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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Meiko

  1. Meiko
    So I can't join it? Wow this store app on the site sucks. I didn't buy it, it says I did, and now I can't actually pay for it. What a let-down.
  2. Meiko
    This weekend I had the privilege of going to KidsFest in Richmond. Even with my pilonidal cyst making it annoying to walk or sit, I had a good time. Sometime once I finish Toy Fair coverage, I'll put up coverage on The Chima Wiki.
    With permission from Black Six, since I reached my Flickr upload limit, here are all of my photos on The Chima Wiki's Facebook: http://fb.me/1x9zhik8M
    The Chima section was really fun. It seemed quite popular, though I suck with Speedorz (I'm practicing though), but the kids seemed to be good at it.
    I got me a nice KidsFest Tour T-Shirt, 2 large Ninjago posters, a Legends of Chima Laval poster, a Legends of Chima Cragger poster, LEGO Club and Club Jr. magazines, and an exclusive Friends comic. I also bought 70100 Ring of Fire (review here), 70503 Golden Dragon, and 70013 Equila's Ultra Striker. My dad bought two Horizon Expresses as well.'
    Overall, it was an incredibly fun experience. Now I understand why tickets sold out so quickly, and boy was it a large, crowded event. I'm definitely going in the future.
  3. Meiko
    So I've been having this killer pain in my tailbone, and it's gotten so bad I can't walk or sit without pain. I went to an urgent care center and they diagnosed it as a pilonidal cyst. So long story short, I might be out of school for a while, or at least gym. If it worsens, it'll require surgery. .__.
    Also I'm working on Toy Fair 2013 recapping for The Chima Wiki. Stay tuned for that, though this recent complication may get in the way of that.
  4. Meiko
    So there's a beaver tribe now, in a video I can't link to, though it is on The Chima Wiki's video hosting site. Here they are.
    Also, I got a much better image of Plomar.
    Oh and a REALLY good image of Furty the Fox and G'Loona the gorilla, never before seen on TV or in sets (except Toy Fair).
    What do you guys think?
  5. Meiko
    So jamesster and I were discussing LEGOLAND, and I realized how long ago it was that I was last at a LEGOLAND park.
    This is a picture of my most recent trip to LEGOLAND Cali:

    An while I'm at it, here is Aanchir, Lyichir and I at LEGOLAND Cali:

    (from left to right: My dad, Lyichir, Aanchir, me)
    Also, just if you are curious, here was my first experience with LEGO, at the age of 1:

  6. Meiko
    I swear we have the weirdest conversations. Half of the conversation yesterday is our top-secret troll plan that we might be able to do at a certain time of year in 2013. No more details.
    The other half is an agreement that hashtags and swag makes everything better, so we are...
    Making a charity called #hastags4swag that guarantees 1 swag donated for every hashtag.
    All of my posts on my profile feed will now be hashtags because why not.

  7. Meiko
    So, a contact of mine at LEGO is getting some beta accounts for Legends of Chima: Online for some of the TCW Staff, including me.
    I won't legally be able to share screenshots or videos of gameplay until the game is out, though, so... yeah.
    I'll keep you updated. I can't wait.
  8. Meiko
    I got a 3 minute long preliminary video for LEGO Chima today. It's really funny. The minifigures were terrible. Laval looked like a hedgehog, and the eagles looked like something that would have been found in nuclear waste. The gorillas look more Planet of the Apes than they look LEGO.
    The constraction sets are cool though. And the Speedorz concepts were pretty sweet.
    It also had some gameplay of LEGO Legends of Chima Online, the MMO coming out later this year.
    Sadly the video was in Russian, so I have no idea what they are saying in it.
    I'll get you guys some screenshots of the video later, since I can't link to it under BZPower policy.
  9. Meiko
    So I'm in Boston. And look I see an Aanchir and a Lyichir.
    Yeah, I might go to a LEGO store. If I do, I'll probably empty their stock of Chima...
  10. Meiko
    Oh my goodness, Chima is awesome (the TV show).
    The characters are amazing.
    Lagravis is awesome. He's like god and kicks butt.
    Longtooth is like... how can I make this appropriate... kick... no bad... he's donkey 8D (Actually that makes me kind of want a donkey tribe)
    The ravens are really, let's say "simple minded". Not much going on under the cranium cap there. Makes it pretty funny.
    The gorillas, or at least Gorzan, are such hippies. Gorzan sees the battle and is like "Groovy". Also he seems a bit... high. No honestly. He seems to be acting like King Kong (heheh gorilla jokes) or something and needs to come down a bit.
    Crocs are awesome. Cragger is awesome, and his flashback story is great. Crooler... Oh my I didn't know LEGO would make such a seductive character with some appeal for "older audiences". Let's go with that.
    Wolves seem pretty cool. I really like Worriz's character. He's evil, and not a cheesy evil. He's evil, he knows it, everybody knows it, and it's a really cool evil.
    Didn't see many eagles, but Eris is soooooo cute. Her voice and the way she acts. It's adorable and attractive.
    Also, the "Legend Beasts" are awesome. More or less they are natural lions that never harnessed chi long ago, and didn't evolve like the others. "Legend says they will return when Chima needs them most." They are AWESOME, and I want a LEGO piece for the lion Legend Beast.
    Anyways, the show is pretty awesome, and if you couldn't tell from the things I did my best to tone down the coloquial terms which I'd be able to describe it better with, it's entertaining for any age group. Hopefully the terms I used weren't too bad.
  11. Meiko
    Chima premiers tomorrow! And even better, I'll be able to watch it on my new 50" HDTV, instead of the little box I had before. It's gonna be awesome.
    Hopefully the TV show will bring lots of activity to The Chima Wiki. Any help is appreciated.
  12. Meiko
    Anybody got a Minecraft server I can join? I'd love a Tekkit or a Feed the Beast server, but Vanilla Minecraft is good enough for me.
  13. Meiko
    Here you go guys:
    Cragger and his sister Crooler: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/6/66/Cragger_and_Crooler.png
    Eris, Laval, and a gorilla: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/0/00/Eris_Laval_and_Gorilla.png
    GORILLAZ: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/2/26/Gorilla_Tribe.png
    An adorable Laval holding Chi: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/0/03/Laval_With_Chi.png
    Crug, with his metal jaw of glory: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/6/68/TV_Crug.png
    Razar: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/5/51/TV_Razar.png
    And I'll probably have more to come!
  14. Meiko
    So today is the official launch of The Chima Wiki, however we have not yet made a universal database between The Ninjago Wiki and The Chima Wiki. Therefore, those of you who have a TNW account already, sign up on TCW using the exact same username and password. This will protect your account from being corrupted if anything goes wrong when we make a new database. Those of you who sign up for the first time on a BrickCraft.me site, go ahead and sign up on The Ninjago Wiki using the same username and password as on TCW.
    If you need any further assistance, let me know!
  15. Meiko
    Oh shoot I forgot about this thing.
    Anyways, I'm working on a little side project that you guys might enjoy:
    Please link to images over 500 kB. -B6
    If anybody knows XAML, I'd love your help on this. I've tried making a JavaScript, C#, C++, and VB Windows 8 app, but the XAML in all of them... I just can't wrap my head around that language. <_<
    So yeah, any help available would be nice. Heck I can even add you into the credits on who helped develop the apps and if you want you can be a Chima Wiki developer for more projects.
    Also, just wondering... who here has Windows 8?
  16. Meiko
    Oh my goodness I love this thing. And yes it has Windows 8 but it's awesome.
    I can actually play games now!

    But since I've been at my grandma's house which has no wifi, I've been running a LAN network through the USB connection of my phone (4G speeds yay), but I have to wait to install my newly bought games like Max Payne 3 because that would cost me over $300 in data overages.
  17. Meiko
    Just wishing everybody in the BZP community a Merry Christmas!
    And I guess I can post my loot.
    A picture, not counting what was in my stocking:

    Now the list:
    A new computer.
    Sweater (soft and floofy)
    Button-down shirt
    Socks (yay?)
    Agenda with a hoers on the cover
    Mega-Bloks Lamborghini
    Hobbit thingamajig
    Some Ninjago stuff
    Flash Drive (8GB)
    Steam Money (thanks Aanchir and Lyichir)
    Google Play money
    Wireless Mouse
    Chocolate and other candies
    A LEGO City set
    Other Misc Stuff

    And my dad got this set, and is continuously asking why this lady is smiling after her car is being put on a rollback.

    My dad also got some other LEGO City stuff, like the garage.
    And I'm guessing Aanchir and maybe Lyichir will post something about their Christmas, and if I'm right and one of them does post something, you all owe me a $5 bill.
  18. Meiko
    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmasssssssss
    So for those who have already been celebrating, yay. For those who will be celebrating tomorrow, I know how you feel; I can't wait either.
    I have my eyes on one present I know I'm getting. My new computer. So this is the last night I'll be posting from this little guy.
    And thank goodness my phone is so amazing because I'm running a USB LAN connection from it's 4G signal, because there is usually no Wi-Fi here at my nana's house.
    It'll also be cool if I get some Ninjago 2013 or maybe even Chima, though the latter is less likely.
    Anyways, I'll update you guys on how my Christmas goes tomorrow. Merry Christmas guys!
  19. Meiko
    A flashback scene about when the animal tribes turned against each other. Also, we don't have a name for this lion yet.

    The totally awesome Lion Fortress:

    Cragger entering his Chi state:

    Worriz, the leader of the Wolf Tribe:

    The beautiful Crocodile Fortress:

    The entire Lion tribe:

    My favorite image, of the floating island:

    Eris in flight:

    I get more of these daily, so if you like these, I can share more. I have to say, the animation quality of Chima is much better than that of Ninjago, especially when you look at the image of Worriz.
  20. Meiko
    I believe all of the judges have sent in their votes at this time. Hahli Husky will post the winners when she gets the chance.
    Since I'm in charge of prizes, there may be a delay in shipping the 2nd and 3rd place prizes (spinners). The reason for this is that they are in heavy demand this holiday season, and I can't find a single spinner set anywhere. NRG Jay and NRG Zane seem to be some people's favorites, so I'll try to look for some of them. If I have to though, I'll order them online.
    I'll keep you guys updated regarding the issue with prizes.
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