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kozeka mahtri

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Everything posted by kozeka mahtri

  1. I'm fine thank you :3 how about you?

  2. "resulting in the popular Bionicle website BZPower coming under a denial-of-service attack for four days from an attacker using the name Kotiate."

  3. "set the toy-line apart from the Māori legends. This, however, did not prevent the many Bionicle users from continuing to use the disputed words,"

  4. darn it

    "The Bionicle product-line allegedly used many words appropriated from Māori language, imagery and folklore. The dispute ended in an amicable settlement. Initially the Lego Group refused to withdraw the product, saying it had drawn the names from many cultures, but later agreed that it had taken the names from Māori and agreed to change certain names or spellings to help

  5. yep, qoute from wikipedia "In 2001 a dispute concerning the popular LEGO toy-line "Bionicle" arose between Danish toymaker Lego Group and several Māori tribal groups (fronted by lawyer Maui Solomon) along with several members of an on-line discussion-forum (Aotearoa Cafe). The Bionicle product-line allegedly used many words appropriated from Māori language, imagery and folklo

  6. autism is a mental disorder

  7. myyy what a lot of people

  8. its based off a SNES, ever heard of chrono trigger? * btw I noticed you have a kind of autism


  10. so you are a Texan too?

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