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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Makaru

  1. You and five other people report---er I mean I'm amazing like that.

  2. And I'll be in your city watching them.

  3. Your topic was closed because you had revived it after almost 9 months of inactivity. The limit in COT is 30 days.

  4. The Cure?

    That's -awesome-

  5. I'm in your blog. Entering your contests.

  6. Mustache and all?

  7. I am 80% Lawsome, 18% Dawsome, and 2% trace impurities.

  8. Things were so much better before they built that tower to the moon.

  9. Tom, when someone asks if you're a god, you say YES

  10. Nikira! Wait!

    I brought kittens!

  11. So that those with the password can look at it.

  12. I never set it up to be.

  13. You.

    I need your number.

  14. Oooooooone weeeeeeeeeeeek

  15. You are -totally- awesome.

  16. No worries, all our jam sessions will be posted on the internet for those cool cats unlucky enough to participate.

  17. *KIDNAP*

    "Niki Get!"


  18. So long as the hand stays off the thigh, we're good.

    And I mean my hand. Your thigh.

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