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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. Really?! Thats sooo cool! By the way, have you heard of the Trio Show? They're an awesome music show that interviews Christian artists and speakers.

  2. Lol, I love Group 1 Crew's stuff. Have you seen TobyMac in concert. He and his team are awesome. lol And getting to hawk nelson concerts... crazy.

  3. blocked pages??? I'm confused. Your team is going to have its first mission, so you're not really missing anything

  4. Thank you for approving my friend request.

  5. Yup... Captain Yamato... mokuton user. lol Glad to hear of another Relient K fan! And I recognize that pic from a Bleach episode that my friend showed me. lol

  6. Dude. How come you haven't been around in the Naruto RPG lately? Your team needs you. lol

  7. Yup, I like Relient K ^_^ What bands do you like? Well... keep pressing on as you read LOTR, lol. It's worth it.

  8. Thank you for the comment. Yes I do like both SW and LOTR (Read the Two Towers 7 times, Return of the King 6 times, and the Fellowship 4 times.) lol. I'm guessing that your fav character in SW is Obi-Wan, right?

  9. Chibi eyes of tears* I didn't make it onto your profile... sniff... sniff... starts crying* lol jkjk

  10. By the way, the Silmarillion is an awesome book. keep pressing on.

  11. Nice personal statement. Hope you don't mind that I added you as a friend. So, which is your fav book relating to LOTR?

  12. Just noticed that you're a Jedi. lol Despite the fact that I consider myself a Sith, I enjoyed your personal statement. Anyway, thought I'd say hi. So... Hi. lol :D

  13. i disagree. i'd be the happiest toa alive, if the mask of life had transformed me into a toa... lol Anyway, I just wanted to say hi.

  14. Well, EW, Maelos' plan was to leave the planet and conduct a BDZ. Two Super star destroyers were sent away from the fleet to conduct this bombardment while the rest of the fleet kept the CIS occupied.

  15. Hello fellow Hydraxon. Welcome to BZPower.

  16. Brought you up to 3 stars. lol and welcome to BZP.

  17. Only three stars... sniff* I'll check out Legacy

  18. Whadya think of Shizake's dream?

  19. Well, Yamato knew what the mission was and he did it for Naruto's health's sake.

  20. Ummm, Nero, I was wondering, are you an assistant Moderator in the No Limits RPG? If so, do you have the authority to approve members, because I've submitted a profile and Orichalcon seems to be gone.

  21. Thanks Sum Dude

    You rock!

  22. So, where did you get the idea for your name?

  23. Sorry to interrupt the deep conversation going on, Necro-san. But I was wondering, how did Ha get the Sharingan if he isn't an uchiha? Was one of his parents an uchiha?

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