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Year 17

About Zorrakh

  • Birthday 12/14/1992

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    The Bates Motel
  • Interests
    Aside from Bionicle, I'm a Terminator fan. I love the various machines and their styles, however I mostly like the H-Ks variations from Salvation, including the Harvester and Moto-Terminator.

    Since I'm talkaing about movies, my favorite director is Alfred Hitchcock. If you've seen any of his movies or any episodes from his TV show, "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," you know what his stuff is like. He isn't called the "Master of Suspence" for nothing.

    I'm also a big fan of The Legend of Zelda series; I have the first game, Link's Adventure, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess. I kind of want to buy Wind Waker, but I don't like the cell shading that much. I play a lot of Super Smash Brothers, too; my sisters and I have played more than five thousand matches. I may play it too much, but I like staying sharp. My favorite character is Link, and despite his place on the 'tier list', which I don't support, he's a really great character.

    I am now getting into Starcraft and its expansion Brood War, and while I'm nowhere near good enough to play online yet, I'm getting there. I also play Starcraft II, but I'm pretty bad. :P I also play Battle for Middle-Earth 2; my favorite faction is Mordor, however I'm not really good at the game.

    When I'm not MoCing, I'm either on the internet, reading, working on (or listening to) music, or thinking up ideas for my epic, Shades of Grey, which I have posted. Please go check it out and review if you have the time. :)

    As I mentioned above, I listen to music. My favorite genre is Classical (Romantic and Baroque included), mostly from the 17th and 18th centuries. Aside from Bach and others like him, I listen to Nine Inch Nails for various reasons, mostly because quite a few of their (Trent Reznor's :P) tracks are good, unlike almost all of the music by Christian bands, which I find a bit annoying and sad. I say that because it's sad that since I am a Christian that which I listen to is very secular (and depressing, most of the time) but I love Nine Inch Nails' style. The only Christian band I listen to is Red, and even then I only listen to three to four of their songs. I also listen to Steven Curtis Chapman, who is my favorite Christian musician. I own only one physical album, and that is Speechless by Steven Curtis Chapman; I got it for my Birthday many years ago. I hope that I will be able to compose in the style of both Nine Inch Nails and of the composers of old because that is the music that I enjoy listening to and it doesn't all sound the same, unlike most of the music of today.

    Lastly but certainly not least, I am very fond of traditional-style art; pretty much anything traditional, actually. However my favorite artists (or painters, if you wish) are Thomas Kinkade, who makes beautiful pieces with cottages and fields and trees that show the beauty of landscape. I just recently discovered the work of Albert Bierstadt, who has opened up my eyes and taken my breath away. How wonderful it is to see great sights in America that are not so well known painted in such a life-like way. Type his name up on Google and take a look; you will not be disapointed.

    If they aren't dead, please look at and review my MoCs; I would greatly appreciate any critique I receive so I can improve my skill as a MoCist. Thanks for tolerating my interests. :P

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