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Blog Entries posted by Voxumo

  1. Voxumo
    So I had to head up to Fairbanks today to pick up food and whatnot with Foodstamps, since it's generally cheaper... I decided to also treat myself. I went and saw a movie today, Spy specifically. Surprisingly good movie for being a Melissa Mcarthy movie, I'd definitely recommend it. Mind you the last time I saw a movie while in theaters was Prometheus... So it's been awhile since I spent money on a movie. I also managed to pick up a rather good camera, a Canon Powershot SD1000 for a rather good price... About $40. The Camera's somewhat old, from 2007 to be exact, but it takes rather good pictures, so expect various pictures from me soon if you happen to view my flickr page.. And to top it off I picked up Onua today and a Mixel, the first non-bionicle/HF set I've bought since 2006. So far I've managed to get Onua, Kopaka, LoSS, PoI and PoE. Probably all I'm going to get until mid-fall.
    So yeah today was a really good day, not to mention found some decent deals while shopping, which are always nice to have.
  2. Voxumo
    I've come to realize, and accept, That I only really stick around on bzpower for 3 main things. The Main thing, the Bzprpg, specifically the one centered around the Island of Mata-nui, not all those other bionicle rpgs which I have no interest whatsoever in attempting to get into. The Next two can kind of be clumped together, Bzp Hitman and Mafia games. Those two series of topics are really the only 'areas' of bzpower where I don't feel like that awkward person standing in the corner at a huge party, with no idea why they are there. I mean I like to think I'm somewhat accepted in those two topic series, especially since they typically have the same people generally playing, so it's more of a longterm 'hey I know you, and I know how you play'. *Shrugs*
    That's not to say I haven't tried to dip my toes into other parts of Bzpower, but everytime I just encounter this overwhelming... Aura, stench, Miasma? Not sure what the best term would be, but it's just this wall of semi-elitism or people so high-strung that just need to unclench, or just cliques in general, if you aren't well known or know somebody it's next to impossible to really get involved.* These are all major turn offs for me really. If I can't enjoy a topic, I sure as heck am not going to stick around in said topic. But I don't get those impressions, that's the word I was looking for, from the Hitman and Mafia topics. Bzprpg only slighty in regards to elitism, but that's mostly because it's players who have been around for so long who have a rather good grasp on the game, yet generally are willing to take time to rp with newer people, so it's kind of understandable.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that if those three 'area's' of bzpower ever disappear, I probably would follow shortly after.
    *Reminder that these are just my personal opinions from what I've experienced and encountered, and may not be shared by others.
  3. Voxumo
    I really miss Bionifight. The Senseless fighting, the interesting but sometimes infuriating fighters. Not to mention the wacky methods in which some obtained victory. It's odd that despite everything that occurred during the various bionifights, at least the ones I was in, and the frustration it brought, I looked forward to what each week would bring.
    And before people say 'Why not just join Bionifight Infinite if you miss it so much' let me provide a reason why. I enjoyed the various versions of Voltex's Bionifight because it was pure combat, it was a pleasant escape from the otherwise slow as a snail Bzprpg. I came for the fighting, not for the story is a good summary. I enjoyed being able to skip over someone if they didn't respond in a reasonable timeframe, not constantly having my character stuck in a single scene because joe schmo can't post a reply. It was fast paced and fun. Also each player only having one character to fight with really allowed for some... getting to know your opponent and how they think. Didn't always have to go back and check profiles just to post and hope I'm not confusing one character with another. It allowed for a sort of detailed familiarity, to the point that one could likely even imagine what that character would look like without always having to check the profile.
    Though other two reasons for not joining bionight are far simpler. I've seen the number of pages that topic is able to crank out daily, and I would never be able to keep up, especially considering each person has so many characters all posting in the same topic. I've tried to skim through it on occasion and I just don't have the patience. Secondly I feel like if I were to join now I'd be utterly lost and really under-powered/at a disadvantage with people who have been playing for quite sometime. At least with the old Bionifights most everyone was on even footing each new round, minus the occasion Drift Force weapons, which by the end of the Drift force it seemed a good majority had at least one drift force weapon, making it a bit even.
    Also forgot to mention a third, very important reason. I just don't have the time for another rpg. I'm already trying to keep my characters in the Bzprpg somewhat active, don't think I could keep another character, in another rpg active either. Let alone follow the plot of two different rpgs.
  4. Voxumo
    Man I feel like such a mauka's backside. I just spent like 2 hours playing dark souls, specifically being invaded. So I got a magic set up going, Crown of the Dark sun, bellowing dragoncrest ring, Tin crystallization catalyst, Int: 51, and various soul spells. So my magic damage dealing capabilities are rather high. I'm in dark root garden, and I take a look around and see all those breakable shrubs, and I think to myself 'Boy, this would be a perfect place for chameleon.'
    Needless to say I spend about the next 2 hours hiding out as one of those breakable shrubs just waiting for someone to invade and walk by, lock on, and then boom, crystal soul spear to the back. I feel really bad for this one guy who must have been walking around for like 15 minutes trying to find me, and long behold I was right next to where he spawned in. But hey, this is how I see it.
    'Oh, you want to invade me, well I'm gonna make it as difficult as possible for you.'
  5. Voxumo
    So I recently completed my initial playthrough of Dark Souls, 170 hours later, and after messing around with some invaders I decided to create a secondary character.
    You see my initial character is somewhat of a Int build, with varying bits of strength and dexterity. I like being able to wear these heavy**** armors and able to take hits, but still able to use my magic. Like currently for him I'm using an Enchanted Scythe +5, able to deal 600 damage, Logan's catalyst and a Black Knight Shield +5. Armor Wise I'm typically using the Black Knight +5 set, though sometimes I change it out with bits of Black Iron set. Overall I'm somewhat satisfied with this build. Oh and the current SL is 144
    However for this new character I'm thinking pure strength/dex build. I'm typically not one who likes this type of combat, but I figured I'd give it a try. I want the character to be able to use light armor, so I'm probably going to be using the Thief set, since it offers decent defenses for a light armor, and it's weight is good. Though I'm also going to be putting alot of levels into Endurance, because boy will this character need to be dodging alot.
    So yeah, just thought I'd share this.
  6. Voxumo
    Ok this kind of occurred to me and I am curious what others feel about it.
    Would you rather stay current with a show, or would you rather wait for it to get a decent amount of episodes then binge watch it?
    I was watching SAO II and trying to keep up with it, but after the second episode of the 'mother's rosario' mini-arc I decided to hold off on it till there was a decent amount of episodes. Also I've been without actual cable/dish since I moved so I'm horribly out of sync with recent television so the binge watching works out better for me.
  7. Voxumo
    So I recently received an email from Lego stating they were sorry for some of the errors with the bionicle sets on lego shop at home, and that as a way to say sorry they were offering a code for free shipping. Now luckily before I got my hopes up I read further down and guess what... The code is only valid in the contiguous United States and Canada. This basically means that i'm SOL for using the free shipping since alaska, along with Hawaii, is not part of the contiguous united states.
    So pretty much I have a code that is useless to me. But this irks me so much. It's oh we are sorry lower 48's, here have free shipping. *Alaska and Hawaii stands outside, faces pressed against the glass with big puppy dog eyes*
    Also I'm not sure if giving out the code is against bzpower policies, hence why I'm not.
  8. Voxumo
    Yay! New blog title!
    Felt it was time for a change, and finally I think I found a name for this blog that I can be satisfied with. Heck one could even say there is the possibility for a theme.
  9. Voxumo
    I wonder how many people noticed the mask of time made an appearance in the trailer video lego released for bionicle 2015. When Makuta and Ekimo are shaking hands, in the upper left corner you will notice clouds that resemble a certain mask.

  10. Voxumo
    Well I recently got Swert's Vahi in the mail last tuesday, and after some building I can say it is officially together. The Entry image shows it's comparison in size with the regular set vahi.
    I want to say thanks to swert again for creating such an awesome piece of bionicle memorable, and being willing to part with it.
    I did infact attempt to wear it, and now i remember why no images of myself exist, except this one now.
  11. Voxumo
    So not more than 5 minutes ago my cat, gir, was laying on the edge of my bed sleeping peacefully. Apparently he decides to wake up and stretch while rolling over. Long story short he managed to roll right over the edge, though there was a brief moment where he clung to the sheet with wide eyes before falling to the ground... I have never laughed so hard at my cat. Then when he gets back up he still has this dazed kind of look on his face.
    Mind you this the first time he has ever been that clumsy in four years
  12. Voxumo
    Well finally got moved into my new place.. after a year of no hot water and having to boil water when i wanted to take a shower I am finally in a place with running hot water.. far bigger than my last place and life is generally good. Still have alot of boxes to unpack but right now i am sore from all the lifting and what not I have had to do.
  13. Voxumo
    So Shadow Flaredrick is running a Hitman game and we need people. Come and Sign up folks. You won't be disappointed.
    Bionicle Hitman VI: Final Hour! Guns, Explosions, and hoardes of enemies that no one can count!
    And for a limited time if you sign up now I will promise not to use the Icepick of Doom! Once in a lifetime offer
  14. Voxumo
    *wipes some dust off of his gloves and smirks*
    So after being temporarily banned for week I am intrigued to see what I have missed... 41 notifications popping up only has me mildly worried. Yet you know perhaps what I am looking forward to the most? Not giving a care in the world.
    See I am sure that when you are banned or temporarily banned people will look at you differently. Their image of you may have been tainted and now they think negatively of you. And you know what I have to say to that? I don't give a flying mahi what people think of me. I am not here to prove myself to Bzpower nor am I here for a popularity contest. Considering this is really the first time I went off the deep end in my entire time on Bzpower which is about 7 years now I have to say I am doing a fantastic job. Never before have I been punished for anything on here nor have come close to being punished. So you know you can take your opinions of me and keep them to yourself.
    Afterall one does not spend 4 years in two separate mental institutions and not learn to ignore the opinions of people.
    Oh yeah did I never tell you all this. You will notice that from about june 2008 to april 1st 2010 that i was basically non-existent on bzpower.. That would be because those almost two years I was in a institution for legitimate mental issues and anger management issues. The other two years were spent in Wisconsin from sometime in 2003 to mid 2005. So yeah I have had a bumpy existence. Considering most said i would be locked up permanently and that I would never finish school I have one thing to say to those people 'I'm out and about and have a high-school diploma and graduated with a gpa of 3.9. I was valedictorian of my class (Yeah the class was only like 15 people but still). I would like to think I have succeeded where many thought I would either have failed or would be dead at my own hands. To those people who doubted HA!'
    It feels good to rant like this and just get this out on the table. Am I ashamed to have P.D.D and schizophrenic tendencies? Not in the slightest because I am proof that just if a person has a mental disorder they can succeed at life.
    And while i am not sure if there are parts of this that may or may not get it removed i am willing to take that risk Partly because i am not sure which parts those would be. However if there are parts sorry in advance.
  15. Voxumo
    You know I took a look around my home today and realized something. For the most part I am stuck in the 90's. I mean I still have a wall phone with a *Says in ominous voice* CORD *Gasps*. But really There is something about being able to talk on the phone and having something to fidget with. Call it what you want I just enjoy being able to fidle with that cursed cord when I am speaking with someone.
    Then I looked at my kitchen. Old style propane oven/stove, microwave that is older than me and not even a dishwasher just a little tray I can stack dishes in to dry. Am I upset by this? Not in the slightest.
    When it comes to certain forms of technology I am clueless. Such as these new 'smart' phones. I still use my samsung flip phone. However mine is a light blue color. But none the less back on topic. why do i need my phone to do all this fancy stuff like connect to the internet, play games, turn on my house lights from miles away? I almost flipped my lid when i saw that they have apps or something that can adjust the temperature of your home from your phone. I was about ready to denounce humanity and become a hermit and live in a cave. Yet alas i didn't... even though it would be fun to become crazy eddie
    *stands outside his cave*
    "Hi! I'm Crazy Eddie! I put babies on spikes. Do you want a rack of babies? We've got babies on racks!"
    *Twenty thousand Crazy Eddie bucks for the first person to get that reference*
    But my whole point to this little rant? Just that I enjoy not being technologically advanced.. Why mess with something that is working? So what if I get lost when alot of people start talking about techy stuff, I just nod my head and insert the appropriate comments at the proper sections.

    *Behold the oldness*
  16. Voxumo
    Source: Describe The Avatar Of The Member Before You!
    *Gasps and begins to laugh evilly*
    For once I am the ninja and not the Ninja'd..
    This must be what Happiness feels like..
  17. Voxumo
    Has anyone else ever had that nagging feeling that they are missing something big? Lately on Bzpower I feel this alot... Like I am missing something important on here.
  18. Voxumo
    I have officially found a stalkerish fortune cookie. I go to open a fortune cookie from the chinese i had yesterday and when i read said fortune cookie it says

    Don't forget, you are always on our minds.

    This worries me greatly.. Because it makes me wonder whose minds those are and why I am on their minds.

    So yeah.. Beware the stalker cookies

  19. Voxumo
    You know.. I have recently been thinking. which is a potentially dangerous thing. But I have been thinking, the British have an amazing accent. This revelation came to me while watching The Omen (1976 version). I could not help but listen to the accent and realize how comforting the British accent is. I could be robbed by a British person, at gun point and be the one feeling sorry. 'Oh you want my wallet. Please do take. It is serves no purpose and would look better in your hands.' And vice versa if I were to rob a British person somehow I would end up giving them my money for I would feel immensely horrible.
    It's no wonder the The Galactic Empire was able to invade so many worlds. The world being invaded will just feel horrible if they try to stop the Empire. That is why all the important people in the Galactic empire had British accents.
    And my final note on this. I would prefer a person with an authentic British accent tell me bad news. They could tell me I was going to die in seven days and I would likely be okay with it, 'Oh really? I'm going die in seven days? Well thank you for taking the time to tell me. Hopefully it didn't take too much time out of your day?"
    Here it now, if I have a terminal disease I demand a British person tell me!
    And that is all for my tiny blog entry. Also this is my random thoughts that go through my head at random times... Lack of sleep does this.
  20. Voxumo
    Well after nearly a year of waiting I was finally able to purchase BioniLUG. I will admit I am excited about this. Though I doubt I will be attending any actual events in the near future.
    So yeah long story short: I am excited and can not wait to get involved more in it.
    *Strums fingers*
    I wish I had something to add to this but i sadly don't.
    *Rolls around in a Swivel chair*
    God I wished I had a swivel chair. I would be getting in so much trouble with it.
  21. Voxumo
    So I was immensely bored and decided to take a nearly 150 question quiz to find out what my D&D Race, Class and Alignment would be. This is what I got.

    You Are A:

    Chaotic Evil Human Sorcerer (3rd Level)

    Ability Scores:

    Strength- 13

    Dexterity- 11

    Constitution- 15

    Intelligence- 17

    Wisdom- 15

    Charisma- 12


    Chaotic Evil- A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.


    Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.


    Sorcerers- Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.

    Is it wrong of me to say that I worry about myself when i Answered as truthfully as I could except for one question that I left blank because neither question suited me... Though if I ever played dungeons and Dragons I would so make this character.. Bad thing is I can not find anyone to campaign with (is that the right term?)
    *Stares at Dice bag Hopefully*
  22. Voxumo
    You know while fixing something in the kitchen and having my cursur on the short reply area on the forumn i come back to discover my cat apparently typed something
    efyuikosr padqwqxxxxxxlgj
    Truly makes me wonder what secret message he was trying to leave
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