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Toa Ignika

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Posts posted by Toa Ignika

  1. As you guys may have known for a while 3D printing is becoming more well known and popular. I have no access to one, nor even the software to use in conjunction with the printer...nor even the knowledge to use said software despite taking a course in CAD =.= But still I would like to share my opinion on 3D printing with reference to LEGO:


    MOCers can create custom parts which are impossible to acquire from LEGO(E.G Movie version Avohkii, Kraahkhan, Ackar's old blade, all of which I really, REALLY WANT) Such little things like custom kanohi and weapons I believe will help keep the Bionicle fanbase going strong, and even encourage creativity amongst those who use it.


    But due to its nature of use, counterfeit LEGO bits can easily be produced using 3D printers and sold off to unknowing people hoping to get LEGO pieces. LEGO fans might even just go on to producing their own parts instead of buying from LEGO.


    What do you think of 3D printing and what does it mean for LEGO?


    Oh and can someone make a Movie Avohkii for me using 3D printing? :P Seriously though, that'd be AWESOME!

    • Upvote 1
  2. * Black and Gold. This pleases me. * I'm not sure about the lower legs, they're kind of aesthetically clashing. * Torso design looks interesting. Much better combination of Bionicle/HF pieces than the legs. * Nice hat.


    Looks like a Kraata died on his head. Seriously, doesn't that look like a Kraata?--untitled.png

    Hmm... interesting point of view. Never thought of it from that perspective before..
  3. Te MOC is real good I like the horn idea but, it is not makuta ish and the story line u made for him is a bit random in some ways.

    I realised my tone was not something to be desired on the day I posted it, so I'm going to change it to avoid accidentally venting my frustration in the wrong place, and I would also like to personally apologise for not calmly thinking things through before I said what I said, and to TOA PIRAKA HAKANN 2.0 for not keeping my emotions in check like I should have. Like I mentioned above, it would not be in the character's best interest to look like what he possibly did in the past, given that most Makuta generally look 'evil'. The back story was what I used to base this creation on. Granted it's not perfect, but I don't have any problems with it. If you do happen to have any ideas you would like to tell me about I would gladly hear them out.
  4. It doesn't really look like a Makuta, but it looks good nonetheless. I like how you did the legs and the torso for it. The coloring is good as well, and I like the head spike/Elvis hair.

    That's the idea, he's 'evolved' in a matter of speaking. The idea behind this MoC is my interpretation of how a Makuta might adapt to blend in should such an event actually occur. Also I am going on the theory whereby he does NOT want to look like a villain but a hero.
  5. . MI like what you did with the joints in the shoulders. What torso did you use I'd like to try that real world and see how it works out.

    Completely custom. Made that in real life first in my Evo revamped, reused in Commander Rocka and since I'm away from lego for 3 more weeks, i thought i practiced on LDD. Would you like the torso design? You'll have to wait at least a day though, cos my laptop isn't with me now. At a village now XD
  6. I had this idea where instead of TOMN deciding to get rid of Kojol, they somehow managed to reprogramme/brainwash him and fake his death, and was cloaked from Teridax all the way to the point he managed to escape destruction like the rest of the Makuta. He was also kept in stasis for a very long time which prevented him from knowing much of what actually happened in Mata Nui after his capture.Then after a very long time, past the era of Bionicle, he eventually survives to the Hero Factory era. He kept his old powers and his old arrogance. As well as becoming a little vain. Somehow with his powers he gets into the Hero Factory and becomes a 'Hero' by the name of Kolt Jolt Ordinance.Kolt or Ko-Jo as he is in the Hero Factory era, is known for being arrogant but highly capable of doing his job. He is known for not complying with regulations and is amongst the highest ranked for those who know of him.lddscreenshot7.png_thumb.jpgHis vanity is quite obvious from his choice of 'headgear' and his gold ornaments.His style of work is highly dangerous and can be quite the opposite of what a typical 'Hero' is and thus has been assigned to the Recon section of the Hero Factory, mainly for black ops missions and sorts.http://www.brickshel...screenshot5.pnghttp://www.brickshel...screenshot4.pnghttp://www.brickshel...screenshot1.pnghttp://www.brickshel...screenshot2.pnghttp://www.brickshel...screenshot3.pnghttp://www.brickshel...screenshot6.pngGallerySorry for the lack of pictures, I only did this in 3 hours on LDD on my 4th try with this software :PEdit: Image thumbnailed due to dimensions. Please keep posted images in BBC to 640x640 pixels.-Wind-

  7. Lol. Toylet. But what would Rocka be playing with? A toy the size of a Bakugan? It would have to be uber small if a toy's gonna play with it...

    Hey that's a good idea!

    Looks epic but for the legs, but there isn't much you can do about those. Custom pieces perhaps would do the trick. Theoretically, anyway. I'm not experienced in that area. Otherwise, you did an excellent job. Very good looking. How tall is it?

    Agreed! With regards to the legs that is. I would say about 0.5cm taller than the normal Rocka Breakout.
  8. Magnetic Acceleration Nexus-Blast Explosion Anti Recoil-Plasma Ionisation GunAkaMan-Bear-PigIm thuper thereal guyth (south park :P)

    XD THAT'S GREAT. I have to add this to my list of names :biggrin:

    Good. Someone needed to do this.This just phenomenal. No way to describe this. And the guns... Just amazing.

    You thinking that my little creation is phenomenal is phenomenal in itself. Thanks a lot!

    Top Officially Infinitely Likeable Epic Toy.AKA TOILET.Nice work, simplicity and coolness blended. You didn't make him a super-buff Titan, but you made him cool. 8/10.

    HAHA TOILET! I was thinking of making a toy for the toy (INCEPTION) XD That name would be perfect!

    Excellent ... revamp? I don't really follow HF aside form set reviews, but regardless, this is one great design. From the front, that is. it looks lean and strong, taller and more proportional than the sets. The color is good. But using grey with gold isn't very desirable. And due to the way HF is, it is super noticeable from the back. I am surprised Lego still hasn't designed pieces that will cover those areas. Anywhoo, this is a good, sturdy-looking MOC with great custom weapons. Nicely done.a_peace.png

    Yeah I know :/ I am sure that i had the same piece in black but i was rushing through the design so i couldn't find it in time, and for some reason LEGO has this habit of making grey parts after a while in their sets. (Metru Nui saga, Mahri Nui Saga) But they seem to change back to black after a while. Let's hope this happens :PBy the way guys, I will most likely be retooling the weapons and going more in-depth in a later entry of Evo's weapon guides, once i get back to my own country where my lego's at. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR COMMENTS :D
  9. I like this model very, very much. Your weapons are awesome, especially sniper rifle!Also, I like how you revamped Rocka himself. And individually, I wanna appraise the text. It's very funny. ^_^

    Thanks! Glad you enjoyed! :D

    This is just plain awesome.Breakout Rocka is remade in symmetrical form. I love how you mixed the gold with gunmetal grey, and how both shoulders now have that bulbous armor piece. The band of gun ammo on his chest is a nice touch. I also like the AR and SR you made for him a lot.9.5/10

    Thanks! I have an MG and a AA-12 inspired shotgun coming up, but I'll be away from lego for a month so that will have to wait :P
  10. Semi-Automatic Negated Discharge With Internal Combustion Housing AKA Sandwich Simple, Elegant. Reminds me of Rambo. Not the most awesome set ive seen, but come on. Its rocka, theres not much to him

    Great suggestion! But i was hoping to in-corporate the word 'Magnetic' inside the name for the sniper. (Cos it runs on magnetic propulsion to discharge, like a rail gun)And I'll admit the focus of the set here isn't Rocka at all but rather the weapons. Kinda serves as a sneak preview to the weapons I plan to do a more in-depth topic about following a planned series of weapon guides by EVO. (Link's above) But I was kinda in a rush so I didn't think the main title thoroughly enough :P
  11. Oh, yes, I prefer Technic to bricks as well! But I feel that custom weapons that use primarily Technic rather than Hero Factory or BIONICLE parts don't necessarily fit in stylistically with other BIONICLE or Hero Factory weapons. But it's true, in Hero Factory that's less of a problem since the style has many of the same smooth contours as are common in System and Technic, unlike BIONICLE where the weapons tended to have extremely complex contours and Technic weapons felt like they might as well have been from another toy line entirely.

    Agreed! By the way I have a separate topic which has weapons that might interested you here. The Assault rifle is still a work in progress 'cos i can't figure out how to use hero factory parts in anyway as of now :PI will probably go through the weapons in a 2nd episode of this series to cover the weapons a little more in-depth.
  12. Hi My name is Rocka, and I'm the best and I MEAN I'M THE BEST. I MEAN SERIOUSLY!? CAN'T YOU TELL FROM ALL THE BLING I CARRY WITH ME THAT I'M OBVIOUSLY THE NUMBER 1 HERO IN ALL OF MAKUHIRO CITY!a member of Alpha Team 1.http://www.brickshel...03_17.05.03.jpgYEAH I LOOK AWESOME ROCKING THE NEW GET UP RIGHT!? HAHA!!The armour you see me wearing is the Customisable Assault Tactical Suit A.K.A....CATShttp://www.brickshel...03_17.05.24.jpgThe guns I'm equipped with are:http://www.brickshel...03_17.10.55.jpg1) The Assault Rifle: Anti Recoil Magnetic Propulsion Ignition Terminator, A.K.A the ARMPIThttp://www.brickshel...03_17.11.20.jpg2) The Sniper Rifle: Yeah........We haven't thought of an appropriate name as of now, you're welcomed to provide suggestions though :)http://www.brickshel...03_17.11.09.jpgBe sure to check out my teammate Evo's Weapon Guides He's not as AWESOME as I am but he is a very good weapons expert so I would highly recommend you check him out, give him some love that kinda stuff.Oh, do you here that? Sounds like someone needs a hero, I'm Rocka of Hero Factory, signing off. COMMNADER ROCKA OUT!http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/555907/EvoWeapons/CommanderRocka/2012-03-03_17.10.18.jpgGallery

  13. I'm normally not especially fond of custom weapons like this that are mostly Technic-based. But unlike a lot of more amateur MOCists, they're not absurdly large, they use a Hero Factory shell quite tastefully rather than extraneously, and they look quite cohesive. Evo was also the perfect figure to model them, and your photos are quite nice, although the last one would be better if the weapons themselves were in focus rather than the figure holding them. In summary, [snip]

    I always preferred technic over bricks :P And i agree with your last statement, but my camera isn't exactly the best and the weapon is like you mentioned isn't large so taking close up shots of the weapons or just simply the weapons on its own would look no different from the picture you see up there.

    Hmmm... Nice job! I've been inspired! Making my own weapons now. (I've got an FNP90, M16, Crossbow, Shotgun all done right now) Just gonna post them soon. Great job on your gun!

    Nice! Are those weapons Hero Sized? I have an machine gun, a bullpup assault rifle and a bullpup sniper rifle, but they are still purely technic parts so I'm thinking whether or not to integrate more hero factory parts into them before putting them online.
  14. You did outstanding work on this! On the Evo revamp and the gun! My only complaint about the gun is that the handle is too long. But you were very creative on this. I look forward to your future projects.In fact, you just inspired me. Thanks a lot! I have to ask though which handle are you referring to? The 1 in front of his hand or the one he's holding the gun by? The handle he is holding the gun with is meant to be a very long magazine.

    I love how you presented this. I may have to build one of those myself. Also I like you customized Evo.

    Thank you for noticing! I want to add that his torso is completely custom, albeit a little old because i came up with the design between the 2.0 and 3.0 saga. His shoulders are capable of moving now which is completely necessary for my other larger weapons so that the stock can rest nicely on the shoulder. But i made it completely in black so its hard to see from a camera screen. :P

    The way the guns are customized is awesome. I actually don't see any downsides to the weapons.

    Thank you very much!
  15. Hey guys. I was just wondering if i was the only one who thought that Evo (Breakout) looked a lot like the guy from Metroid Prime, which is kinda weird in a slightly copycat kinda way, not that I'm complaining but I just wanna put it out there.Also, and I do not mean anything offensive when I say this but why was Evo in the 2.0 movie speaking with an Asian-ish (I could have heard wrong) accent, did Yoga or some meditating thingy (something from Asia, and if I'm not wrong, India specifically) and have a yellow colour scheme? And also, his Breakout version seems to be shorter than every other character for the series. I mean isn't it a little strange?I understand that they are not humans and the topic of race does not apply at all in the same manner as how humans in real life see it which is why I'm not at all disturbed by it or offended but it does seem a little strange doesn't it?I'm not complaining, I still intend to get LEGO sets for a long time to come but I just thought I might point my observations out to see what you guys think.

  16. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/555907/EvoWeapons/SMG/2012-02-26_21.24.32.jpgI'm Evo, weapons expert of Alpha 1 team, but you can call me Evo, the supremely awesome guy who totally beats all other heroes hands down for all possible reasons imaginable.And this is:evo_official.jpgEVO PRESENTS: EVO'S WEAPONS GUIDEToday I'll start the show with a weapon relatively unknown to many which technically is what this show is about, 'cos all the guns you see here are totally new, also why is this called a show? I mean it is just an internet post with pictures and there aren't any moving pictures or audio in it. Well at least they're paying me better than bulk for his perfume commercial).Introducing, the Machine Pistol!http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/555907/EvoWeapons/SMG/2012-02-26_21.14.06.jpgYeah...we haven't actually thought of a proper name for this gun as of yet. We were gonna go with the DOOF which stands for....actually we haven't actually even thought of a meaning to a random acronym we just came up with so that's why we chose not to go with it, thus the gun not having any name for now, besides I'm a weapons expert not some naming professional...This weapon has been integrated with our very own Hero Factory technology. What type of technology you ask? Well........oh scrap it doesn't say anything about what technology it uses in the script, ANYWAY MOVING ON:It has been designed to fire at a ridiculously high rate of 950 rounds per minute. Below you shall see the weapon in action................................Yeah erm due to some budget cuts we aren't actually able to test fire the weapon down the public firing range where it could be recorded, so here's a fancy picture of the gun!2012-02-26_21.16.31.jpgThe greatest trait of this weapon however, is its minimized recoil. It has been structurally design to absorb the blowback force and spread it throughout the entire weapon. It absorbs recoil so well to the point that a the grip you see on that weapon would be completely useless, but studies have shown that an addition of a grip improves a weapon's aesthetic characteristics. This being a result of guns' growing popularity with first person shooters. How is this important? Not at all, SO WE CONTINUE!This unique trait of the weapon means that it can be used single-handedly with ease and with its ergonomic and ambidextrous design, you could say it was built to be used Akimbo! I mean to dual wield, to use 2 of the same at once, well you get the idea.http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/555907/EvoWeapons/SMG/2012-02-26_21.19.53.jpgIts low recoil coupled with its ability to be dual wielded give it great opportunity for some cool action style posing. I believe its called Gun-fu or something like that.http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/555907/EvoWeapons/SMG/2012-02-26_20.09.00.jpghttp://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/555907/EvoWeapons/SMG/2012-02-26_20.08.19.jpgWell, that concludes the first of a (hopefully) upcoming series of weapon guides from me. Until then, I'm Evo, and I'm off to play some first person shooters save the world from villains, stay safe citizens of Makuhero city!For unused pictures that did not make it to the final cut please click on the given link to view the gallery on a different website altogether.Please link to images if they are over 100 kB
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