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The Optimist

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Status Updates posted by The Optimist

  1. Just to continue this...

    How can you sneak at school?

  2. Though, I don't have anything against that "hi"... It'll stay

  3. Awesome! Can't wait till you post them!

  4. Chané: Sounds great ^_^

    Jordboy: Hmmmmmm what?

  5. A bit bored maybe, but otherwise, fine :P

    What about you?

  6. And as I have to respond to your question asked in my profile... :P

    'A bit bored maybe, but otherwise, fine :P

    What about you?'

  7. I will. But I am so lazy it's unbelievable.

  8. Yep, it's Chester Bennington. I like Linkin Park :P

  9. Well, my character wears a Miru (any variation is ok), so I don't know... Silver Miru Nuva?

    If not, then you can use any Air Mask you have. If none can fit to the color scheme, then I don't know. But a Mask of Stealth would be ok, as it is an air mask too (worn by Nidhiki :P).

  10. Yep, I remember you =O

  11. You asked me if I came from Romania or Russia.. Why should I come from exactly there? :P

  12. You can't find a Volitak?

  13. An Avohkii is ok too :D

  14. Vezon master: It's ok, I don't care at all XD

    Black Sun: Cool! Wanna be friends?

  15. About the english, I guess I'm just too much on the computer :P

    And I might look older, but that's not my fault.. *points finger at mom*

  16. Sure, I can help you. Just... ask me here, about whatever you need help to, and I'll help you :)

  17. Har har har! I have no shame in my life! >:D

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