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Status Updates posted by Biomech

  1. i giv u 5 kthx

  2. whoa double comment D=

  3. Hey You, it's about Time for you to Speak to Me, I'm in a lot of Sorrow. And oh your shirt, you're Wearing the Inside Out. (Pink Floyd ftw!)

  4. It.... it does..... =(


  6. hay get ur convo out of my profile!!!! darn kids

  7. KKK? What the... O___o

  8. oh snap DOK :)

  9. indeed it is! =D

  10. It's up to you! DECISIONS DECISIONS...

  11. *waves wand* it'll get better now :)

  12. You know they're gonna ban having # in names now. GOOD JOB.

  13. No one said I was leaving.

  14. i see wut you did thar

  15. WADDAPPPP DOKMASTER42 long time no chatspeak!

  16. I'm 26... I don't play much but I'm decent.

  17. Life is like that!

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