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The Dark Chronicler

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Everything posted by The Dark Chronicler

  1. IC: Vrana "Yes, I believe you're right." Vrana nodded in agreement, then stated. "But you push him into the Volcano, not me."
  2. IC: Zyckel "Yes, It is now finished." The armor-smith replied, handing the piece of armor back to Kamaehu. "That will be sixteen widgets."
  3. IC: Virthee "I have thought about it many times, but I am needed here." Virthee explained, following Nikaron. "As I'm sure you have seen."
  4. Well, you can limit what comedies he appears in, that always seems to work. Ah, Laziness and un-creativeness, the Reason Virthee appears in everything.
  5. IC: Virthee "Of course!" The Toa agreed, grabbing his pack full of supplies. "Shall we be off? I do not wish to keep them waiting any longer."
  6. IC: Vrana The Black Bird flew over and landed beside Cadias, walking at the same pace. "Soo... I say we ditch shorty in some way." He was talking about Aurix. "One Navayak is fine. Two is dangerous to our mental health."
  7. IC: Virthee He had done all he could For Grochi, now the wounded Toa just needed to rest. He turned to Nikaron "Sorry about taking so long to answer, I needed all my concentration to help this Toa." Virthee apologized. "But yes, I am now finished."
  8. IC: Vrana "I have no idea what obsidian had to do with sun blindness. I may not even want to know." Vrana commented, thinking. "Why take a boat, let's just walk!"
  9. Exactly, Cadias is a the only thing keeping the plot moving! All the good things and the bad things have him to blame for them in some way. No, but there's not a single being on the island who could take his place. I'll work on writing it tonight, so I can get the first chapter ready for reading. And what is the worst that could happen with joining in Who Killed V-3? Sure, you could die for guessing wrong, but still...
  10. IC: Chronn He shook his head, thinking over this past two cases; "I really don't know. But I heard his voice with my mask. That should be a major assistance to finding this killer.
  11. IC: Chronn "I'm working with two others, one Toa named icarin, and a person i don't remember the name of." I commented to the Matoran, wondering if he knew anything about this case.
  12. IC: Vrana "This isn't good. I can only carry two of you at once." Vrana explained to his friends and Crazy #2. "We can't fly there."OOC: http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  13. IC: Chronn "I focus on solving the crime, not who watches me solve it." I explained, realizing that this person must have seen me using my mask. But I had only used it twice before in public, and both had been within the past two days. Something was very wrong.
  14. IC: Moylan She backed up against the edge of the deck, barely dodging the attacks. "You are all going into the sea!"
  15. IC: Chronn "Not really, this is only my third murder." I explained to the nosy person. "I haven't made any enemies that I know of yet."
  16. IC: Moylan Multiple People, not a problem for a skilled sword swinger. She rolled backwards to avoid the attacks, and began slashing in return. "Surrender, and we won't have to kill you all and sink your ship into the sea!"
  17. IC: Chronn "The names Chronn, Thedar Chronn." I stated, shaking the extended hand. "So far, not as well as I had hoped. It's almost like the killer knew I would use my mask to investigate. He never let his victim get a good look at his face, or any part of him."
  18. IC: Moylan She waited for something to happen, ready for a fight. OOC: BioBeast, you make the ship, you make the crew.
  19. IC: Chronn "I, am a detective." I figured that's all the person really needed to know, for all I knew, they were actually the killer.
  20. IC: Moylan As she reached the ship, she cut the Magnetic pull, dropping onto the deck.
  21. IC: Moylan "Whatever you say, coward." Suddenly, She went flying toward the other ship, pulled by Magnetism.
  22. IC: Chronn I looked down at the person in front of me. They dare accuse me? This wasn't going to end well for them. "No, I don't think I have to explain." I stated, heading away to search around. "I mean, why should I?"
  23. IC: Moylan "No." Was her reply. "Why don't you, and prove why you're worthy of getting thirty percent?" She smirked.
  24. IC: Chronn "Strange... not a trace anywhere." I muttered to myself, but I wan't going to give up that easily. "Spread out, search the area!" I called to my employees. We were going to catch this killer, one way or another.
  25. IC: Moylan "Oh, I can fight. And at least I know my directions." She snapped back at the Calm Toa. "Plus, I WILL mutiny if i see fit to do so."
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