Shannon Noll die ("Yay!")! Overall it was pretty good, especially the giant holgramatic (sp?) head
    Friday: Boring Day
    Nothing really happened n Friday, BZPower was offline and school was dull. I will dwell on Friday no more.
    Saturday: Writers Festival, Jaller and Matoro Mahri, the Toa Mahri collection is complete!
    The thing that kept me off most of yesterday was my Mum going to the Writers Festival and though I'd want to come! The Writers Festival was mildly (and I mean MILDLY) exciting, the two most interesting people I heard talk was a guy that wrote Star Wars and Dune books and a Swedish horror writer (that used to be a comedian). During the lunch break, I went to Allen's music store and bought myself some jazz music and went next door to complete my Toa Mahri collection by buying Matoro and Jaller Mahri By the time we'd finished is was 11:00pm and we had McDonalds and went to bed.
    Sunday: Today
    I have the house to myself today (my Mum and Yorrick Kaine will be at more writers stuff) and the only thing I have to do is my English assignment!
    So that was my weekend
  4. Adventurer
    I've seen Star Trek twice now. Once two days ago and again today in Gold Class. I liked it more the second time as visually, it was a fairly busy movie and seeing it a second time really let me fully see a lot more which I didn't pick up the first time.
    I also got Left 4 Dead today (finally) so I've been playing that a fair bit. If anyone wants to play me, post you Steam ID here and I'll add you.
    In other news the Official Makuta Topic will be up in S&T as soon as I get around to making the BB code stuff work properly so it looks cool and not broken.
  5. Adventurer
    Dog monkey cheese pie, sloth throw hammerhead. Bug eating PIE choc-milk death berries at a skating rink. Ninja funny spamming donkey deep-fried in lemonade at Sizzler not above the law at all. Rats on TV host Big Brother nine temples in the heart. Crazy flies dip flame on dragons at dawn eat French Fries. Not nice Mr. N. Nobody at the ball die creamy pie!
  6. Adventurer
    A few notices followed by the closest thing you'll see to a rant from me
    HPE/Bioscience - I got 96% on my test, best in the class
    Music - Did my Wolfmother thing today, I got an A
    Saxophone - I'm already better than the guy that's been doing it for a year after two lessons
    English - I'm annoyed. I'll make a list of events that make me annoyed:
    1) I am sick in English.
    2) The day I get back, the teacher tells me that we have to be put in groups for our next assignment. Now, I'm usually all for groups, but I'm with the laziest people in the class >_<
    3) We are writing a script for a play, we each decide to write two minutes of the script each.
    4) The next day, I come to school and go to English, I've done my two minutes, the others haven't. I tell them to get it done by tomorrow so we can rehearse before the weekend.
    5) The next day, none of them have don it yet, we have one day to rehearse, assuming they actually do it.
    6) On the final day we have for rehearsing, they still haven't done their part. I decide at this point to write the whole thing on the weekend and hope that we're allowed to use palm cards.
    7) I complete the assignment and it was very well written I think
    8) Now for what happened today, the teacher tells us we're first! To make matters worse, we're after the best group... Even more depressing, we weren't allowed palm cards!
    9) We struggle through my well written script and the teacher actually stops us before we finish and tells us we all failed! Now, you should know that me and my English teacher don't like each other, so when she sees I'm in the group that did the worst, she assumes it was my fault and I get a double detention for dragging the rest of the group down!
    10) Luckily, my friends tell the teacher that I was the only one in the group that did any work and she will reconsider my score.
    11) I come to do a previous detention with her at lunch and I see her marking out group. I happen to see her saying that we didn't use props or costumes. We did use props and neither of those items was in the criteria!
    12) On my way home on the bus, I am left to ponder whether I should have done the whole thing in the first place so we would have had time to rehearse it, but that contradicts what the teacher said to me when I said that. In retrospect, the teacher got angry at me for what she told me to do
  7. Adventurer
    I got back home a few minutes ago and I'll give some updates
    Beach: I went to the beach yesterday, fun was had
    Official S&T Lexicon: I made the offical S&T Lexicon just then, check it out
    Power Packs: I got my two Power Packs I left one closed as a collectible and I opened one. Next on my rare items list is an orange Vahi...
    Adventuress: I haven't yet said why I got the gender change. I got it because the Empress said so
    New Theory: Click here.
    That's all for now
  8. Adventurer
    Yay! Taka's back in action with new twilight powers!
    Anyway, I got BotW much to my half surprise. Nothing really to comment on there, though ti has inspired me to update my content blocks finally. One thing that was mentioned was that most of my previous entires are locked - I mainly did this because I'm lazy and don't want to have to check a dozen old entries.
    Back to Taka, I hope to finish the preliminary Official Takanuva Topic for S&T in the next two weeks (I am still on holidays you know ), as I think it will be needed a fair bit.
    I'm disapointed to say nobody met my challenge to find out what word I derived "Vespidax" from, so I'm giving you a second chance. I'll give you a clue - think insects.
    'went fishing today, we only caught a small Brim, but what will you do?
    That's all for now.
  9. Adventurer
    Tests are over!
    I think I did pretty well, the only mistakes I would have made would be from not reading the question properly.
    Anyway I have changed my avatar and banner again, though I plan to use the Indy ones again at a later date. Speaking of the Indy contest, I have put Toa Z and Everclear's prizes up in a new awards content block. From now on the winner of IAIA blog contests will be put up there.
    Anyway I was planning on making the IAIA entires into an epic like story. What do you think?
    That is all.
  10. Adventurer
    I don't feel good.
    In other more exciting news my first BRC thingy should be up soon. I just have to finish the stuff up properly. Hopefully it's alright, but I want you guys to pick it to death.
    I also still want people to take more note of the set database, which I have been making a lot of little changes to. Remember to post your suggestions here.
  11. Adventurer
    When I woke up this morning I hot my leg and it really hurt. I'm going to a doctor this afternoon, as a result I get the day off Not much to comment on. I will have limited access to BZPower over the next week and a bit, so when I have time, I'll post one big entry telling you what I did in my absence See Ya!
  12. Adventurer
    I saw the movie Gabriel today, it was a bit odd, but that wasn't what I found interesting. What interested me was a trailer before the movie. No name was given, but over the past few months, the movie has been nicknamed "clover field". The trailer basically starts in a New York apartment during a going away party for someone name "Rob". Suddenly, a huge screeching, yet deep noise is heard (exactly like the sound the monster makes in LOST). Everyone runs to the roof to see what's happening. Then they flash forward to a news report speaking of something big making strange sounds. Then they flash forward again and the noises are louder and everyone is out in the streets. A huge explosion is seen in the background and the Statue of Liberty's head flies into a building. Everyone is screaming and the trailer ends. If anyone knows anything about "clover field" please tell me, it sounds cool
    PS: I also got my new furniture and Maxilos
  13. Adventurer
    I saw Kung-Fu Panda last night and it was better than I thought it would be. I'm glad I went to a 10:00 PM session so that I didn't have to sit next to two year olds though.
    Anyway I've been wanting to update the Makuta Mistika topic with comic thirteen stuff, but there isn't really that much to update. As a result, I might try and get some of the physics stuff done.
    Other than that, I'm now also playing the original Half-Life games (which are pretty fun) and have been waiting to get my new computer. When I get said computer, I might try and get a new game or two to go with it (Lego Indy for sure as well as maybe Crysis or Bioshock...)
    Anywho, I don't have anything left to say so, see ya!
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