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Master of the Rahkshi

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Master of the Rahkshi

  1. @Bfa: No blog, silly. I don't like to start something if I know I can't keep it up.

    @Who?: Another oldie, huh? ^_^

  2. Did my message get through or was it eaten again?

  3. Happy birthday, my fellow grammar crusader. :) Enjoy yourself.

  4. I forgot that was filtered. Which makes me that in turn. XD

  5. If it will bring you satisfaction. I'll back online in about a week, by the way.

  6. It was up in the air for a while.

    And FFX is more awesome than Chrono Trigger.

    Though StarCraft owns both.

  7. Laughing Man is awesome.

  8. My reply is on your own page.

  9. Shhh! I'm trying to hide so they can't find me and force me to be Mad Hatter.




  10. Thanks, Cholie; I'm trying to make up for the last year. ;)

  11. What in the name of Sir Terry Pratchett is up with your sig, and where can I get one?

  12. XD Yup I am. And certainly for longer that I was around last time.

  13. You need to make ten posts that are approved by the higher-up staff before you can send or receive messages; once you have ten under your post count, you can send Greg or anyone else PMs. :)

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