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Blog Entries posted by Teemaich

  1. Teemaich
    Well, this took ages to get up.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «First off, I'm totally ignoring that they're Av-matoran rip offs for the moment. 
    Atakus: YES YES YES. Atakus has got to be my favorite small set out of winter line. The mask and weapon just scream of awesome, and he has hands. (I know they all do, but it's just amazing seeing sets with hands for like, the first time evar). I'll defnitely be getting him.
    Raanu: While not the best, Raanu is still pretty cool. His mask is awesome, and has quite a few neat pieces, but I dislike the choice of weapons.
    Metus: While I absoultely hate that mask, Metus is just so freakin' awesome. His color scheme is very cool (finally, an ice set that actually looks like an ice set), and his weapons, especially the snowflake shield are just...wow.
    Zesk: If bringing back tan wasn't enough, Lego just had to amaze us with awesome sets to go along with those sets. Zesk is a very good looking set, the black and tan color scheme works extraordinarily well.
    Tarduk: While I am getting sick of lime green (who isn't) the lime green adn metru green color scheme works very well with Tarduk. Combine that with an excellent mask, and lime green claws and Mahritoran blades, and you have one good set.
    Berix: While Tarix was a bit of a disappointment, Berix struck me as being a good set. His/her color scheme looks very nice, (BLUE TAHU SWORD !!) and I like the look of that head. The gold Chronicler staffs kind of stood out in a bad way, but Berix looks good overall.
    Sooo, I like the small sets. Sue me.
  2. Teemaich
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Tuma: ARG I HATE TUMA SO MUCH!!!!!! HE IS ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!!!!!! 
    He looks like my old Mocs.
    That is not a good thing.
    Tuma has quite a few pieces that look excellent for Mocing, but as far as I can tell, that is the only good thing about him. He is way too cluttered up, and has a lot of pieces that stick out awkwardly. His mask is absolutely horrible, it looks like a rusty cross between the Kraahkan and Toa Iruni's Mask, with a very bad outcome. I'm sorry Lego, but you can do much better than that.
    Fero and Skirmix: The rider, who I believe is Fero, is pretty cool, he is actually made pretty well for an AV-matoran design. Skirmix is just a Kardas rip-off, but read, way smaller, and far worse. He does have a selection of nice Mocing pieces on him, which is a good thing, but his design is not one to be desired, he looks like he was thrown together in 20 minutes. I'm gonna have to give Fero and Skirmix a miss.
    Overall, I am very disappointed with the Winter Titans for 2009, I really don't like the way Bionicle is starting to go.
  3. Teemaich
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Malum: He's pretty much a recolored Carapar with a different mask and weapons. He's alright, but definitely not the best. Vorox: Lego, you've done well here, It was such a good idea to bring back tan. Vorox is an awesome set, with a whole bunch of awesome pieces, I'll definitely be getting him.
    Tarix: Metru Blue and Mata Blue and Gold and Silver oh my. Tarix isn't an awful set, but s/he leaves room for improvement. However, her/his weapons are very cool.
    Strakk: If he could be described in one word, it would be WIN. Strakk is definitely my favorite Glatorian, he has an awesome color scheme, actually has a custom torso, and his icicle mask/weapon/armor are absolute win. I am getting him no matter what.
    Skrall: Skrall is a pretty cool set, the shield and sword set suit him, and the red and black color scheme looks very cool. While not my favorite, he is high on my wish list.
    Gresh: ONOMNOMNOM. Lego, what were you thinking? While most of the other Glatorian have kept away from the cookie cutter desigsn we've had for the past 3 years, Gresh just had to have a Inika/Piraka design. And if that is bad enough, he looks very messed up, his mask, shield and armor are just bleh.
    I'll have the rest of the sets up later...
  4. Teemaich
    A couple of days ago, I AM NOT THE OTTER sent me a PM saying that he was going to be hit by Hurricane Ike the next day.
    The day after that, I was watching the news, and it showed images of the hurricaned Texas, and described how millions had died due to Hurricane Ike's rage.
    I AM NOT THE OTTER hasn't been online since the 13th, when he sent that PM, and when Texas was struck by Ike. I am truly worried for him, I fear the worst.
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