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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    ....So it wasn't just my computer stuffing up after all.
    Anyway I'm going home later today and I'll finally get to try the new computer. I can't decide if I should put Firefox 3 on or just use IE for now....
    Anyway I'm still trying to catch up with the forums, so see ya!
  2. Adventurer
    Well I figured you all wanted to hear how I've been, so here's a little update:
    1) I am now doing the Mythology section of the BRC and I've got some tasks to give the new RKs, hopefully one day we'll have enough time and power to make another BZP Ultimate Quiz.
    2) I had to walk home in the rain today after losing our basketball game. I'm getting better, but still not that great.
    3) I saw a bit of E3 stuff, nothing seems that surprising really, except maybe announcing another Final Fantasy before the other one is out. Left 4 Dead 2 (I would have called it Left 2 Die, but whatever ) was a surprise and I'll hold judgment for a bit longer. I am sad that they haven't shown any Episode Three stuff, but oh well. Crysis 2 was announced, but I'm weary considering that it's being co-developed for consoles. I really hope that they don't sacrifice the graphics or large open spaces... Also, if Starcraft II comes out this year, I owe myself ten dollars. B)
    (Oh and Monkey Island is back!)
    4) I've been playing some Team Fortress 2 and I've become a rather good Spy. I now have a record of eight backstabs in one life. Anyone know which I should use; Cloak & Dagger or Dead Ringer?
    5) Official topics... Yeah... Makuta Topic is on hold because of the nest point... Once that's done I plan on tackling the physics topic (yeah right, Adv! You're crazy! :angry: Go back to your little whole, pessimist!)
    6) I'm making Kanohi Journal articles again. I figured I'll just work longer hours without pay.
    7) Pop!
    8) I'm making a new banner too...
    9) Pop!
  3. Adventurer
    IAIA member Takepic would like to inform you that Adventurer was found lurking outside S&T. He abruptly transformed into a new form and took off. Unfortunately, Takepic was not able to follow Adventurer. We need your help to find a picture of Adventurer's new form, help us and you will be given a substantial award.

  4. Adventurer
    OK, today I decided to finally complete the last mission is Fallout 3 before the DLC stuff came out, but before I did so I downloaded the patches and got Games For Windows Live. Not a good idea. I lost all of my saved games. My character is dead and I am sad. I suppose this means I have to start from the beginning again, so much to redo. *Sighs* At least it's fun.
    EDIT: Turns out I just needed to turn off Games For Windows Live, which is a shame because I need that if I want achievements.
  5. Adventurer
    I got Bionicle Legends#11 and Toa Ignika.
    They'e both awesome, though I won't talk about either since Toa Ignika is old for the rest of the world and Bionicle Legends#11 isn't allowed yet.
    In other news, we've used our download limit, so we have really, really slow internet now, so don't expect me to post much for the next week...
    That is all!
  6. Adventurer
    I'll try and do a small entry once a day, that way people don't complain that I don't type big long entries Today two dully exciting things happened:
    1) A Maths Exam Yay!
    2) Sport
    The maths exam was the second and last half of it and it was driving me mad to know that only two people in our class (the "A" class) got 100%. I know it wasn't me because after the test I re-did one of the questions I found out I was wrong. But it's still interesting to know who's better than you Before the test I had to borrow my friends calculator as mine was dead, because of this I was ten minutes late! I still think I did all right, but that ten minutes extra would have been real nice on my over worked hand
    In terms three and four you choose three sports. It goes like this:
    Sport 1 for a few weeks
    Sport 2 for a few weeks
    Sport 3 for a few weeks
    Sport ? for 2 weeks
    My order so far is Cricket, Volleyball, Soccer (Dang! No Rugby!). I'm on my second last day of cricket and (it's not competitive, just for fun (at least it's meant to be)) I was captain today I chose second but I still ended up with a pretty good team. I loss the toss and we were batting second. Our whole team was doing really well except for one person who I will name Mr. X. Mr X didn't pay attention and let the ball go past him (I actually counted) seven times! I was pretty cross, so I started thinking that every one makes mistakes, but seven times! He cost us over twenty-five runs! Eventually we batted (I got thirty runs ), but there was a problem; they had an extra person! Someone who hadn't been playing at the start had joined in! It turned out to not be such a problem because we ended up winning by sixteen runs. Fun was had by all
    In retrospect, that was pretty long and I hope that won't become a standard
  7. Adventurer
    The IAIA is proud to announce project REWopzb is under way and is due to be completed in two months. Stay tuned for more information on the progress of REWopzb as we cannot reveal anything as of this moment. We can tell you however that the Cheetahs were making too much noise so unfortunately we had to say "bye" to them.
    In other news, we have lost all contact with agent Spinsmile. We fear for the worst and our team of Nahnah, Dazed and BR have found no clue of where he has gotten too.
    Takepic is still missing, if you have seen him, please inform one of the friendly staff at one of our many convenient locations.

  8. Adventurer
    Crysis. Another game I may have required.
    Anyway I did a small update on the Takanuva topic recently and I'm planning to update the Mistika stuff when I'm more sure about what I am actually allowed to put up there. I might just wait until Bionicle Legends#10 spoilers are allowed... Also, I've been trying to update the S&T#4 list, but half of them haven't been changed and the other half need bonesiii's or Greg's approval. If you want you're entry approved (and it doesn't require bones's approval) PM me.
    Anyway I still haven't seen the Dr. Who finale (due to being away from home) but I should be back home on Sunday to watch it (don't spoil it! ) I will also be able to use my new PC then as well and I'll probably start by installing these games:
    The Orange Box
    Lego Indiana Jones (if I get it between now and then which is unlikely)
    Half-Life Source
    Opposing Force
    Blue Shift
    F.E.A.R (if the copy actually works >_>)
    I'll probably put more on later, but they're the ones I'll start with.
    Also who else has played Off Road Velociraptor Safari? Awesome free game.
    In Bionicle related news, I've been keeping an eye out for new sets, but I still haven't found any. I plan on getting Tahu and Krika first, as they are my two least favourite sets (save the best until last ). When I get them, I might try and post some reviews, but unfortunately I can't find our camera, so they would have no pictures.
    BTW: Bionicle Legends#10 was pretty cool, especially Bitil and Takanuva.
    PS: Pop!
  9. Adventurer
    Well today at school was my last week of playing cricket this year. Not much really happened, I scored twenty-one runs and we lost. When I got home there was two packages for me. A box of sour lollies and a boiler pen from my Grandma and the new Australian LEGO magazine. It didn't have the comic, as you can't get them in Australia, but it came with a little fire boat and some Toa Mahri stickers. Inside the magazine, the best two bits were an interview of how they design BIONICLE sets and a BIONICLE board game, where you play as Hydraxon and have to capture Gadunka and Maxilos while the Toa Mahri try to stop you. After that I got on the computer and went to BZPower and after a bit of forum searching, typed this.
    PS: I got a new banner
  10. Adventurer
    Seriosuly, at the moment I so want a Rode. I mean people lie so often (including myself ) that it is next to impossible to know when people are serious, joking, lying and telling the truth. >_<
    Anyway my RK project is coming along, hopefully I can make some more progress on it this weekend. One that's done, expect to see an official Bionicle love topic.
  11. Adventurer
    I have my favourite Kal now! I'm happy.
    Anyway how do you guys like my new avatar and banner? I hope Artakha doesn't look too odd on it's side in my banner. I also got Shadows in the Sky today. I haven't read it yet, but I will as soon as I've finished watching Cloverfield, which I now have on DVD. That's it.
  12. Adventurer
    Well I'm only thirteen years old, and I've just found a patch of gray hair on the back of may head! At this rate I'll be gray by fifteen or sixteen I guess this will finally give me an excuse to dye my hair. So the question I ask you is, what would be the best colour to dye my hair (I currently have dark brown hair )?
    PS: I added chapter two of my epic
  13. Adventurer
    Just a few notes:
    -The reason I chose "Adventurer" over "Adventure Master", is that if I was Adventure Master, my initials would be the same as my best friend
    -My epic will be updated about once every two weeks from now on
    -I will finish my thoughts on the 08 small sets once I have decided what I think of them *starts thinking*
    -I can play "Hot Cross Buns" on the Tenor Sax now, very easy to learn
  14. Adventurer
    I had a few things I did in school today. Fist period I had Science and we got the results from the test I told you about. I got thirty-five out of thirty-seven, the best anyone got in the class Next period I had English. I had to present my project (selling a holiday to another planet that we made up) and give a speech. My planet I was advertising was called HappyAir (meant to sound like "happier"), on my planet the atmosphere is made of a mild laughing gas so you always feel happy (). Other than that, not much happened today. I'm changing the colour of my font to green now, not for any real reason though.
    PS: When the camera is working, I'll post a set review, please tell me which set I should do from this list:
    Toa Mahri Jaller Toa Mahri Hahli Toa Mahri Hewkii Toa Mahri Nuparu Toa Mahri Matoro Toa Mahri Kongu Gadunka Hydraxon
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