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  2. HI hakky or a person that doesn't know me.......

  3. Why thanketh ye :P

  4. Why thanketh ye my kind sir

    It's semi-old actually, there's an older version on my Flickr

    Yu shud get one, unless it's still not workin' for ya :o

  5. WHO RATED HIM STAR? He should have ZERO! I didn't get attacked, though me care for others...........

  6. Happy Birthday =)

  7. I feeneeshed you

  8. Hi!! Money bags(full of money) You don't know me? Yea...I get that a lot. Bye!

  9. He's not gone, he still owes me a MOC =P

  10. Hello!!!!(hmmmm.... this has to be approved now...and yes you don't know me)

  11. Your using my banner


  12. Oh no, :P

    There are far better ones

  13. Member number 50000, nice.....

  14. Nah, not as much as I used to :P

  15. 'cause you from brown team =D

  16. Hi Gata!!!!(nope, you don't know me, practically no one does.) BYE!


  18. lol, but the only tracks I have are the real tiny ones :(

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