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Grey Snow

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Posts posted by Grey Snow

  1. Gokaiger for the first...15 episodes was great. Gai brought it down, and the show got lazy it felt like. The Zangyack are a joke, the tributes are getting worse...I can't wait for it to end.That being said, I am an avid Joe/Ahim shipper.Anyway, seen Timeranger, Dekaranger, Gekiranger, Shinkenger and Goseiger. Geki is my favorite Toku there is. Period. It is an amazing season.

  2. It's no different from what Toei did with "Kamen Rider: The First" and "The Next"; re-imaginings of the first two seasons of the franchise. I'm certain this is going to be some form of alternate take on the origins of the Doctor, or a reboot franchise set as movies that will play things differently.

  3. Everything's been covered that I had to bring in, so let me just ask...how many of you were confused by what was happening? The chronology of these entries is getting to be pretty annoying. I had a hard time figuring out if Jessica was from the hotel (before or after amnesia), or the girl with Alex (however that works out), personally.

  4. If Tennant played Watson, I'd quit. That sounds very little of me, but I despised him as the Doctor, and can't see him as anything but. Even as Watson, even with Cumberbatch, I couldn't stand it.I love this show, though. I've read the whole canon, have an incredible love of Sherlock Holmes, and love this, absolutely love it. They showed their work, they made a masterpiece, they made me want a double breasted longcoat (mine isn't a longcoat variant, I love longcoats), and taught me the European Knot for scarves. Stylistically, it's beautiful. The actors are all amazing in their roles. It's just...pure amazement.

  5. The Master should stay dead.Cumberbatch should play some on and off recurring villain throughout a season or two; that would be great. If possible, another rogue/new Time Lord or something, not to replace the Master (can't do that, of course), but a Master-esque Time Lord enemy. Master-esque only in that he's a rival Time Lord survivor and sees the Doctor as an enemy.

  6. Chapter 9: 999 A.G.C.: Shalax sat bowed in a building that stood where the Dunes of Sorrow had once been. She focused her powers on the ground, forming it away, remodeling the ground into something else. A coffin. The coffin stood separated from the ground. It was the same material, but it no longer had any other connection to where it had just sprung from. Shalax put her hand over the coffin, opening it, finding nothing inside. Nothing visible. Flowing through this coffin was a very powerful energy. This was the energy of Xalcak; the energy that Shalax had focused and used as her own. This energy started to become visible before her as she started to exude some of the stolen powers back at the coffin. She closed the lid as she added her powers to the mix, waiting for a few minutes, and then opened it again. It had been a week since she had seen Island Defense for the first time. She had fought them briefly again, sending her minions out to fight on multiple more occasions. Island Defense always slew them without a single loss on their side. They were a powerful group, with very competent leadership. She would have to destroy their leader. Sion. No. She would destroy them all in one move. Sion wouldn’t die alone; all of his fellows would die with him. This plan would eliminate them all. She looked back into the coffin at the body of Xalcak. She had forced it to materialize for her, for her own desires. She put her arms out over the corpse she had created, giving it power, forcing it to life, just as she would create Strievers or Sliths. She brought power and life to this faux corpse of Xalcak. Even with a fake corpse, what she needed was still completed. Xalcak rose, his own mind back in his body; not a fake mind, not a fake soul. The real Xalcak. “Welcome back to the world of life.” Shalax said, rising to her feet, “It is only thanks to your powers that I was able to bring you back. You are truly a unique being, Xalcak. Your soul and mind remaining in limbo rather than moving on; your body being gone, but energy still flowing. But I suppose the body situation was the fault of the Toa years ago, was it not?” “Who are you?” Xalcak questioned in a monotone, sliding, stealthy voice. “Shalax; the inheritor of your power.” She said, turning her back on him, looking out at the city, “And the one who will claim this island.” Xalcak looked outside as he walked to another window. “What happened to this island?” “It changed since your death. I understand that it was already started before you died…but you can see the extent of it. Right now we’re at the former site of the Dunes of Sorrow, by the way. Completely gone.” “Tell me one thing.” “What?” “Why do you think I would submit to you and obey you?” “Because I have all the power here.” Xalcak lifted his arm towards Shalax. Her own armor rippled across her body, becoming like a knife over her entire being. It began to dig into her, threatening to kill her. “Very impressive.” She said, “I wish I knew that trick. Sadly, I don’t. Yet.” Her armor stopped. “You have my powers.” He said. “I do. Like I said, I am the inheritor of your power. That wasn’t figurative; I did inherit it. I took the time to learn your powers. You cannot kill me with your old ways. My ways are the same…and better. I can undo whatever you do.” “Why did you revive me?” Xalcak questioned. “I wanted your help.” “With what?” “Eliminating a group on this island.” “The Toa? I already took a few with me.” Xalcak said. “No. Not them. There are only four of them; two who fought you, and two rookies.” Shalax said, “No. Rather, I need your help in dealing with a group of Matoran warriors called Island Defense. They continue to slay the Strievers and Sliths I send after them.” “Even my Sliths fail?” Xalcak demanded, “You are not worthy of my power if you cannot have Sliths kill Matoran!” “Their weaponry is very good, and they are very skilled.” She said, “Feel free to try them if you want.” “I shall.” He hissed, holding his arm out. Strievers began to come out of the ground before him, hissing, ready to do as he ordered. “I shall send help with you.” Shalax said, holding her arm out, sprouting her own Strievers. Unlike Xalcak’s, the head blade that they had were down. Xalcak’s had the blade up. That was the only difference that they could see. “Go.” Xalcak ordered. His Strievers moved out. Shalax’s followed quickly. “What about Sliths?” She questioned him. “I never send them this early.” He replied, “First I must know how these warriors fare against the basics.” “Are you going to watch?” She questioned. “I can and am.” He replied. “What?” “In the mind of my eye, I can see.” He said, “Have you not learned that?” She walked out. She didn’t trust Xalcak, but she wanted to watch the fight. Was he tricking her into leaving, or could he truly see through his mind’s eye? Whatever the answer, she would find out after this battle. “Team Alpha! Secure the building to the right! Team Epsilon, with me! Teams Beta and Delta, take the building to the left! Fire from the top as Alpha fires from the other side of the street!” Sion ordered. The soldiers ran off to do their duties. Sion lifted his weapon and opened fire as he and Team Epsilon moved forward. Team Epsilon was heavily armed; very few using the standard weapon, most using the gattling guns. Strievers fell on all sides. Sion noticed the oddity with them; some were fast, some were slow and lumbering. Some had the head blades down, some up. He recognized that the ones with the blades up were also fast; just like in the past. The ones with the blades down were slow; as he had been seeing currently. Did that mean something? Did that mean Xalcak was involved? These were clearly his, after all. Or did that mean that whoever their current enemy was, she was just messing with them by doing this? “Concentrate fire! Don’t let up!” Sion ordered. The Toa started to arrive on the scene. Seig and Raiz were the first to notice the differences in the Strievers. “Does this mean that Shalax knows how Xalcak created Strievers…or does this mean something else?” Seig muttered. “What?” Yuli asked. “Nothing.” He replied. “Tell us!” Ryza snapped, “You’re hiding something!” “The Strievers are different.” Raiz said. “Different? Different how?” The Toa of Weather questioned. “Head blades up; fast moving. Those were Xalcak’s in the past. Blades down and slow moving? Shalax’s that we currently fight. She’s either figured out how to make both, or something is wrong here.” “Could some have just survived for all these years?” Yuli asked. “No.” Seig said, “They don’t die when their creator dies, but…no. They couldn’t survive that long.” “Do we fight?” Yuli asked, “Or do we observe? Try to figure this out?” “We fight of course!” Ryza said, “Right?” “Yeah.” Seig replied, lifting his sword, “Ok guys! Let’s make this quick!” His eyes darted around, “I’m almost certain that Shalax is around here somewhere, watching us.” The four Toa ran into battle, joining Sion’s team as they cut down Strievers. But as they continued, they noticed more arriving. Running quickly, leaping up and at them, coming down in a more feral style of combat. Xalcak’s Strievers once more. Soon, as they continued to fight, Sliths began to appear. The larger warriors ran into the battle, slashing around, forcing the Island Defense to break rank and refocus their energies on the larger warriors while the Toa dealt with the Strievers, despite being the opposite of sensible combat. “What do you think this means?” Raiz questioned Seig when they fought back-to-back against Strievers and two Sliths. “What do you mean?” “I mean…do you think Xalcak is back?” “After all the hardships we faced in dealing with him all those years ago?” Seig questioned, “No. He can’t be back! We killed that monster! We destroyed his body! That’s all there is to it; there’s no way he can be back.” “But after he died…you know what happened.” “I know.” Seig replied, “Destiny became corrupted on this island. His death caused destiny to make mistakes. I get that. But even though he was powerful enough to affect destiny, there’s no way he can be back! There’s no way he could raise himself, or Shalax could raise him! That’s all there is to it!” “I hope you’re right.” Raiz replied, cutting more of them down. As they continued to fight, Xalcak appeared on the scene, walking towards the battle. Shalax saw him and leapt down, walking beside him. “What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see the situation firsthand. Not through my mind’s eye. And besides…I see two old enemies.” He walked towards Seig and Raiz, identifying them even after their armor changes. The two Toa stopped fighting and stared at the new arrival. Raiz span around, kicking a Slith aside and raced forward, “Xalcak!” He screamed, “I’ll kill you for sure this time! This time will be different!” He lifted his claw and sword. Xalcak lifted his arm, forming it into a blade. He walked closer, waiting for Raiz to get closer, and then swung. Their blades collided. As they touched, Xalcak’s arm shifted, morphing around the blade. It became like a snake, shooting down the weapon, plunging through Raiz’s chest, causing him to fall to his knees and gasp for breath. “Raiz!” Yuli and Ryza shouted. Seig got in front of them, “Stay back you two!” He snapped, “He’s dangerous!” He lifted his sword, “He’s also mine!” Xalcak withdrew his arm, returning it to normal. He walked towards Seig, leaving Raiz lying on the ground, gasping in pain. Seig held his sword out in both hands, getting ready for a hard battle against the man he had faced so many years ago. As he approached Seig, Shalax was getting to work. She was summoning many more of her warriors of both types. She was lashing out with her own powers, attacking buildings, sending her warriors straight at them. Some were cut down by the fire of the Island Defense, but not nearly enough were stopped. She continued to use her powers more and more, sending more and more attacks and warriors out on all sides. Sion shouted orders, trying to reform the Island Defense lines so that they could better fight back. He heard many screams as innocent Matoran were slaughtered. “You monster!” Sion shouted, running for Shalax, lifting his firearm. “Now, now. Don’t try that on me.” She said, “Or I’ll tell your secret.” He slowed to a stop. Team Epsilon stopped behind him. One questioned him, “Secret? What’s she talking about, Sir?” “Nothing!” He shouted, “Kill her!” He lifted his weapon, “Kill her and kill her minions! Now!” “I’ll tell it, then.” Shalax said, “He was my pawn when Xalcak was still active, around one thousand years ago. I convinced him to have the people build these buildings; to modernize the island. I was the woman behind the man. He did my bidding, never having his own free will, other than his own foolish thoughts of being a leader. When we met a week ago? You warned me. You do know it is me. Yet you keep it a secret, instead of firing on me or telling your men anything about your past. Are you a leader that keeps secrets from his men, Sion? I never taught you to do that.” “Lies!” Sion shouted, “She’s lying about it all!” “No. I’m not.” She said, “How do I know your name, then?” The men with Sion began to show doubt and worry. They opened fire, not listening to him as he screamed to focus on Shalax.Review

  7. But with how Sherlock is going, it would likely conflict with both shows, unless they would do Sherlock, then Who, Sherlock, Who, etc., one season per year instead of both shows. So every other year we'd get Who, and every other year, Sherlock. I could go without Who for a year; it's torture going without Sherlock for a year, especially with how it ended the first season.As for a new Doctor, I've always wanted to see Adam Campbell or Tim Roth, personally.

  8. Chapter 8: 50 B.G.C.: “Xalcak!” Hark shouted, unleashing his powers of Jungle. Plants of all sorts, with all types of prongs and points, launched out of the ground, all of them heading towards the white clad being who stood as the enemy to the island’s Toa. Xalcak raised his right arm up, never bending the elbow. He never moved his joints. Was that just a trait of his? Something he did to possibly intimidate the Toa? Or was it part of who he was as a being? Unable to move? Hark didn’t know, nor did he care. He just wanted to impale Xalcak and end the battle right then and there. As the plants rushed towards Xalcak, the ground rippled around him. Barriers of stone rose up as he manipulated the area around him as always. The plants tore through, impaling him regardless of his attempts to stop the attack. Hark shot to the side, avoiding a spike appearing where he had been standing. He turned to his left, watching Xalcak approach. “How did you escape?” He shouted, looking at the spot where all of the stone barriers were, where his plants were striking. “You should be dead! How did you get out?” Xalcak was silent, just like always. He lifted his right arm up. His arm rippled as his powers took hold of his own body instead of the surrounding area. His arm became a blade, long and sharp. He walked slowly towards Hark, his blade facing forward. Hark lifted his large double ended spear, ready for a direct duel with Xalcak. He waited as Xalcak took about five more slow steps, and then ran, shouting. He span his spear around, slid forward, and plunged his weapon. “Hark!” Hark opened his eyes, moaning in pain. Atel was crouching above him, obviously having just arrived. She had shouted his name. She had just reached him. Her powers washed over his body, providing him with relief from the stinging pain of the large gash in his armor where he had been impaled. The smaller slashes and cuts across his armor didn’t feel too bad, but it was nice to have them receive treatment as well. “What did you do?” Veran questioned him. “It was Xalcak.” Hark muttered, “I fought him…and I apparently lost.” “You fought him?” Veran questioned quickly, “How long ago? Do you know where he went?” “No. I don’t know anything. I’ve been unconscious! Remember?” Hark snapped. “We need to get him.” Veran said, turning to Seig, “Propel yourself up. Raiz; summon a flying Rahi and scout. We need to find him! Now!” Seig nodded, unleashing his powers around his body. He flew up into the air, looking around, but not seeing anything. Raiz soon joined him, riding a large avian Rahi and flying around in circles, looking, but also finding nothing. “He’s gone!” Seig shouted down. “No!” Veran shouted, shaking his head, “We were close!” “Next time…I’ll get him.” Hark said to Veran, “I won’t let you down next time. I will stop him.” “You did what you could. I don’t blame you for losing.” Veran said, looking at the stone barriers and the vines running through them, “You tried hard, it looks like.” “It’s not like you to say that.” Hark said. “I know.” Veran replied, “Next time…try harder.” He rose to his feet, “Seig! Raiz! Keep up there and search! Rakis, you’re with me! Atel, you stay here and continue healing; Clasis, Sigil, remain with her.” The Toa parted to do what they needed to do. Hark remained on the ground, clenching his fists, grabbing dirt in his hands, tightening his grip as hard as he could, wishing that he could have done more. Wishing that he could do more right now. He swore to do more next time. 999 A.G.C.: Shalax stood, watching as her Strievers and Sliths attacked the four Toa. She stood in the back of her rows of minions instead of atop a building as she usually would. She wanted to be there to deliver the final blow. Her Strievers moved slowly, lumbering around and slashing at the Toa. In the past, when Xalcak controlled them, they were fast. Shalax preferred them to be slow. The Toa weren’t able to put up a very good fight. Strievers were weak beings, but they were very capable in large numbers. The Sliths were even stronger, but took more of a toll on her powers, so she didn’t create as many of them. Only a handful would be needed in order to eliminate the Toa. The only thorn in her side. As Seig led his team through, unleashing blasts of razor sharp Air as often as he could and in many directions, he slowly realized that they were going to lose. There was no conceivable way for them to win this fight. There were too many of her minions, and their powers were going to eventually run out. She could always quickly create more Strievers or use her own powers; they couldn’t recharge that quickly. Ryza lifted her left arm, spinning her propeller weapon. Electricity flew out in small storms, crashing through hordes of Strievers at once, paralyzing them. A straight shot towards Shalax became available. Seig threw his arm forward, sending blasts of razor Air forward, unopposed. No matter what Shalax did, she was going to die. No physical barrier would stop the wind from slaying her. This was her end. Shalax’s body split down the center. Her head was on her left side; her neck intact. Both sides split down to avoid the blast, and then came back up, reforming into one body, no signs of split seen. “What?” Seig shouted. “You may have never known the depths of Xalcak’s powers to manipulate his own body. I will show you what that power can truly do. That is why you can never kill me.” Shalax hissed to Seig. She lifted her hand. A spike erupted from the ground, just missing as Seig rolled forward. He came up, span around, and kicked a Striever aside. He ran forward, cutting two more down before leaping up, propelling himself with his Air powers, and spreading his two wings. He glided through the air, flipping and closing them as he landed behind Shalax. He shouted and span around, slashing out as he rotated. A wall rose behind her, protecting her from the attack. “Fight me!” Seig shouted. “If that is your wish.” She said, dropping the stone barrier. However, when it dropped, she was no longer facing her back to him. She was facing front. She slashed her arm out, catching him across the chest with her claw, sending him stumbling back. He touched the gash in his armor and ran forward, flipping his sword down. He dropped the sword and slid across the ground, lashing his leg out. Shalax leapt over it, landing next to his abandoned sword. She reached for it, but it plunged up at her chest as Seig manipulated the air around it with his Air powers. Shalax split down her chest again to avoid the attack. As she reformed, Seig was upon her, a blade of Air rippling and raging around his right arm. He shouted and slashed down, but her claw found his chest first, taking him down. “I’ll allow a Striever to deal with you.” She hissed, “Unlike last time, I can kill you this time. I’ve learned what I desired to learn.” Strievers approached the downed Seig, ready to eliminate him. The others couldn’t get to him to help him, and he couldn’t do much to help himself in this situation. Blasts came, cutting Strievers down. Shalax looked around, cursing, unable to find the source. Someone snapped their fingers. She span around, watching as a Ta-Matoran lowered his arm after having snapped. He lifted his firearm, “Move.” He said, opening fire. Shalax leapt up and landed on the side of a building. She used her powers, melding her body into the wall, vanishing. Sion nodded his head. Island Defense members swarmed past him, opening fire, moving in on the hordes of Strievers. Soon Seig was away from all of them as they were slain or driven back. These warriors were swift. That was certain. He came to his feet and claimed his sword again. He watched as they moved without orders – likely given earlier – and started to cut down many with their blasts, while a few used bayonets. Like before, there was a perimeter guard keeping them contained. Everyone covered their eyes. Seig and the others knew this time to do the same. The flash bombs went off. They could heard Strievers and Sliths hissing and burning in the light. Seig opened his eyes and raced forward, cutting down stunned Strievers with ease. When he came to a Slith, it got harder. The armor was too thick. He generated Air around his blade and prepared for another slash, but it parried with a blade first. He cursed and kicked it back before firing a blast of Air forward. The cutting attack didn’t kill the Slith. It raced forward with a minor wound across its’ chest. It slashed rapidly and repeatedly, but was unable to make contact with Seig. He kicked it again and slashed, but nothing. Only a fly of sparks; not even a gash. “Stand aside!” Sion ordered Seig. “What?” Seig demanded, “I’m not some Matoran you can order around!” “If you want to live, then do as I say.” Sion said, “We have this covered.” A Matoran with a gattling gun moved into position, opening fire on the Slith. It took the shots, stumbling back with each shot. The rapid and powerful attack was doing better than the cutting properties of Seig’s Air, somehow. Next came a shotgun user. He fired a pointblank energy shot into the Slith’s chest, knocking it back again, but farther. It came into alignment with a kneeling warrior with two of the elongated weapons. Twin energy spheres generated and flew forward, an energy trail connecting the two. It wrapped around the Slith, taking it down. The creature hissed in pain as it had energy drained at a constant pace. It tried to get up, but the single soldier with the double sided sword came forward, running the blade through the head of the Slith, killing it. Seig wondered if the sword was for killing stunned Sliths, since the Strievers would die when stunned, due to the energy absorption properties of the attack. The Island Defense worked quickly. When a Slith came at them, they would quickly neutralize it with a combination of gattling gun, shotgun and energy containment, before using the double sided blade or a bayonet to finish it. The Strievers fell quickly from only a handful of blasts or a few stabs or slashes. Soon there were no more enemies standing in their way. Sion lifted his arm and snapped his fingers. “Job done! Let’s move out!” As the Island Defense returned to Sion and started to follow him away, Seig cut him off, “Tell me something.” “What?” “Are you honestly happy doing this?” “What?” “Fighting for Ishiza like this? Wouldn’t you rather be free?” “If we do that, we die.” “Go rogue now.” “Can’t; even with this equipment, she can still have us all killed.” “Look; I just want to know why you fight for Ishiza. She may have given you equipment, but can you be bought that easily? I thought you had pride and principles, Sion.” “I do have pride. I do have my principles. I always said that I would lead this island into prosperity; it’s because of me that this island is an island city. I will still find leadership and make it my own. I will still become the leader of this island and lead it to a better tomorrow. But for now, that requires that I work for Ishiza. I will become her successor one way or another, Seig. Remember that.” As they continued to walk, Seig stopped and called to him. “Does that mean you will commit treason?” Sion continued to walk, “No. I will never commit treason. Not unless this entire world turns against me will I turn against the chain of command. That’s what I was always taught as a Soldaat; as an Island Defense member. Now that I command Island Defense, I know that is a powerful truth. “So no, Seig. I will never betray Ishiza, or my command. I am finally in a place I have always wanted to be. I am finally in a place of command among my peers. I will fight in this position without greed for a higher one through immoral means. I will only rise in rank if I am deserving of it. Treason is no option; no coup will come. “If you hate Ishiza that much, Seig, then do it yourself. Stage your own rebellion, or just kill her yourself.” He looked back, “But you’ll have to deal with me at that point.” They left.Review

  9. I still need to make my mask...I keep forgetting about that.And get the last of my actors...and actually write the synopsis/bible. And to think I have nothing but time outside of my classes. This is just pathetic... Thanks Captain for making me realize this...I need to get on it.

  10. Chapter 7: 999 A.G.C.: “More of them?” Raiz hissed, four days after having faced Shalax last. Now she had apparently wanted them eliminated, since there were so many Strievers around. He cut down four more, only for more to flood out of alleys and side streets. “This won’t end!” Ryza shouted, unleashing a blast of Electricity down the street. It was over the heads of the Strievers, letting the power sink down and lash at their heads, taking them down. Most often it stunned them; a few were kills. It didn’t matter that much, as long as they were out of the way so she could concentrate on the large numbers elsewhere. Yuli called up her Weather powers, creating gusting winds and flashes of electrical energy that lashed out at some of the Strievers. At the least, the winds were keeping them at bay. Seig was also taking advantage of the winds; using his powers over Air to manipulate the wind into blades, combining his powers with hers. As they continued to fight, with no end in sight, Seig slashed another one down. One came up behind him. He span around, taking a slash to the chest. Sparks flew from his armor due to the steel-on-steel contact. He cried out and stumbled back. A large black gash was now marring his armor at the point of impact. As it came upon him, he realized that the others weren’t close enough to help. He threw his hand forward, punching a hole through the creature’s chest with his Air powers. He took a kick from one of them and stayed down. More of them started to kick and stomp on him, keeping him from using his powers to save himself. A blade was pointed down and came plunging down. Before the blade made contact, it stopped and vanished into smoke. He could hear something. He could see the Strievers around him reducing into smoke as they were killed. But what was killing them? Were his allies helping now? Did they make it to him? “Team Alpha, perimeter!” “Check!” “Team Beta, wedge!” “On it!” “Team Gamma, covering fire!” “Understood!” Seig managed to crawl to his knees as he saw a squad of Matoran approaching. They were of various tribes, all of them wearing extra armor over their normal armor. This armor matched in no way, and often didn’t match the other extra armor that they wore. They all carried firearm weapons of some sort. The bulk of them carried a small blaster with a large piece upon it, likely for energy storage and generation. They all had a small dagger bayonet protruding from under the barrel of the weapon. Others carried other types of weapons, but the small model was the most common. A few carried two weapons, with sleek, spread out patterns along the top. Two, most often; he never saw a Matoran with only one of those weapons. Some carried, as a single weapon, a weapon similar to the common one, but with a rounded plate atop, with an energy cell charging from the top. They wore large packs of energy cells on their backs. Very few held weapons that were large, rounded hubs on the front, with a dual gattling piece sticking out, capable of turning. It required both arms to hold, and was even connected to their chests. If they had all three holding it up, it must have been very heavy, but a powerful weapon, no doubt. Finally, some carried weapons that looked like a Zamor Launcher. These warriors also carried an elongated weapon in their other hand, resting it on their shoulder, holding tight to it. It looked like the top could open. Based on where they were moving, it seemed that they were part of Team Gamma, since they kept distance. Seig noticed that none of them used melee weapons, with the exception of one Matoran. He was using a double sided blade, but that could have been for the sake of accuracy; resting the weapon on top of it. But then again, why use a double sided blade? Or a blade at all? Maybe this soldier was just more familiar with close combat? Seig then saw the man he was sure was in charge. The one who had been ordering the teams into position. He was a Ta-Matoran with a silver chest plate, a small silver piece of armor on his right leg, a longer piece on his left. He had two sleek silver pieces of armor on his left arm, and a longer piece on his right. He wore a sleek red Kanohi mask, with a mechanical eyepiece connected, going around the back of his head, with a crimson sensor at the front. The mechanical sensor was no doubt constantly feeding him battle data and details on the enemies. He carried the standard blaster weapon, but his had a longer bayonet at the end of it. He was the commander. Seig hadn’t known for a fact when looking at him, but looking him over again, there was absolutely no doubt. He led Team Beta in a wedge formation, while Team Alpha spread out, encircling the Strievers, keeping them from escape, keeping them contained in one location. Team Gamma was around the perimeter, but they were openly firing inside. Team Alpha, for the most part, was using their bayonets to keep the Strievers inside and at bay, keeping them from escaping. Team Gamma supported the wedge team; Team Beta. Team Beta opened fire as they moved. The ones with any weapon other than the normal type didn’t fire. However, as more Strievers prepared a counterattack at one of the flanks of Team Beta, a gattling gun user turned and opened fire. Hundreds if not thousand of energy pellets flew in rapid succession as the two ends turned. The Matoran never slid from his spot; he was rooted to the ground, it seemed. He was strong enough not to be moved by the massive weapon. One of them with the weapon with the rounded top slammed his bayonet into a Striever. He span around, slashing another across the chest. He turned slightly to his right and fired, sending a powerful energy spray into the Striever, throwing it back. This weapon seemed to be a shotgun, it seemed. He held his weapon up after firing, pushed his arm up, and send the rounded top back, as if reloading. The commander shouted an order to a soldier who held two of the elongated weapons. He went to a knee, held them both out, and focused. As some rushed him, he started to fire energy spheres about the size of a fist. They smashed into the Strievers, blowing them away. “Behind!” The commander shouted. The man turned, keeping them close to each other as always. He fired again, sending both spheres flying forward. An energy trail connected them as they span. They ensnared a Striever, taking it down. It writhed on the ground as energy was siphoned out of it by the ensnaring attack. Then, it vanished. “It works, Sir!” The gunner reported. The commander nodded, “Good.” He glanced out to the perimeter, “Team Gamma!” The men of Team Gamma who held the Zamor weapons as well as the elongated weapons acted. They all threw the arms with the elongated weapons forward. As the items came out, they snapped open. About seven small spheres flew out from each one, rolling around on the ground among the feet of the Strievers. “Now!” The commander shouted, covering the optical eye with his free hand and shutting his eyes. At least, Seig could see his left closing; he assumed the right was as well, behind the sensor. Everyone covered their eyes; either closed them or covered them with an arm. The Team Gamma members fired their Zamor weapons forward. The spheres of energy that they fired weren’t Zamors, however. They passed through some Strievers, arriving at a central point, and then, widening out to the perimeter. As the energy passed over the small spheres, the spheres erupted into brilliant bursts of blinding light. The Strievers all hissed and cried out in pain as the light burned them. The four Toa were taken back by the intense light. Seig cursed himself for not closing his eyes when he had the chance. The others probably hadn’t even seen anyone protecting themselves, so had no idea of what to expect. As the light faded, the commander opened his eyes and removed his hand from the sensor, “Let’s clean them up!” He ordered, taking to a knee and firing. Soldiers everywhere, in all three teams, opened fire. Strievers fell all around them. Some used their bayonets, but most stuck to their ranged weaponry. However, the gattling gun users didn’t waste time firing, the Zamor users did nothing, and the shotgun users used bayonets only, instead of wasting their energy cells. As the Strievers fell en masse, Seig rushed to the other Toa. They gathered around, adding support fire of Air and Electricity, with Yuli adding some electrical bursts from her Weather powers. “Who are these people?” Seig questioned, “Have you guys heard anything?” He questioned Yuli and Ryza specifically, as they often spent the most time with the Matoran and in the city. “No.” Yuli said, “But…” “What?” Seig questioned. “They seem better than police.” Yuli told him. “That’s obvious.” Ryza said. “I think she means something else.” Raiz stated, “I think she means that these guys just scream Island Defense.” “It’s abolished.” Seig said, “And they were never like this.” “That doesn’t mean anything.” Raiz said, “You know that.” “I know.” He replied, “They can reform; get new armor and equipment. But the problem still stands as it did before; Ishiza.” “Maybe she condones this?” Yuli suggested. “It’s Ishiza; of course she doesn’t.” Ryza said. As the last of the Strievers fell, the Ta-Matoran issued an order, “Team Gamma, patrol. More may be around here. Team Alpha, half of you go with them; the other half remains here with Team Beta.” As the soldiers went off to do his bidding, he headed towards the four Toa, holstering his weapon on his side. “Who are you people?” Ryza questioned. “Acid tongued as always, Ryza.” The Ta-Matoran said. “How do you know my name?” She questioned. “You’re Toa…” “I know that we’re Toa!” She snapped, “But how would an outsider like you know that?” “Outsider?” The Ta-Matoran questioned, shaking his head, “You don’t understand, do you?” “Are you Soldaat?” Raiz questioned. “Formerly.” He replied, “But you already know that.” “Just who are you guys?” Seig questioned. “Island Defense.” “Ishiza disbanded it under penalty of death.” Seig informed him. “I know. She reformed us.” “Why?” “She needed a competent force to keep uprisings in check. She was willing to pay us if we did her will and kept the people in check. We agreed to her deal. Simple as that; Island Defense returned. She even supplied us with this new gear from Xia.” “Ok. Tell me something.” Seig said, “Who are you? Why do you know us?” “Because we’ve met multiple times.” He replied, “Don’t you remember me? It’s Sion, if you forgot. I always said I would be a commander of Island Defense someday; now I am. I am the only commander who serves under the will of Ishiza.” 50 B.G.C.: “Why did you tell the people to build?” Sigil questioned Sion when the two met up. “I wanted this island to reach its’ fullest potential.” “A city is that potential?” “I believe so.” Sion answered, shrugging, “Now, is that all there is to say to me? To question me? Have I answered your questions?” “But why do the people listen to you?” Sigil questioned him. “Because I guess they see that the city is the best for the island.” Sion said, “I don’t know. Maybe they like my ideas. Maybe they want innovation, change, modernization. This island is behind the times, after all.” “What is your ultimate goal?” Sigil demanded. “Ultimate goal?” He questioned, looking Sigil in the eyes, “My ultimate goal is for the people to see how right I am; how good my ideas are. My ultimate goal has always been to lead this island into prosperity. I can see that I’m almost there, can’t you?”Review

  11. Chapter 6: 50 B.G.C.: “You still think you’re going to rule this island?” Ryza questioned Sion. The Ta-Matoran nodded, “I do think so. I may not seem like the quality of man that is needed to lead an island into a prosperous age, but I am! I shall lead this island into its’ future! You can count on that!” “Once a mercenary, always one. I’m certain of that.” Ryza challenged. “You’ll see how wrong you are. Just you wait.” Sion said before walking away. 999 A.G.C.: Seig looked around, his eyes skimming everywhere as the four Toa headed back towards the heart of the island city. If their foe was anywhere nearby, he would find her. He needed to take revenge for Raiz’s defeat. He also needed to learn what he could about this woman. About why she had the powers of Xalcak, and how. And what she planned on doing with them. The Toa stopped. Blocking the street were multiple Strievers, lurching forward, moving at their slow, lumbering pace. They completely blocked the street the Toa were on. Behind them was the blue and white armored figure of their foe. “There you are!” Raiz shouted. She grinned, showing the fangs of her Kanohi, “Well now, you survived. I’m surprised.” “Cut the act!” Raiz shouted, “You’re always watching, aren’t you? You knew I survived!” “I did.” She admitted with a shrug, “Well…Strievers, get them!” Her small attack force made its’ way towards the four Toa. Seig lifted his sword and ran forward, the others following the example and racing forward into battle. He cut down the first Striever in one swift move. Yuli ran one through with her blade projecting from her shield. While these two dropped, Ryza leapt over Yuli, rolling off of her back, and running one through with her blade before launching a burst of Electricity at another, stunning it so that Raiz could impale it with ease. As the last of the Strievers were falling, the woman approached them. She lifted her right arm up. Her arm began to ripple, and then stopped. “Watch yourselves!” Seig ordered. As the four Toa looked around, Yuli saw it and shouted the warning. Seig created a buffer of Air, pushing the four Toa away from the building next to them; the wall becoming a fist and shooting out at the group. “You dodged.” The woman said, unimpressed. She expected Seig to be fast with his powers, and for him to be watching for her attacks to come. “Of course.” Seig said, “After Xalcak, I’m always ready to stop one of those attacks.” He nodded to Yuli to thank her for the warning. He lifted his blade towards the woman, “Now, I’m going to cut you down!” He lifted it and slashed, sending a blade of Air rippling forward, ready to cut her in half. “Do you think such a foolish attack can possibly work against someone as powerful as me?” She questioned, walking right for it. She threw her arm out to her side, but nothing seemed to happen. As the blade struck her, her body seemed to ripple. Her body split apart; her anatomy completely shifting, yet not complicating her internal structure, keeping her alive. Her body nearly split in half avoiding the attack, keeping her completely stable and alive at the same time. “She dodged me with a similar attack.” Raiz muttered, “She’s good. We have to hit her hard, fast, and close. And even then she can dodge like that.” “Then what do we do?” Yuli asked, “I could paralyze her.” “That wouldn’t work.” The woman said simply. “Well, since you can hear us, would our plan work?” Ryza demanded. “Hard, fast, and multiple hits in close range?” The woman questioned, shaking her head, “No; nothing works on me. It would be close, but of course I would evade and stop you. You cannot defeat me. You cannot touch me. I am the greatest being this island will ever have known, even superior to the great Xalcak!” “Tell me.” Seig said, “How are you two connected?” “We aren’t.” She answered, “I heard of him, and took it upon myself to learn his powers. That’s all there is to it.” “You would come to this island and fight a battle like this…take lives…all for someone you never knew? All because someone in the past had power?” Raiz demanded, “What kind of witch are you?” “No witch…just a very resourceful woman.” She said. “And what do they call you, you resourceful woman?” Seig questioned. “Shalax.” She hissed. 50 B.G.C.: “No luck?” Veran asked the team. Nobody had had any luck in traversing the Dunes of Sorrow. Nobody had seen any signs of Xalcak. Nobody knew anything more than when they had started, other than this indeed seemed to be the base of their enemy. “Now what do we do?” Hark questioned. “We head back to the villages.” Veran said, “We need to find a better way. Maybe let Xalcak come to us. We can’t get through those blasted Dunes to find him, after all.” “What do you propose we do in the meantime? Just patrol?” Atel asked. “Anything to help keep the Matoran away from those Island Defense.” Sigil put in. Veran nodded, “Yeah. We just patrol and save as many Matoran as we can wherever and whenever attacks come. We limit the need for those Island Defense guys. We can’t have them bleeding the Matoran dry of resources and money. We can’t let the people of this island lose so much!” “Then should we split up? Each of us go to different parts of the island to protect more people?” Clasis asked. “No.” Veran said, “As much as I would like to do that, we can’t. If Xalcak appears, we need to be together, not scattered. As much as we could do scattered…I can’t allow that.” “Then where do we start?” Seig asked, “I mean…do we start wherever Island Defense is and just go to the same places and do the same jobs for free?” “Island Defense…” Veran muttered, “They…I don’t know how stable they are. If we did that, they might turn on us. We don’t want to have to take their lives like that. No. We’ll start at the closest village and just cycle around.” As days went on, as the Toa moved around the island in cycles, helping whoever needed help, doing what they could, especially when both Island Defense and some of Xalcak’s minions were around, they started to notice odd things occurring. There was construction going on at certain points across the island. Buildings – tall buildings – were being built. Streets were being made. The island was beginning to get ready to go from an island of huts and nature into one of larger structures and roads, instead of trails. Whatever the reason for this change, it didn’t really matter. It wasn’t like this would drastically change too much. “Who started this?” Clasis asked a Le-Matoran. The Le-Matoran stopped his work, “One of the Island Defense guys.” “An Island Defense member told you guys to build?” Clasis questioned. The Le-Matoran nodded, “Well, he didn’t tell us to. He told us that we could become a much greater island if we did. If we had a more…proper cityscape. I guess all of the villages are doing this now. He made a lot of sense.” “Who is this guy?” Clasis questioned. “His name is Sion.” The Le-Matoran said, “Now, I have to get back to work.” Clasis nodded and allowed the Matoran to get back to work. Sion was trying to do something, but what? Was he trying to create an island that would suit him, if he tried to forcefully or otherwise claim leadership over the island, like he seemed to be desiring to do? What was his plan? What were the goals he had in mind? Would this help other people, or only himself? The eight Toa met up, standing atop a hill, getting a look out in the distance towards the Dunes of Sorrow. They could see work going on there as well. The wilderness was going and being replaced by streets and buildings. Even the Dunes. Why wasn’t Xalcak trying to stop them from overtaking his home? His supposed base? Or were they wrong? Or had he perhaps moved? Or did he just not care? Regardless, a bridge was going up over the Dunes. Instead of build through, they were building over, no doubt until they could find a way to get around the sand and create proper foundations for streets and buildings. Sand would be tricky, after all. “What do we do?” Atel asked Veran. “This island is changing.” Veran said, “Perhaps for the better. Perhaps not. We can’t really do anything at this point. All we can do is continue to do our job…and have a chat with Sion, if we can find him.” “Let’s move.” Sigil said, “Perhaps at the next village we can find some answers to our questions.” The group moved on, heading towards their next goal. The next innovation beginning for no other reason than that Sion inspired them. What was this soldier trying to do? Was he trying to lead an island that he would shape indirectly, through his influence alone? And how did he have such influence over the people? Whatever was happening, it didn’t seem right. It didn’t seem like something that should be happening. 999 A.G.C.: “So, your name is Shalax.” Raiz said, “Now I know the name of the person to have defeated me. That’s good.” He lifted his sword, “Let’s go again. I will win this time.” “No you won’t.” Shalax said, lifting her claws as she walked towards Seig and Raiz. Yuli and Ryza were behind them, desiring to fight, but keeping back to gauge Shalax’s abilities. They needed to know their enemy if they wanted any chance of victory. Shalax lifted her head to the sky. Seig glanced up, but realized that there was nothing there. He pushed himself off the ground at her, but then something did come from the sky. A fist of moisture slammed down into him, drenching him, sending him slamming into the ground. Raiz leapt at her, shouting. He slashed rapidly, wildly, but she was fast. She evaded every one of his attacks and parried a few with her claws. She kicked him in the stomach, knocking him back, and then span around, backhanding him across the face, sending him sprawling to the ground. Ryza and Yuli leapt forward, charged with electrical pulses. Both threw their weapon arms forward, unleashing the shocks. The power of Electricity and the electrical surges of Weather flew forward, but a quick flick of Shalax’s wrist caused a stone wall to rise to block the attacks. “Weak.” She said, throwing her arm forward. The wall moved forward, smashing into the two Toa, sending them sprawling. Neither got up as the wall sank back into the ground. Shalax walked towards the Toa, looking at their four downed bodies. “Another day.” She said, “Not until I have more of Xalcak’s powers.” She turned and walked, “If I were smart, I’d kill you now…but I have other things to do first. Xalcak, despite not being someone associated with me…he must be pleased before I can do this. I use his powers, after all. He gets a say…and he wants me to learn all there is, I’m sure.” Two days later, Ishiza had finally done it. She stood before a gathered congregation, looking over them all with pride in her eyes, with desires of victory filling her eyes as well. She would win control away from the revolutionaries who may or may not plague her island. It was hard to tell how the revolutions began, and who led them, if anyone, but now she would be in control. “My police force was useless!” She announced, “Minimal training, pathetic training. No will to fight. No experience. Most of the police were like this. They couldn’t defeat Strievers who threatened them! How were they to deal with Matoran uprisings? Could they be swayed? Possibly. You? Never! “I have sent word to Xia for you alone. It has cost me money, so you had best not fail! I know you won’t…you have good records, after all. It is because of you that this island is the way it is today…to an extent. Fail me and die. Survive and do as I have ordered, and you shall keep your job security. You shall keep that equipment and weaponry. You shall continue to be paid for doing what you do best. “Welcome back, Island Defense!” Around forty Matoran stood before her, all of them armed with different silver and/or gray armor, mismatched usually, but armor to protect them. Most wielded the same blaster and bayonet combo weapon, while some used other blaster-type weaponry. All of them were heavily armed, and finally ready to return to the field. Now under order of Princess Ishiza. She finally had them under her control.Review

  12. The Kabuto suits were glorious (not so much on Drake and Gatack to me, but I digress), but the plot holes were ridiculous. The characters outside of Tendou were great (I never cared for Daisuke, though, or Tsurugi after he became comic relief, along with the Hoppers at that point), but the suits are downright amazing; the main draw of the series, I'd say.

  13. About Kiva, the story has holes, but nothing has more holes than Kabuto. I watched Kabuto and Kiva close together; Kiva was so much better in terms of story. Only a few holes comparatively. As for Megamax and the Dopants, remember, Gaia Memories are mass produced. Technically the Museum Dopants aren't "revived"; more Memories are just found/made. After all, as we see in the Eternal movie, X keeps data, so they no doubt just remade those Gold Memories (if they are indeed Gold, but I'd assume so, since both Taboo Memories were Gold...). Also, just saw Fourze 8 last night. I hate to say it - I really do - but I'm starting to enjoy Fourze. I wanted so much to hate it based on the initial designs and the more comedic approach, but the characters are just really interesting. Unlike OOO. W had an amazing universe, OOO did not, Fourze does once more. Makai Senki still beats Fourze, at least. And Gokaiger.

  14. Chapter 5: 50 B.G.C.: “We’re splitting up.” Veran said, looking out from atop the rock wall into the Dunes of Sorrow. “Why?” Seig asked, “I mean, we can cover more ground, but…” “We’re not covering more ground this way.” Sigil told the rookie, “This is so that Xalcak will be more likely to make an appearance.” “I don’t follow.” Seig admitted. “Let me tell the rookie.” Rakis said, looking at him, “He’s more likely to attack a small group; that’s how he seems to work. He won’t take on our entire team, so he’ll attack little by little. Got that?” “Yeah, I do.” He replied. Veran spoke up, “Atel, Clasis, you’re with me.” Sigil pointed, “Raiz. You and I.” “That leaves us.” Hark told Rakis and Seig, “Interesting.” “What’s so interesting about it?” Rakis hissed as they split up. “Well, my powers are useless here, so I have…you know what, I wasn’t going anywhere with that.” “Stop talking you bumbling fool.” Rakis muttered. “What did you just call me?” Hark demanded, hefting his spear up. “Stop you two!” Seig snapped at them. “She started it!” Hark accused, “Wait, that makes me sound like a man younger than myself. And wait! You’re the rookie!” “I know. But I’m the only sane man on this trio of ours, it seems.” Seig pointed out. “I’m the oldest of the three of us, I’ve been a Toa the longest. I’ve been on the team the longest.” Rakis said, “I’ll give orders. I order silence. Got that?” “Yeah.” Seig said. “I said silence.” She hissed. Hark nodded. “See? He gets it.” “You’re breaking your own rule.” Seig told her. “What?” “Could we just abolish this? We’re not getting anywhere.” Hark pointed out. “Fine.” The others said at the same time. They continued to walk through the vast, empty desert. It was called the Dunes of Despair for a reason; the dunes towered high in every direction. There was no practical sense of direction, either. It was incredibly hard to climb up a dune, which was the only way to navigate. Otherwise, unless someone could get up to navigate, everyone was stuck walking in the paths that were there between two dunes, just wandering seemingly aimlessly. They didn’t know where they were going, or where the others were. Seig could always float himself up with Air, but he didn’t. They just continued to walk, hoping to find some sign of Xalcak. “I can see why he might be hiding here.” Hark said, “You can’t find anything here! It’s the perfect hiding place.” “But how does he find his way around?” Seig questioned Hark. “He can warp locations and composition.” Rakis said, “Didn’t you get briefed? We know he can do that, so you should have been told at some point.” “No, I was never told about that.” Seig told her. “Well, he can do that. He could warp these dunes as he saw fit. Effectively, he could trap us here by making us go in a circle, and we would never know.” She looked down, “Our footprints? He could warp the sand to wash over them every time we go around. He could trap us here and wait for us to die.” “I could escape, though.” Seig said. “Yeah, you and I could escape.” Rakis said. “What about me?” Hark questioned. “If you were alone, you would die.” She told him, “You can’t do anything out here. Now, Seig could float out. I could blast my way out. But you…you would have to form plants out of nothing. Even if you started, you would have to force them to stay alive, with no nutrients for them to draw from. You’d die, Hark.” “Glad I’m with you two, then.” He muttered. They continued to walk, passing through passages between the dunes. After about an hour, they heard some stealthy, sliding sounds. “I don’t like that.” Hark said, readying his spear. “Be ready.” Rakis hissed. Strievers poured over the sides of the dunes, coming down into the narrow path to fight the three Toa. Escape up a dune was no option, as the dunes would swallow them if they tried to climb. That made escape even more difficult. Seig slashed his sword into one, but it parried. He was at the back, covering the way they had just come, with Hark in the middle, taking stabs at both the front and back when he could. Rakis was in front, using her claws to parry the blades of the Strievers and get some blows in. The small path through the dunes was too narrow for the Strievers to attack on the sides; only the front and back. They would be swallowed if they tried to fight on the side of a dune. “Can’t you guys end this faster?” Hark questioned, plunging his spear forward, killing one who fought Rakis. “Fine.” Seig said, slashing his sword from high on down, sending a blade of narrow Air out, cutting them down. Rakis kicked one and opened her mouth, unleashing a Power Scream, blowing them away, doing enough damage to kill them. “Is that better?” She questioned Hark. “Much.” He replied as they pressed forward. 999 A.G.C.: “Raiz, what happened?” Seig questioned. Raiz realized that they were inside of a building. His wounds were still present. He hadn’t been healed. No wonder he was in so much pain right now. He groaned and tried to sit up, but Yuli pressed him down. “No.” She said, “Not until you get healed. A healer is coming.” “I…I fought…” He said, “I don’t know who she was…she had Xalcak’s powers…” “Xalcak’s powers?” Seig asked, “Are you certain?” “She warped the roof we fought on…yeah…I’m sure.” He replied. “I see.” Seig replied, “We don’t need to go to the place that was the Dunes of Sorrow anymore. It’s not Xalcak, and we have a lead on who this was.” “A lead…?” He questioned. “Your memory.” Seig replied, “Once you heal up, we’ll go looking for this person. We need to find her. There’s no doubt that she’s learned Xalcak’s powers and abilities. She might go back to his source, but I doubt it. I’m sure that once started, the powers aren’t needed to finish.” “So, since she already shows some signs of his powers, we can figure that she’ll learn the rest without his remaining power from his death?” Yuli asked. Seig nodded in confirmation, “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.” “Then what do we do next?” Ryza questioned. “We head back. The attacks from the Strievers have all been in our area. She was in our area, considering where we found your body, Raiz.” He informed the Toa of Rahi of where his body had been, and answered Ryza’s question at the same time, “I think she’s following us. That’s why Strievers have yet to attack any other areas. That’s why she was nearby that you found and fought her.” “So, we just look around here?” Yuli asked. Seig nodded, “Yeah.” “But what do we do when or if we find her?” Yuli questioned him. “We fight.” Ryza said. “But how do we fight someone like that?” Yuli amended her question, “Raiz is the most experienced of all of us, and look what happened to him!” “We’ll be fine.” Seig said, “Strength in numbers, and our Elemental Powers.” The door to the building opened and a Ga-Matoran entered. She crouched down and without a word, began to tend to Raiz’s wounds. “How much will it cost?” Seig asked her. “I’ll let you know when I’m done.” She replied, “Now please, leave this to me and me alone. Leave the room.” “He’s our comrade!” Ryza said, “And how can you charge us? We’ve defended you people!” “Everyone needs money on this island. Including me.” The medic said, “Unfortunately, goodwill doesn’t pay for life.” “It’s fine.” Seig told Ryza, “We’ll be outside.” He told the medic, pulling the other two out the door with him. “I can’t believe this island!” Ryza shouted when they left the building, “I mean, we do so much for the people! We’ve saved them many times! You guys saved them before Yuli and I were Toa! Yet they still charge us. How can they do that?” “It’s natural.” Seig replied, “They need money to live. Even if we keep saving their lives, that only makes sure they live. They need money in order to live the lives we give them by saving them. It’s the natural way of things.” “The natural way was the old way.” Ryza muttered, “Long before Ishiza and her predecessors came into power…” “It’s too bad that Sion never made it to power.” Yuli said. “You still think he could have done a good job?” Ryza questioned. “I do, actually.” Yuli said, “The more I think about the issue, the more I think he would have been good!” Seig skimmed the rooftops, “Just put it aside, you two. I don’t want to listen to this arguing again.” “But it’s true!” Yuli said. “No, it’s not.” Ryza said back. 50 B.G.C.: The Island Defense members walked into the village that Yuli and Ryza lived in. The two came out of their homes, watching the members stroll through, questioning various Matoran about work, trying to get set up. “What’s going on?” Yuli asked one Ta-Matoran whom had just been spoken to. “They want to have us pay them to stay for a week.” He replied, shaking his head, “They say that if anything happens in that time, they’d be here to help us.” “I can’t believe these guys.” Ryza said, “And what would happen if an attack happened somewhere else? We’d lose the money of them staying here as they go off. No doubt they would give the same offer to the place just attacked, and we lose out! These guys are just in it for the money; they wouldn’t do it properly.” “We don’t have enough as it is.” The Ta-Matoran said. “What?” Ryza questioned. “While you two were gone, we gathered together and pooled our resources into one, just to get an estimate. Based on the rates we’ve heard before from the Island Defense, we don’t have enough to pay them to repel an attack, if one would come.” “That’s what the Toa are for.” Ryza said. “They’re not here.” Yuli reminded. The Ta-Matoran nodded, “That’s the problem. There are many villages, only eight Toa, and about thirty or forty of those Island Defense guys. The numbers don’t quite work here.” “I have an idea.” Ryza said. “What?” He asked. “We tell them our money situation, and they leave our village to go to one that can pay. We get the word out faster to lie. Then, when they realize they can’t get paid for their prices, they’ll leave.” “We’ll adjust.” Someone said. Sion walked towards them, his hands on the hilts of his swords at his waist. “What?” Ryza questioned, “You were listening?” “I’m going to rule this island someday and lead it to prosperity.” He said, “I need to know things.” “What did you say about prices?” Yuli asked. “We want our money.” Sion said, “We would drop prices, take what we could get, and leave when that price has run dry, because it would probably cause all of the villages to lose the rest of their money. If not, another drop.” “You lose money, though.” Yuli said. “But we gain the trust of the people, showing them that we would do what we could for them.” He said, “And that would eventually make them trust me enough for when I lead.” Review

  15. The bodies, I would assume, would be stored and kept safe. Or if Red Eyed man is ruthless enough, the bodies are no more, as he has no use for humans, just Zodiarts. The theory is Red Eyes is Ophiuchus, and the Big Bad of the season. I support that one.

  16. I've heard that he didn't like the environment (not a fan of the show from his youth), and was overworked, or something. Granted, I think the overworked comment was a mis-attributed one from the rumors.

    eccleston_not_enough_credit.jpgFrom the internet.Seems relevant recently. -CF

    I think I love you for finding that.
  17. Too many quotes to list. Sword of Destiny and the episodes around there are probably my favorites, along with the one towards the start where Buster lives with them, and they all start badmouthing Lucille, causing him to go into a bleeped speech, leading into one quote I will give, something along the lines of "Nobody's beating that." Also, the Banana Stand episode, the second episode, I think?

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