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Posts posted by Fighty

  1. Hey everybody,I recently changed my avatar but so far that change has not been reflected on the forums. When I go to change my avatar, it shows my new avatar as my current avatar, but when I post, it shows my old avatar as my current avatar. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?

  2. Fun's over, everybody! Congratulations on a great round; you all fought honorably. It was extremely hard to choose a champion, but after careful deliberation I decided upon Toa of Discordant Dancing. He won not by wit or prowess, but by sheer, insane, "what-the-heck-just-happened" creativity. For his victory, ToD may retrieve either of his former Special Weapons. Good work, dude. Now, for the next round... Round 3: Bionifight (Team)You are all jettisoned into the atmosphere, into a mysterious city in the sky. Besides having copious amounts of chocolate fondue, the city also contains many secret portals that allow for quick and (mostly) painless travel throughout the city. Additionally, you have all been separated into the following teams; Blue TeamToa of Discordant DancingRenewalToa OnaraxSquishyfrogSkarloth Red TeamMoC1ibrowkanohi_masterToa of NerdsThe Fearless Leader Good luck to you all! May the best team win!

  3. @Toa of Nerds: approved. Also, the round is finished! All of you fighters put in valiant efforts, and somehow managed to coat the Po-Wahi landscape in 5 billion metric tons of snow, which toa Tahu melted and used to create the universe's largest swimming pool, complete with laser sharks and oversized lilypads. It was hard to choose a winner, but ultimately I would say that MoC1 ultimately was the champion, due to his constant posting, his quirky creativity and his humility. For his dexterous dominance, MoC1 will receive the Tesla Toaster. In addition to firing rock-hard baguettes at rapid speed, the toaster can also electrocute enemies upon contact. Use it well, MoC1! Now, for Round 2... Round 2: Bionifight (Regular)You are all whisked away to the Tahu Mata Memorial Swimming Pool. In addition to being 7,000,000 miles long, it is also rife with laser-sharks and lily-pads. May the best man win!

  4. This looks like fun. Name: SquishyWeapon: Bowling ballPower 1: The greenPower 2: Levitation, if possible.Power 3: GravityAppearance: A rather short pudgy fellow. Squishy isn't the smartest guy around, but he loves abusing his powers and strutting his stuff all around the battlefield. gah i post so much in this forum why does it have to be so flippin fun sometimes ;_;

    Approved. Feel free to jump in anytime.
  5. Name: VertakWeapon: A dagger, Usain Bolt (Won Round 6)Power 1: GravityPower 2: Stealth (Like the Kanohi volitak; Nuparu's mask)Power 3: Super strengthAppearance: Right Here (Gallery), Here Glad to see this back!Also, would I be able to co-host again? I don't need to, but I can if you need me to. Now time to go see just what the usain bolt did again.... -ibrow

    Approved - also, I would actually love for you to co-host, as there will inevitably be times where I will be unable to end the round on time. If I don't close down rounds in a timely fashion, feel free to close them down, choose a winner and award a Special Weapon. I merely ask that you don't award stuff to yourself all the time (which you probably won't anyways). But yeah, if you want to, the job is yours.
  6. Alright, Renewal is approved, and that makes five, so let the carnage commence! Round 1: Bionifight (Regular)All combatants are whisked away to Po-Wahi, a beautiful stretch of desert wasteland. There are a plethora of statues and cacti to throw your opponents into, so be sure to make use of them!

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