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Grey Snow

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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    Ok, I have a question before I get too into Part 3. Do you prefer more of the parts being actual story, like The Rift, Powerless, Dead Walking (and the rest of Orwik's death), etc., or like Fragments, Shkorl, etc. that don't talk about the story, just side stories? I just need to know before I plan out too many chapters, I can say now that the first two chapters of Part 3 are actual story and the third is side story, but I need this advice now so I can figure out the chapters and where they'll go.
  2. Grey Snow
    Well I don't know if anyone noticed this last update the other day, but I now have the other chapters decided upon. The new list:
    Part 2: The Rift
    1: "What have I missed?"
    2: Sleeper
    3: Krause
    4: Investigation
    5: Matter of Life
    6: Death Walking
    7: Fractures Pt.1
    8: Fractures Pt.2
    9: The Rift Pt.1
    10: The Rift Pt.2
    I'll let you ask two questions that I will answer based on Part 2.
  3. Grey Snow
    Well, first off, what Lighstone is for those who don't know.
    Lighstone is a short story I did, a tribute to Matoro essentially, a Torchwood spin off in the Bionicle universe.
    Story: It takes place about five hours after Matoro dies using the Ignika. He falls into a room, alive, his weapons still in hand. He is told his revival purpose isn't known, even to the Order, his new hosts. He is given a team and they must help the Matoran and stop threats to them, arm them against future threats, and keep out of the knowledge of Toa, and others like them.
    Name: Position: Specialty: Mask: Tools: Other Powers
    Matoro: Leader: N.A.: Tryna: Twin Cutter and Cordak Blaster: Ice elemental powers
    Introk: Second in command: "tying up loose ends": sleek Sanok: daggers: N.A. unless I did specify something, not sure
    Rhylm: Third in command: getting close to people, good leader: sleek Matatu, lacks scope: katana on back (like Sasuke in Naruto Shippuden): Water elemental powers
    Orwik: Fourth in command: autopsies: Akaku: four foot retractable wrist blade: Earth elemental powers
    Torshia: Fifth in command: tech. and information: Unknown: wrist claws: Plasma powers, unconfirmed if elemental or not
    Matoro: Toa of ice
    Introk: A different species, about Toa size, a bit larger
    Rhylm: Toa of water
    Orwik: Toa of earth
    Torshia: A different species, a member of Pridak's species possibly, about Toa size and appearance
    Length of Order employment:
    Matoro: hours
    Introk: thousands of years
    Rhlym: I believe 350 years as stated in chapter 3, I'd have to double check, to lazy to do so now
    Orwik: about 500 years
    Torshia: about as long as Introk
    Technology up to chapter 3 (no information given, just name):
    Ship (no specific name)
    Revival Gauntlet
    Chapter Names as of yet:
    Chapter "0": Lightstone (chapter 0 is the short story)
    Chapter 1: It Begins
    Chapter 2: Nightmares
    Chapter 3: Search
    Chapter 4: Answers
    Future Chapter names:
    Powerless Pt.1
    Powerless Pt.2
    Powerless Pt.3
    I will divide it into "seasons", as first ends I will take a break from it and begin posting maybe two weeks later with "season" 2.
    Currently working on:
    Chapter 4: Answers
    That should be it.
  4. Grey Snow
    Some chapter names for Part 3: Mask
    Nova Pt.1
    Nova Pt.2
    Nova Pt.3
    A New Enemy
    An Old Friend
    There's five chapter names for you right there, not sure which order, first chapter will probably be An Old Friend, two A New Enemy, and Nova will possibly be around eight.
  5. Grey Snow
    Part 2: The Rift
    1: "What have I missed?"
    4: Investigation
    5: Matter of Life
    6: Death Walking
    7: Fractures Pt.1
    8: Fractures Pt.2
    9: The Rift Pt.1
    10: The Rift Pt.2
    I have just figured out chapters 7 and 8 of Part 2, Fractures, Pt.1 and 2. I'm sure it will need two chapters to cover, but it may only require one, but the chapter(s), Fractures, will reveal how Introk, Orwik, Torshia and Rhylm were drafted into the Order, placed onto the same squad under Introk, and then when Matoro arrived and he was placed in charge, and possibly more on Matoro's revival.
    That's it.
  6. Grey Snow
    Lightstone is returning. Part 3 begins tommorow with "An Old Friend". I will post the link as soon as I post the chapter. Part 3 only has about five chapters so far, I've been busy with other work. It's likely Part 3 will only have about fifteen chapters as opposed to the original twenty or so.
  7. Grey Snow
    LOTFB: Legacies of the Final Battle, the 08 epic I'm doing, is nearly done. I don't expect the rest of you to be near this point yet, I have a lot of time to write on weekends, no internet, well, little, at my cabin. So I've had a lot of work time. 21 chapters so far, working on 21, I'm in the end of it, the final battle in the Swamp, the Order's next move, and the Dark Hunter/Toa/Order-Toa mission. Though I can't finish until BL11 is out and I've read it so I know how to end it. This is getting fun to write, I've brought back Lost War characters like Oborn and Sarn for the Order's mission, included the FoF in it, well not the whole thing, just the end.
    Ok, major spoilers:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Normal combat, etc., Ahkmouh is leeched and becomes a Toa of Shadow and Stone and fights Taka. 
    Order Mission:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Suicide charge, most of the members attacking Destral in one move, including the Barraki, Piraka, Karzahni and Miserix with Ehlek's species as an army. 
    DH/Toa/Order-Toa Mission:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Defend Metru Nui with the Hagah, Mahri, Order Leader, Krakua, another Toa (you'll see who when you read), Lariska, Falk and Doom (DH from Lost War), TSO, Voporak, TSO's bodyguard (can't think of how to spell the name), Master (another DH I created) and more defending the city from the Makuta who attack with Visorak, Rahkshi, etc. in one final defense. 
    And with some of the casualties I think some of you will be mad at who I've killed off.
  8. Grey Snow
    I have decided on an epic ending to my 08 epic, read at your risk for a large spoiler...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Since there are multiple Order agents in Metru-Nui most of the final battle is held there. The Matoran and Turaga are sent away to Mata Nui above for protection, and the Makuta, Rahkshi, etc. all fight the Order agents positioned there, the Mahri, Hagah, and everyone still there (maybe even Kardas) and a few reinforcements since the ports, etc. are closed off by the Makuta. The Makuta are trying to take Metru Nui to control it and take some control of Mata-Nui’s condition.
  9. Grey Snow
    I was on Bionicle.com and finally got the arrow to work so I could look at images like Axalara flying, and the last one made me think.
    Now, look in the back, doesn't that look like something large rising? I'm thinking that's Mata Nui rising. What do you think?
  10. Grey Snow
    My new rank. Um, the island is gone, and Teridax is controlling Mata-Nui's body. Does this rank hold any form of relevance, or sense, anymore? Am I evil, protecting Teridax and all? I'm confused...
  11. Grey Snow
    A new story, the first chapter will be done as a short story and then made as an epic. Matoro fans will like it, as it says in my title, it's called Lightstone, a Bionicle version of the show Torchwood.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Matoro is back as the main character and leader of an organization that's below the Order but above the Toa, Lightstone (refrence to Torchwood), and with four others, possibly Order members, they have to keep the Matoran and others safe from threats, like alien threats, like humaniod Kane-Ra, etc.
  12. Grey Snow
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «http://s361.photobucket.com/albums/oo57/pompomperson/?action=view&current=Scan0073.jpg 
    Discuss, the last page or maybe the back, of the new comic.
    Use spoiler tags for your posts.
  13. Grey Snow
    Ok, I have a questionare to give, because I can.
    1. Does your name have anything to do with BIONICLE?
    2. If not, where is the name origins?
    3. Favorite Makuta?
    4. Favorite OoMN member?
    5. Favorite Toa?
    6. Least favorite character?
    And now, the most important question:
    7. Do you like Piano Man by Billy Joel?
    1. Yes, cancelled epic, the name of the Toa of Ice.
    3. Icarax
    4. Brutaka
    5. Kopaka, Matoro, Lessovik (sp)
    6. I don't really care for Pohatu anymore, after his Phantoka form ruined him for me
    7. Yes
  14. Grey Snow
    Since it's likely to be down tomorrow, I'll post it now.
    Merry Christmas everybody.
    I'm getting:
    All three seasons of Arrested Development on DVD
    ...I think that's it since Kyle XY Season 2 comes out on the 30th, too late.
  15. Grey Snow
    Finally, tommorow at my cabin (gone till Sunday, perhaps limited acess Friday-Sunday, not much), couldn't find them last week at Target, but our friends in La Crosse found them at Walmart, Toys R' Us didn't have them there, suprisingly, so tommorow I get the canisters and Vultraz. They couldn't find Taka or Mazeka unfortunatly, but found Rockoh, though I don't want the vehicles and aren't getting it.
  16. Grey Snow
    10/23, Mole Day. A Mole is a chemistry unit that's equal to 1023 or something, or maybe 10.23, I don't know. But today is Mole Day that means. We had a party at 6:02 AM, as 602 is part of the mole unit. Anyway, celebrate Mole Day!
    Edit: More information here.
  17. Grey Snow
    Well, anytime I have news I'll post a new entry, but:
    Current chapter: I'm currently working on Chapter 4: Answers.
    Chapter names:
    Part 1: The Awakening:
    0: Lightstone
    1: It Begins
    2: Nightmares
    3: Search
    4: Answers
    Note: 5, 6, and 7 aren't confirmed as the true names yet.
    5: Combat
    6: Return
    7: Shkorl
    8: Powerless: Pt.1
    9: Powerless: Pt.2
    10: Powerless: Pt.3
    Parts: What I used to refer to as "Seasons" will now be "Parts", Part 1 will consist of the ten chapters listed above, Part 2 will probably also have ten chapters. So far for 2 I have:
    Part 2: (no title yet)
    1: "What have I missed?"
    Yes, more technology, I would have listed in my last entry, but I just came up with the names:
    Cordak Defender Mk.1
    Cordak Defender Mk.2
    *Note: Cordak is being used instead of "Desolation", it has no relation to the six barreled explosive weapons.
    Misc. Information:
    *At least one character death in Part 1, a main character, not an enemy that only may appear once, like a one chapter enemy, like the Humanoid Kane-Ra.
    *At least one more death in Part 2 of a main character, like above.
    *More importance placed on characters I wouldn't usually use (ie. Matoran), for good and evil purposes.
    *The final three chapters of Part 1 are going to be great, they may make you question me, for what I'm doing in those chapters, they may not, I hope they will.
    *Perhaps a cameo appearance in Legacies of the Final Battle, my 08 epic which I'll post after Lightstone.
    *Matoro's origins will be revealed...eventually...possibly...no idea yet...even how he came back...
    I will most likely try to make MoCs of them at some point, I'll update when/if I do.
    That should be everything
  18. Grey Snow
    Well, more so of just a big update and list of chapters:
    Part 1: The Awakening:
    0: Lightstone
    1: It Begins
    2: Nightmares
    3: Search
    4: Answers
    5: Combat
    6: Return
    7: Shkorl
    8: Powerless: Pt.1
    9: Powerless: Pt.2
    10: Powerless: Pt.3
    Part 2: The Rift
    1: "What have I missed?"
    4: Investigation
    5: Matter of Life
    6: Death Walking
    9: The Rift Pt.1
    10: The Rift Pt.2
    And part 3, the final part as I know, it will contain over ten chapters, and I was inspired by another series/source, I won't tell what, I will after I begin posting these chapters, but:
    Part 3: Mask
    Part 3 will contain probably around twenty chapters, most likely finish the Lightstone story, and be pretty good to do, though I'm taking some of the idea from elsewhere. These chapters should wrap up everything, Matoro's revival, the final battles of Lightstone, and the final enemies they face.
    I might give a hint at where I got the idea from, so ask for a clue, one clue per person.
  19. Grey Snow
    More updates for Legacies of the Final Battle, the 08 epic.
    Karda Nui

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Ahkmou will have two forms in combat, my MOC and Kaji's MOC I requested. Mine is his original form and after he fights Taka he changes somehow, no idea how yet, not there yet. Order

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Only two chapters devoted to this really, it ended faster than expected, but the end of it ties it up but will dump some old favorites of mine into the next section. 

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The defense of Metru-Nui begins, Dark Hunters with the Toa Mahri, Hagah, Krakua, Order Leader, and another mysterious Toa (I won't reveal who until the chapter is posted) all at war against the Brotherhood to save Metru-Nui. Others in the fight on the sides are: 
    Order: Kardas, special trained Rahi called Blaster Turtles and I think that's it.
    Brotherhood: Rahkshi, Visorak, Zyglak and I think that's it.
    That should be it.
  20. Grey Snow
    It came! Two controllers, all hookups, one memory card, one web browser disk. I just ordered Sonic Adventure and Soul Caliber off Ebay (I got the Dreamcast from there), at good prices, so in about a week, I should have two games. Now to find Ikaruga, Grandia 2 and some other games.
  21. Grey Snow
    Saoerann may know more on this, but I'll do my best with this.
    On another forum, the one that I, Saoerann, and others here are members on, one I mention sometimes, there's a female member named Cruel Writer, her real name is Paula I believe. Anyway, I don't know all the details, but she ended up in the hospital for I think it was a few months and then had to/has to take all these pain medications and that sort of thing currently and I think she said that's pretty much how she spends her days now.
    So I'd like to ask you to please help and pray for her and try to help her like that, please, I may not have been a great friend with her before she left, but I still became a friend with her and I'd like to ask of you for help.
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