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About CaptainKangaroo

  • Birthday 12/20/1994

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    Someplace in you heart. :D No. not really.
  • Interests
    Yes, yes, interests.<br /><br />I will try and make my interests list shorter than newspaper article. Yes, the ones that make you flip to page whatever because they can't fit it all on one page. Yeah. Those.<br /><br />Music is a big part of my life, I listen all the time, except in class, no, I don't listen then. The bands I listen to vary. Anything from Punk to Metal, really. The bands I regularly listen to include: <br /><br />Narnia, Blessed By A Broken Heart, Titanic, Stryper, Dogwood, MxPx, The Crucified, Tourniquet, Bride, Final Axe, Pillar, REM, The Showdown, Rob Rock, Disciple, Skillet, a few songs by Disturbed, Haste The Day, Hazen Street, Holy Soldier, Justifide, some Johnny Cash, Led Zeppelin, Men At Work, Foreigner, The Police, Ozzy Osbourne, POD, Petra, Rush, Switchfoot, a couple songs by We The Kings, and another couple songs by Flyleaf.<br />Yes, yes, I'm a hair metal freak. Christian, mainly.<br /><br />Now we move on to books. Yes, I read, my life revolves around books.<br />Humor, suspense, action, adventure, drama, I READ IT ALL!!!! <br />*Eats book*<br />I really don't see how kids now don't read. Reading is awesome. If I didn't read, I'd be a nervous wreck. seriously.<br />My favorite bionicle set so-far is Nocturn. Such a pretty, completely stolen, name. His name fits him, surprisingly. Someday I'm going to make a female Nocturn and call her Nocturna. Nocturna's been used before, in the book "Silverwing," read it, it's good. I love his color scheme, such beautiful, glow-in-the-dark plastic. AND he has no brittle parts, that makes him awesome. *Kicks Hahli Mahri into garbage bin*<br /><br />Art is another big part of my life. There are several, don't you know?<br />I will spend several hours of the week staring at a blank piece of paper. Seconds later, it turns into a work of art. It's a strange process, really.<br />I draw, and draw, and draw. <br /><br />I can draw anime, it's rather easy once a style you can draw is found, it's not all the same. <br /><br />I have brought some quotes, very interesting, they are.<br /><br />"Don't be a knucklehead, son, there's no future in it." Forgot who said that<br /><br />"Satire is tragedy plus time. You give it enough time, the public, the reviewers will allow you to satirize it. Which is rather ridiculous, when you think about it. " Forgot who said that <br /><br />"Power is not a means; it is an end....<br />Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself....<br />The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy - everything.... No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends....<br />We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science.... There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always - do not forget this, Winston - always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless....<br />If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. "~George Orwell, 1984. <br /><br />That quote messes with your head. 0.o<br /><br />"I was out in the combat engineers. We would throw up bridges in advance of the infantry but mainly we would just throw up."<br />I think that was Mel Brooks, never quite got it.<br /><br />"A kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up." Forgot<br /><br />"Stupid is as stupid does, sir." Forest Gump<br /><br />Gotta love that movie.<br /><br />"ME HAND, SMEE, ME HAND, FETCH ME HAND!!!" From the amazingly good book, Peter And The Starcatchers.<br /><br />Great book, what I would've imagined Peter Pan to really be like.<br /><br />Haven't read all three, though. Still waiting for Moonwing to come out.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />What is better to extend your Interests list then posting very large quotes about the current becoming of the world? Well, I don't know what else. But I'm not going to cheat. 'Cause cheaters have to eat pun'kins, and I don't like raw pun'kins.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />What else is better on top of that than putting large spaces between paragraphs? *slaps face* "I don't wanna eat a pun'kin, I don't wanna eat a pun'kin..."<br /><br /><br />I also spend a sizable amount of time on Bzp. I had time to write this, if you haven't noticed. I enjoy reading the comics other people have put up. Most are becoming a bit noobish in humor, though.<br /><br />I also enjoy the Shops and Kits forum. There seem to be a lot of good kits, now. I'm working on my own, though I have taken it into neglect... <br /><br />Another forum I like is the Comedy forum, there's one rule with comedies: *random reader: no comedies under 300 words* no, not that, but that's good to keep in mind. It's that you can read them, or you can't. I prefer the ones you can read, by the way. It makes it much easier to, uh, read. <br /><br /><br /><br />I'm in the 8th grade now, I barely made it out of 7th grade. no, no, it isn't that I got bad grades, it's that it's a tradition at our school to tease the 7th graders, or "sevvies." I have a burning image in my mind of "hug a Sevvy day," I got tackled from behind by the better half of the 10th graders. Even some of the girls took part in it. Another one was "Throw a Sevvy into the girls bathroom day," I wasn't thrown, thank god. I'm pretty sure the girls didn't take part in that one.<br /><br />Ever eaten a warhead? Sourest candies ever. Make my face curl up into a flaming red ball of sourness. don't eat the lemon ones, DON'T EAT THE LEMON ONES!!!!<br /><br />NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *Random reader falls down and dies*<br /><br /><br /><br />I like paintball, and airsoft. Whoever thought about shooting balls filled with paint was a genius. Same with airsoft, but with plastic.<br /><br />I like being outside, even though there is no wood flooring. I like the trees. I climb trees, treasure that verse in your memory, It isn't well known. I hate getting sap stuck on my hands though, all the big trees have sap that hangs out. That's why I wear gloves. :P<br />I also like rocks, but I don't climb those.<br /><br />Oh noes! I'm running out of interests! *pulls out interests box*<br /><br />*gasp* Thank god! I still have plenty, they were buried under my quotes page. <br /><br />Well... <br /><br />Oh, not that one *blushes*<br /><br />Lemme see here...<br /><br />No, wait, I already did that one...<br /><br />well, I heard there was a competition to see how long you can get your interests list. I will dominate you all. ^^<br /><br />*hard stare from other competitors*<br /><br />Well, I do quite bit of facebooking. It's like booking, but with your face. ^^<br /><br />When I'm 35, I'm going to run for president. It'll be awesome, I'll probably only get 6% of my state's vote, but It'll be cool. ^^<br /><br />I want to thank highly-sugary Root Beer, because if it wasn't for Root Beer, I probably wouldn't be writing my interests list this late, I'd probably be sleeping, or writing something less important, like my other... thing...<br /><br />being vague is almost as fun as doing this other thing, if you didn't know, or if you haven't done that other thing...<br /><br />I probably sound like a politician, this isn't REALLY my interests, I'm just avoiding the question until someone else has something to say.<br /><br />What is that? There's no one else to say something?<br /><br />Darn.<br /><br />Another thing about politicians, though, is that sometimes they lie. What if I told you this really IS my interests list?<br /><br />Gosh, I'd make a good politician. ^^<br /><br />A little political joke, don't take me seriously.<br /><br />now...<br /><br />I guess I could mention my obsession with the Silverwing series, they're great books. I can't wait until Moonwing, the 5th book comes out, they say it'll be in December, or January, but I think it'll be longer. <.<<br /><br />I can also draw the characters pretty well, though I can't get the eyes right.<br /><br />I can do most anime-type eyes right, but these kind have escaped me. <br /><br />I hate Shade's eyes. <.< I can do Marina's though :D<br /><br /><br />I just forgot that I said I loved to read, yet I failed to specify those books I do read. So I'll do just that. *crowd boos*<br /><br />Peter and the Starcatchers, Peter and the Shadow Thieves, Peter and the Secret of Randoon, Silverwing, Sunwing, Firewing, all of the Chronicles of Narnia books, (The Magician's Nephew, Prince Caspian, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Horse and His Boy, The Silver Chair, The Last Battle) all the Lord of The Rings books, (The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of The King, The Hobbit) the Redwall series (Lord Brocktree, Martin the Warrior, Mossflower, The Legend of Luke, Outcast of Redwall, Mariel of Redwall, The Bellmaker, Salamandastron, Redwall, Mattimeo, The Pearls of Lutra, The Long Patrol, Marlfox, The Taggerung, Triss, Loamhedge, Rakkety Tam, High Rhulain, Eulalia) Love That Dog, Hate That Cat, Finding Blue, The Giver, plus several other books I haven't mentioned because i can't remember the titles.<br /><br />So that sorta does it for books.<br /><br />I'm going to continue blabbering on about random things in my life.<br /><br />*mumbles*... food... -- ... life ... -- *mumbles*<br /><br />No, seriously. I'm moving onward.<br /><br />Well, how are you holding up? do you need a break? Believe me, we can come back. All I have is time.<br /><br />...<br /><br />Okay. It seems in this list so far as I've written, I've failed to mention some of the bare-basics of my interests, for instance, my favorite color is green, I enjoy swinging on tire swings, I can swordplay decently.<br /><br />As for that last statement, you have no idea how safe you feel what you know that if someone challenges you to a old-style sword-duel, you'll kick their butt. ^^<br /><br />Besides that, I like green. I have a green iPod, I wear generally green shirts, etc.<br /><br />I'm a green freak. Literally.<br /><br />I actually am a green freak, in both meanings.<br /><br />I love nature, not just hitting it with a big stick. ^^<br /><br />that's fun too.<br /><br />now for those things-you-copy-and-paste-if-you-do-or-think-whatever:<br /><br />A guy and a girl were riding on a motorcycle....<br />Girl: Slow down I'm scared.<br />Guy: No this is fun.<br />Girl: No it's not, please, it's way too scary!<br />Guy: Then tell me you love me.<br />Girl: I love you, now slow down.<br />Guy: Now give me a big hug.<br />She gave him a big hug.<br />Guy: Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself? It's bothering me.<br />In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it and only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were out and he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for a person you love then copy this into your profile.<br /><br />98% of teenagers say "I love you" and don't mean it. If you are in that other 2% copy and paste this into your profile.<br /><br />I remember there was this time, when this one thing happened, and someone did something, and something happened to him, though I'm pretty sure he was--<br /><br />wait.<br /><br />didn't I cover this in another paragraph?<br /><br />Am I being too vague?<br /><br />Well, if you ever want to try to do that one thing, all you need is this thing, and that other thing...<br /><br />I might as well finish covering the amazing awesomeness of Bionicle as long as it's my turn sitting on my virtual soapbox. <br /><br />Back in the day, when Bionicles were only half-hard to put together, I got the MacDonald's promo, you know, the little 5-piece Matoran, or "Tohunga?" Well, I liked my little dude, I had the Matoro --yeah, the dead one-- and set out to get more Bionicles, I had obtained about three, I didn't even know there was a storyline, I was six, you know, and just played various games with them. Then I found the storyline, it all changed after that, not only were they COOL LOOKING, but they had a COOL STORY. So after that, I saved up a total of seven dollars, --remember, the Bionicles were cheap back in the day-- and bought one. Just one. He was sparkly new, and he was a beautiful white-blue combo they don't use anymore. He was Kopaka. Well, now I had Tahu, Jaller, Matoro, and my newly obtained Kopaka, I still didn't pay much attention to the storyline, probably I didn't bother to find the novels, and didn't use the internet, so I just made my own storyline. <br /><br />I completely forgot it.<br /><br />I'm not kiddin'<br /><br />It was probably the best storyline ever in the history of Bionicle, and probably deserved the awesome recognition of the Greg-man himself, <br /><br />Meh.<br /><br />What's lost is lost.<br /><br /><br /><br />That reminds me of another thing! *crowd boos*<br /><br />The whole point of this is to own all of Bzpower with my unbearably long and tasteless interests list.<br /><br />...<br /><br />I'm still working on my book "The Wondrous Adventures of Turakii's Profile Comments," it's a long title, but it's the only one that can contain all of Turakii's Profile Page Awesomeness.<br /><br />Thanks to Turakii's challenge, I can officially call myself, <br /><br />CaptainKangaroo: Stretch-The-Profile-Page Crusader!<br /><br />*Glorious music from heaven, followed by an angel soloist*<br /><br />8D<br /><br />*Soloist stops playing and angels return to heaven*<br /><br />Darn.<br /><br />Well, m'list is getting pretty long now, it's getting hard to think of new stuff to put down, but I'm sure I'll think of something.<br /><br />Oh, oh, here's a catch-phrase! <br /><br />"Stretch Crusaders: Stretch or be out-stretched!"<br /><br />I need to start a stretch-club, yeah. That'd be so cool. 8D<br /><br /><br />

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  1. Yeah, one my friend's mom met the guy who played C-3PO.

    I'm not joking... :D


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