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Year 12

About Orahklas

  • Birthday 03/21/1992

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    I thought that I should really let you lot in on something about myself so I am finally filling this section of my profile out, but then I don't really have anything better to be doing at the moment.<br /><br />Well I would say (and so do other people) that I am normal, just plain and mildly boring, I don't particulary care for fashion, unless today's trend is jeans and a t-shirt. My mind is just slightly undone at the seams but oh well every ones is, it still helps me think and such, it also gives my time to ponder over things (usually of no importence), however I ponder too much, and then do too little. So many ideas yet such little enthusiasm >_<<br /><br />Music plays a major role in my life, I can't play any instraments excellently, but I can get top marks in ruining speakers by have the volume all the way up ^_^ Rock is probably my most favorable genre of music although every now and then some pop or dance track lodges itself into my CD collection. MUSE just might be the best band in my collection, closely followed by numerous bands similar to Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, Depech Mode and so forth.<br /><br />Bionicle obviously plays quite a large role in my life hence why I am here on Bzp. Mocing is probably what I spend most of my time doing, either that or hanging around the creative forums, peering at other members artwork, models, or epics.<br /><br />Whilst we're on the topic of epics, writing and grammar are both held very dear to me, don't ask why 'cause I don't know, but its always been something I've always done, when other kids drew and doodled, I sat and wrote about something, oddly enough though, I hate english lessons at school, well 'hated' technically since I soon move on to A-levels and thus I get to drop english =D<br /><br />A-levels are, for lack of a better phrase interestingly boring.<br /><br />To whome it may concern, I am gone.

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  1. Ah! That song. Lily Allen is good.

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