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V.M.Torious 4.0

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Status Updates posted by V.M.Torious 4.0

  1. working on my timeline right now... i wonder if it has the power to control the speed of time like the Mask of Time from Bionicle or has the power to time travel...


  3. hey how are you doing?

  4. I updated my bzp intrests section, so come check it out!

  5. Hey Blazegirl! "Final" and new chapter of Club Nuva is up!

  6. Yes Blazegirl, I do like Halo because of the high-tech weaponary! =)

  7. O... M... G... I've got my 2-year Mask of Life!

  8. New chapter of "Bionicles on Lego Island" is up!

  9. Welcome to BZPower, Galigirl_3!

  10. New chapter of IPH is up now!

  11. So, did you saw a Lego/Bionicle commercial while watching the KCA on Nick?

  12. Don't worry, the new IPH chapter will be up by this weekend!

  13. Chapters 22 and 23 of Inika Palace Hotel are up!

  14. Okay, your turn to write on Nokama Montana!

  15. Welcome to BZPower, Kopaka0111!

  16. Welcome to BZP! Yep, I've got your PM!

  17. Hey Zuva it's Vakama Montana! I would like to be a GS on Behind the Laughter, and could you please review my comedy, The Inika Palace Hotel?

  18. Name: Vakama Montana

    Gender: Male

    Song: What I've Done

    Personality: He's very funny, smart, and energetic!

    Why you want to GS: Because Iranu's comedies are very funny!

  19. Hey Iranu-Shadow Toa, this is Vakama Montana, and I would like to guest star in TBGO! =)

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