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Kardas: MESD

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Status Updates posted by Kardas: MESD

  1. K then, bye. I guess forever. :/

  2. KS, please, go back to your former self! I'm running out of places to contact you!

  3. Holy smack, everyone does know Aho... O.o

    Anyway, so you're the guy who keeps beating me in Halo! XP

  4. It's a troll people, calm down. Trolling troll is a troll.

  5. K, np. 5 stars for the Turk av!

  6. Dude, nice Turk av! I have an animated one of him dancing, if you want.

  7. We're free people, what do you expect?

  8. Ultimate REPTAR...

    Now you win.

  9. I'd call you a lie, but that would be shmelly. Don't ask me how, ask me something else.

  10. So tell me, Mr. Legend, how do you do it! Besides all the birthday topics.. :P

  11. :P srsly though, you know everyone. It's a bit scary..
  12. liek, OMG, r u legend or somting cause you noow 3v3ry1z!!!!!

  13. You no herez anymoar....;.;

  14. Yesh. I am here. Rarely.


  15. Yesh. I am here. Rarely.


  16. 'Ello! I am Lind-say Loooo-haaaaan!

    tell me if you get the quote...

  17. Hm, you have a good point, but I did join before you. Also, Multi-ethnic Siamese Doctor beats Dwight any day. XP

  18. Hm, you have a good point, but I did join before you. Also, Multi-ethnic Siamese Doctor beats Dwight any day. XP

  19. Hmmm, Great Vs. Ultimate...WHO WILL WIN. STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT.

  20. HeyYyYyY! I'm baAaAck!

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