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R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

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Status Updates posted by R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

  1. Yay, I do feel real awesome!

  2. Hey i got muted.So looks like i have to talk to you on here.

  3. Hi, Flintsmith, what up dawg?

  4. I know... so how've you been doing?

  5. Dude,why haven't you posted in my Rpg in awhile?

  6. Well i was wondering how come you haven't posted a topic in awhile?I know you've posted but not your own topic.

  7. I can't remember what stuff you wanted from me in our trade?

  8. Nah, I'm on the list enough, but if you insist.

  9. Umm wow, your poor profile not being veiwed often. -gives profile a veiw- Look your profile is wagging it intrest.

  10. wonder what they do at Aetheist churchs. "Oh God who don't beleive in we pray to thee." lol.

  11. Hi, I'm thriteen now! Also, I got to hear a preveiw of the SlipKnoT CD, it's gonna' be (SIC)!

  12. I had forgot to say;Thank you for the trade and also thank you for the to poisoned Huas!

  13. Okay, maybe i should've made my name ~666~, lol.

  14. I'm requesting a Pbzo here.This is what I look like.http://www.majhost.com/gallery/necrons/InhabitantsOfKoloNui/Toa/Necrons/necrons_001.jpg

  15. *beats ###mech's face with bat* That's for all those fads. *walks away leaving ###mech half dead.

  16. They sold more albums than Mr. Bungle.

  17. Thanks for the add, I'll add ya' too.

  18. Hello,maggot!You know what that means,right?

  19. Yeah but better band = more album sales. Just admit it SlipKnot is the best band in the world and way better than Mr. Bungle.

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