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Toa Dekar: Toa of Airsoft

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Everything posted by Toa Dekar: Toa of Airsoft

  1. Hey. I see you like Wii. Do you have Super Smash Brothers Brawl for it? And is Call of Duty 3 for wii? Because i have it and i was wondering if you were playing it for the wii. Also. Wow. I take forever to say nothing.

  2. A few Airstrike 240s, and a really nice fully-automatic ak-47-ish gun. I have about 20 packs of 10,000 bbs. I airsoft A LOT.

  3. Sorry for the late reply.

    Yes, Dekar is my favorite matoran. Im trying to change my name right, now, To Toa Dekar: toa of airsoft, but i Cant remember my password XD

  4. Can you please tell us your point. Im pretty sure it has something to do with you being better than everyone else or something. I dunno.

    Oh and I dont care if people call me ignorant or stupid, so go right ahead.


    P.S (im NOT trying to start a flame war)

  5. Poll 1: (The) Juggernaut Poll 2: CzaR Poll 3: Chrome ~TD
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