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Status Updates posted by Catora

  1. Lol =D I'm watching TV at the moment... More precisely, MythBusters xD

  2. Uum... Wootage? Lol, what's up with you?

  3. Deathwing owns, does he not? :D WoW: Cataclysm is going to rock xD Tell me I'm obsessed, please xD

  4. :P I like Deathwing xD
  5. =D

    Hey! I just returned from my vacation at the Black Sea, so BZP must've been put on while I wasn't in Sofia... It's good it's on again, I'm gonna have some fun posting in the forums ^^

  6. Hehe, nothing much ^_^ I'm experiencing some problem with BZP though... I can't use the PM system :-S How about you?

  7. Yeah, I wanted a change ^_^ I has the Killer Smile. Do you has it? :P

  8. Onice! I'm looking forward to that ^_^

  9. Ah, je vais bien, merci :P /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />

    Things are going well, with the exception that on the 23rd, I'm having a French exam... Kinda will suck xD

  10. Hey, man ^^ What's up?

  11. Hey there :3 What's up?

  12. Aww, thank you :)

  13. Thank you very much! I'm so glad that somebody on BZP actually noticed!

  14. ROTFLOL at the Avatar xD

  15. Hey there! I havent heard from you in quite some time... How's life? :D

  16. Ohi, there, Chane ^^ I haven't chatted to you in a while, so I figured "Why not drop by and say 'hi'?" =D

    So, hi! =D

  17. Indeed. For the Horde :3

  18. Anar'endal dracon, I haven't seen you in a while ^^ I'm fine, thanks =) How are you doing?

  19. Kek be Lol. :D It's Lol translated into Orcish by WoW xD The Common version of Kek is Bur. Kek's funnier, IMO.

  20. Kek?! That sounds... Big o_O

  21. Woot! I'm gonna read it right now.

  22. Merry Christmas :P

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