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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Meiko

  1. Meiko
    As many of you may have noticed, Brickimedia has been down for almost 48 hours. The cause of this is that our host, RamNode, was attacked by a competitor webhost company. More info can be found at the two links below:

    RamNode had many backups of most of their servers, but, sadly, Brickimedia was not one of these. What this means is that all content has been lost from Brickimedia, all of its wikis, and any other content hosted on our server. We are doing what we can to recover some of the losses, but sadly, many of it will be lost. Although the users are not worried about the loss of their contribution history, many are upset by the loss of their customs and the encyclopedia.
    I will keep you updated, but you can get more up to date information at our Twitter @brickimedia
  2. Meiko
    Chima premiers tomorrow! And even better, I'll be able to watch it on my new 50" HDTV, instead of the little box I had before. It's gonna be awesome.
    Hopefully the TV show will bring lots of activity to The Chima Wiki. Any help is appreciated.
  3. Meiko
    Guess I'll make a blog for once about my BrickFair adventures
    Day 1:
    Didn't really do anything at the con besides check in and help set up sound system
    Did not bring any MOCs.
    Bailed on the con to go take car pics (what else is new) and get free buffalo wings courtesy of my northern virginia friends

    Day 2:
    Did a seminar that I did not plan for ahead of time. Winged the whole thing and according to some audience members I nailed it.
    Starbucks "chill sesh" with Beyond the Brick and Kevin Hinkle
    Organizers Dinner with BZPower ppl and LEGO ppl #darnitdanny
    Finally met Marcos Bessa in person
    Made Kevin Hinkle memes as per his request
    Got the biggest sundae I've ever seen as dessert. To quote Marcos, "that's not a sundae, that's a whole week".

    Day 3:
    Hung with Beyond the Brick fam
    Received sad news that one of my friends was killed in a motorcycle accident
    Hosted a "Christmas of Creation" activity with Beyond the Brick to give away ~100 LEGO sets in a community engaging activity. Christmas in July!

    Day 4:
    Have not done anything notable today

    And that's all for now ✌️
  4. Meiko
    This isn't Bionicle or LEGO-related, but yesterday me and my car enthusiast friends got together to help a local boy's wish come true. Ryan, an 8 year old boy from my town suffering from a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer, had one wish this year, and that was to take a picture with a Lamborghini, his favorite type of car. Through the help of the car community, we made this happen, and put together an event that gathered tens of Lamborghinis and multiple other types of high end sports cars that Ryan liked (Porsches, Corvettes, Vipers, etc). The event was generously catered and the location was supplied by Lamborghini of Washington, who opened up the showroom today just for this event. They even let him Facetime with Valentino Balboni, Lamborghini's former chief test driver from Italy, and a huge icon in the Italian car world. I put together a video of this event which you can view on YouTube:

    The video has already started to go viral, and I had the privilege to have it aired on multiple TV networks last night and this morning. But it doesn't have to stop here. If you're feeling generous this holiday season, Ryan and his family still can use your help to get through this hurdle in Ryan's life. When Ryan was diagnosed earlier this year, he was given 12 months to live, but was put on an experimental treatment plan. If this works, Ryan has the chance to recover and go back to living a normal life, but if it doesn't, this very well could be Ryan's last Christmas. With the generosity of others, we can continue to make this a very special season for him. The following GoFundMe pages help support the cause:
    Thank you for your time and thank you ahead of time if you choose to help support Ryan and his family through this time in their lives. If you aren't able to donate, please go ahead and share the video anyways to help spread the word about Ryan and his disease, and to help spread awareness about pediatric cancer.
  5. Meiko
    Well, as you can see, I'm mostly inactive here on BZP anymore. Aside from BioniLUG, I've barely read a single topic recently, nor have I posted much at all. I guess it's three main causes for that...
    First, I really do not care one bit about Bionicle anymore, and it seems that any time people get the chance, they get all dramatic with "I guess this is the end", "I will wait for its return", etc. When I see that, I try not to be rude, but all I wish to say is "Grow up and move on". I know it's okay to have a strong passion and to have a love for a certain fandom, and I often vouch for others who feel that way, but all this has been carried on waaaay too long in my opinion. There are plenty of other good LEGO themes, and if you only liked LEGO for Bionicle, then deal with the fact that it's over, move on, and find something else to do...
    The second reason, and probably the main reason I've been inactive here is the lack of general LEGO discussion. Like I said, I really don't care for Bionicle anymore. There are other LEGO themes and topics I like to discuss. I've been more active on other forums and websites recently, and I really wish BZPower had a better community to discuss what I am interested in.
    Third, a lot of my time has been pre-occupied with other things. First of all, school has sucked this year (academics-wise; I've made a ton of awesome friends). I also got involved with the Brickimedia Network after they recognized me for my development and server administration skills. It's definitely been a fun experience, just because of how successful it's been, and I absolutely love engaging in their community. I've also been working with Swert on server and other backend work for BS01 and HS01, such as a new skin for HS01.
    I am still trying to keep up with BioniLUG, since that does seem to be the one thing holding me on BZPower, but at this point my attachment to the site is dwindling, and I'm starting to feel bad about it. I've always loved BZPower, but I don't find much to do here anymore. I'll see how I feel at BrickFair VA this year...
    Thank you for listening to my rant. Feel free to reply. :/
  6. Meiko
    not many people get hands-on with two McLaren P1s in one day... I guess I'm lucky in a way

    Quite an opportunity to see such a magnificent car in person and I just happen to have a LEGO set of it in a similar color! This McLaren P1 is a one of one in this satin orange finish and is chassis number 005. MSRP is $1.34 million USD and is easily worth much more than that already. Owned by a 21 year old here in Virginia.
  7. Meiko
    So I'm in Boston. And look I see an Aanchir and a Lyichir.
    Yeah, I might go to a LEGO store. If I do, I'll probably empty their stock of Chima...
  8. Meiko
    So I spent all day playing the closed beta of Legends of Chima Online with some friends from Brickipedia. It's really fun and addicting and glitchy.
    Anyways, check this topic if you want beta access! http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=10010
  9. Meiko
    As most of you know, I do professional automotive photography as my job/hobby outside of the LEGO community. Turns out I do more car-related stuff than LEGO-related stuff nowadays though, but some people asked me about my work while I was at BrickFair New Jersey, and while I had just bought 10248 Ferrari F40, I decided to try combining my two hobbies.

    You can see my other work (of real cars, not LEGO) at https://www.flickr.com/photos/georgebarnick/. This was the first time I've tried photographing LEGO and the first time I've done any sort of "automotive" photography at such a small scale. The settings for this shot were:
    30 sec
    ISO 100
    It is a two-image composite, one exposure focusing on detailed shadows and the other focusing on detailed highlights and mid tones.
    Just wanted to share that with anybody who'd perhaps be interested in seeing it.
  10. Meiko
    The Ninjago Wiki has received confirmation of Ninjago to continue in 2014. The Ninjago Wiki will be bringing you more information and answering these FAQs shortly:
    Will there be more sets?
    Yes, there will in fact be more sets in 2014.
    [*]Will the TV series on Cartoon Network continue?
    [*]What will happen to Chima and Ninjago in 2014 being at the same time?

    Lemme hear your thoughts!
  11. Meiko
    I don't blog enough
    I've been really inactive on BZPower lately
    My birthday is this month
    20 days until Doctor Who 50th anniversary
    I got a job at Brickset as a news editor and database administrator today
    I left my position as administrator at Brickipedia for a while for various reasons
    I need a new phone (Nexus 5 pweaaaseee)
    I found this really catchy song by We Came As Romans
    I still don't understand why boys like My Little Pony
    Halloween was boring this year by the way
    Is it Christmas yet?
    If anyone wants me to, I'd be gladly willing and able to host a Team Fortress 2 server for BZPower
    Or a Minecraft server
    Or really any online game
    Leave your comments below please

  12. Meiko
    Hey guys, I've been going through all my old clothes that are way too small for me anymore and a few of them happen to be LEGO or BZPower related so I figured I'd see if anyone would like to buy them before I send them to Goodwill. None of them are torn and they're all clean and well-laundered over the years. I'll probably just ask $10 for each (covers shipping which is usually around $5 for a package and allows me to make a small amount of money off of it) unless you don't live in the United States where we'll have to work something out in regards to international shipping. If you want to name your own price offer, go ahead and I'll consider it unless it's lower than the cost of shipping. If you're so lucky as to want the shirts and live near me (Northern Virginia) I'll let you do local pickup and give you a lower price because I won't have to pay for shipping.


    1. Ninjago "Spin" Shirt

    Red - (size not on label; probably Youth XL)



    2. Ninjago Year 1 Shirt

    Navy Blue - Youth Large



    3. Ninjago Ninja Shirt

    Black - Youth XL



    4. LEGO Logo Distressed Shirt

    Black - Adult Small



    5. BZPower 2013 Shirt SOLD!

    Grey - Adult Small



    6. BZPower Shirt SOLD!

    Green - Adult Small


    7. Brickshirts Minifigure Patent Shirt SOLD!

    Blue - Adult Small

  13. Meiko
    So jamesster and I were discussing LEGOLAND, and I realized how long ago it was that I was last at a LEGOLAND park.
    This is a picture of my most recent trip to LEGOLAND Cali:

    An while I'm at it, here is Aanchir, Lyichir and I at LEGOLAND Cali:

    (from left to right: My dad, Lyichir, Aanchir, me)
    Also, just if you are curious, here was my first experience with LEGO, at the age of 1:

  14. Meiko
    So there's a beaver tribe now, in a video I can't link to, though it is on The Chima Wiki's video hosting site. Here they are.
    Also, I got a much better image of Plomar.
    Oh and a REALLY good image of Furty the Fox and G'Loona the gorilla, never before seen on TV or in sets (except Toy Fair).
    What do you guys think?
  15. Meiko
    Just wishing everybody in the BZP community a Merry Christmas!
    And I guess I can post my loot.
    A picture, not counting what was in my stocking:

    Now the list:
    A new computer.
    Sweater (soft and floofy)
    Button-down shirt
    Socks (yay?)
    Agenda with a hoers on the cover
    Mega-Bloks Lamborghini
    Hobbit thingamajig
    Some Ninjago stuff
    Flash Drive (8GB)
    Steam Money (thanks Aanchir and Lyichir)
    Google Play money
    Wireless Mouse
    Chocolate and other candies
    A LEGO City set
    Other Misc Stuff

    And my dad got this set, and is continuously asking why this lady is smiling after her car is being put on a rollback.

    My dad also got some other LEGO City stuff, like the garage.
    And I'm guessing Aanchir and maybe Lyichir will post something about their Christmas, and if I'm right and one of them does post something, you all owe me a $5 bill.
  16. Meiko
    Here you go guys:
    Cragger and his sister Crooler: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/6/66/Cragger_and_Crooler.png
    Eris, Laval, and a gorilla: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/0/00/Eris_Laval_and_Gorilla.png
    GORILLAZ: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/2/26/Gorilla_Tribe.png
    An adorable Laval holding Chi: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/0/03/Laval_With_Chi.png
    Crug, with his metal jaw of glory: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/6/68/TV_Crug.png
    Razar: http://chima.brickcraft.me/wiki/images/5/51/TV_Razar.png
    And I'll probably have more to come!
  17. Meiko
    Anybody got a Minecraft server I can join? I'd love a Tekkit or a Feed the Beast server, but Vanilla Minecraft is good enough for me.
  18. Meiko
    I believe all of the judges have sent in their votes at this time. Hahli Husky will post the winners when she gets the chance.
    Since I'm in charge of prizes, there may be a delay in shipping the 2nd and 3rd place prizes (spinners). The reason for this is that they are in heavy demand this holiday season, and I can't find a single spinner set anywhere. NRG Jay and NRG Zane seem to be some people's favorites, so I'll try to look for some of them. If I have to though, I'll order them online.
    I'll keep you guys updated regarding the issue with prizes.
  19. Meiko
    I swear we have the weirdest conversations. Half of the conversation yesterday is our top-secret troll plan that we might be able to do at a certain time of year in 2013. No more details.
    The other half is an agreement that hashtags and swag makes everything better, so we are...
    Making a charity called #hastags4swag that guarantees 1 swag donated for every hashtag.
    All of my posts on my profile feed will now be hashtags because why not.

  20. Meiko
    Okay, so Toy News magazine predicts that Legends of Chima will be the must-have boys toy in 2013.
    Also, an interview with a LEGO employee has confirmed Chima constraction (Hero Factory-like) sets and Chima board games for late 2013.
    Also, the Gorilla Clan is now confirmed.
    From the interview:
    This is a good day.
  21. Meiko
    Look the policy changed! So I can actually link to sites like Facebook without having to annoy Black Six on AIM now!
    Facebook (mostly posts about my personal life, but some LEGO-related stuff too)
    Twitter (same as Facebook)
    Tumblr (mostly just bands and fandom stuff)
    Instagram (my boring self and pictures of where I go)

    Oh and I changed my blog name
  22. Meiko
    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmasssssssss
    So for those who have already been celebrating, yay. For those who will be celebrating tomorrow, I know how you feel; I can't wait either.
    I have my eyes on one present I know I'm getting. My new computer. So this is the last night I'll be posting from this little guy.
    And thank goodness my phone is so amazing because I'm running a USB LAN connection from it's 4G signal, because there is usually no Wi-Fi here at my nana's house.
    It'll also be cool if I get some Ninjago 2013 or maybe even Chima, though the latter is less likely.
    Anyways, I'll update you guys on how my Christmas goes tomorrow. Merry Christmas guys!
  23. Meiko
    I got a 3 minute long preliminary video for LEGO Chima today. It's really funny. The minifigures were terrible. Laval looked like a hedgehog, and the eagles looked like something that would have been found in nuclear waste. The gorillas look more Planet of the Apes than they look LEGO.
    The constraction sets are cool though. And the Speedorz concepts were pretty sweet.
    It also had some gameplay of LEGO Legends of Chima Online, the MMO coming out later this year.
    Sadly the video was in Russian, so I have no idea what they are saying in it.
    I'll get you guys some screenshots of the video later, since I can't link to it under BZPower policy.
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