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Blog Entries posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, the blue vahki finished off my vahki collection. I also built the vahki combiners. BLEH!
    The tahnok I got even had the blue krata in the ads that attaches onto Tahu, so I thought that was cool.
    And the exo-toa is just epic. But I can't decide whether he looks better with or without a toa inside him.
  2. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I wrote this all last night and posted it, but apparently BZP was all like "UK? Posting something on time?! BAH HUMBUG!" and decided to delete my entry.
    The ironic part is that I had mentioned how I miss a lot of Friday funnies, but I wasn't going to miss the Christmas entry. Thanks a lot BZP >=(
    Anyway, I hope you all had a merry Christmas and continue to have a wonderful holiday with your friends and family.
    Now, onto the loot.
    Wasn't expecting to get much this year, but I was pleasantly surprised. My dad got me one of the new Canadian $100 bills and I got plenty of other money from my relatives. My sister bought me an Arkham city poster and my brother got me mass effect since we need to play it again and futureshop doesn't have it in stock. I also got pillowcases and sheets and a $25 itunes gift card.
    Best of all though, I got a cell phone. My mom didn't even have to pay for it. I had had a really old cell phone that we never even activated. I didn't even notice that the theif had stolen it. So the insurance company was all like "That phone isn't in stock anymore so instead we'll give you a way newer samsung galaxy geo." and my mom got it without me knowing.
    The best part about it is that I can have custom ring tones. My ring tone is now the radio song from portal.
    And yes, I'll be getting premier membership before the new year.
    Merry Christmas!
  3. Ultimate_Kardas
    About to make my first post in the central sphere. To save you the trouble, I have brought his profile here. You don't have to read the whole thing, but at least look at the moc of his appearance.
    Species: Toa of rahi control
    Gender: Male
    Alignment: Good
    Mask: Kanohi Xanips, mask of substance mimicry: The user of this mask has the ability to make their body become a living form of any substance they touch for a limited time. Example: User presses hand against a protosteel weapon, and their whole body becomes living protosteel, becoming much more durable.
    Appearance: This. Toa of rahi control are much bigger than the average toa. Kraal stands at almost twice the height of a toa mata. Here is a comparison shot. In his beast form, he looks like this.
    Weapons: He carries two blades with him that he holds on the sides of his arms. When not in use, he puts them on his back like this. He is very skilled with these blades.
    Powers/Abilities: Being a toa of rahi control, he can summon, communicate with, and if need be, control rahi. He is also very strong and agile, though not as strong as a toa of stone. Another advantage of the rahi control element is that Kraal can turn into a beast form which has heightened senses and increased strength. He grows wings, spikes sprout out from his back, he grows a long tail, his hands turn into very large claws, and his head morphs into a head that resembles that of an energy hound.
    Weaknesses: While in beast form, Kraal cannot access his mask power, and even though his physical attributes have increased, his mental attributes have decreased. He cannot think as straight and relies mostly on animal instincts. He also shares a strong bond with his rahi companion, and would risk his life to save him. A downside of being a toa of rahi control is that, unlike other elements, he cannot produce his element out of thin air. He must summon the nearest rahi to his aid, and if they’re slow, there’s nothing he can do about it.
    Personality: Kraal is a very friendly toa despite his imposing size. He is very loyal and is willing to put his life before others. He fights for what he thinks is right, and tries to follow the toa code as best he can. In beast form, his personality changes drastically. His morals and regard for the toa code are all but gone, and he only recognizes who is innocent and who should be punished. That’s why he doesn’t go in beast form often unless completely necessary. Or for only a short time just to reach a place he couldn't.
    Bio: Kraal is one of the last few toa of rahi control. Nobody knows what happened to them. Not even Kraal himself. Due to this fact, Kraal has lived by himself with his rahi companion, Tersuuk, for many years. They have a small home in the agriculture sphere, with the job of keeping the rahi away from the fields. This job is very simple for a toa of rahi control, and his employers are very satisfied with the results. Recently though, Kraal has gotten the feeling he’s stuck in a rut. He is no longer content with his current situation. He wants to return to the time of his glory days, where every day was a new adventure. He has decided to travel to some of the more populated spheres to seek out new opportunities.
    Companion (NPC): Kraal refuses to go anywhere without his rahi companion, Tersuuk. Kraal rescued the rare, panther-like reptilian rahi from a pack of predators that would’ve surely killed it, had it not been for Kraal’s timely intervention. He is very loyal to Kraal, and the toa never has to use his power of rahi control on Tersuuk. The rare rahi has the ability to scale walls and has two whiplike tails. Although it has a quite fearsome appearance, the rahi can be quite affectionate towards others, especially Kraal. He looks like this.
  4. Ultimate_Kardas
    Just made a moc of him. I'll be taking pics soon.
    His color scheme is white and mata/trans-blue.
    He can also turn into a vahki!
    Also, he has custom vahki mandibles.
  5. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, technically not new, but I've provided links to all the topics.
    - Stick of dynamite
    - 01 Rahi Style Stork
    - Black And Purple Dinosaur Creature
    - Mutant Visorak Thing
    - Kraakhan snake
    - 2 Small Space Crafts
    - Some random agori
    - Hapori Dume
    - Working Matoran-sized Claw Machine
    All that's left to do now is for you guys to post!
  6. Ultimate_Kardas
    I'm not gonna finish my Old Spice moc. I just got the part I needed in the mail today, and there's not nearly enough time.
    I will finish it, probably without the horse.
    Besides, I saw some great entries and I would not have gotten anywhere in the contest.
  7. Ultimate_Kardas
    It's even better than the last one. He goes over to a komodo dragon (my favorite animal) and opens up its side to reveal ice cream inside.
    Go look up "Old Spice: Komodo" if you wanna watch it.
  8. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, because of the shingles, I have to take 2 ibuprofen and 2 Tylenol every 4 hours. I must also take some medication my mom gave me.
    I got so many pills Louis is jealous!
  9. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, while I was getting my few hours of sleep the strangest thing happened. It was pouring outside, but that's when I heard this unearthly noise. It sounded almost exactly like one of the tripods from War of the worlds. What's more is that right after the huge sound, the downpour of rain immediately stopped. It was really eerie.
    Anyway, the flights went along without a hitch, we watched Chuck on the first flight, and while waiting for the second flight I had the most delicious pretzel I have ever had.
    Then, we got picked up by my Aunt and spent the night at my cousins'.
    That night, I played the most fun game of Sorry I have ever played. Fate smiled upon me that night, giving me sorry cards at the exact moment I needed them most, for my personal gain, or for revenge. Fate frowned upon my brother, and he was not only beaten by me, but my 5 year old cousin as well. It was hilarious.
    Anyway, we watched Chuck on the way back to Canada, and we're at like near the tenth episode of season three. But I must say, the last 4 episodes we watched have been extraordinarily good, and I can't wait to keep watching. Also, forgot to mention we're dog sitting a dachshund name Herbie for a week or two, starting today. We've dog sit him before, and I love having him over.
    Also, no Assassin's creed brotherhood for me tonight. Instead of buying it down in the states, my brother had his friend buy it up in Canada since it was cheaper because of Canadian sales. Not sure if Americans know this, but Canadian boxing days are like American black Fridays. He also bought Black Ops for my brother. Whatever. I doubt I'll play it much. Not such a fan of the multiplayer.
    It's nice to be home. Haven't seen my breath in the cold air for awhile.
  10. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, on the sixth day, we had to drive 4 hours to go and see the Grand canyon. Pretty lame for just a bunch of rocks right? Wrong.
    The Grand Canyon was amazing. I had no idea it would be so huge. You see it and pictures, and you think "Well, that's pretty cool", but then you see it in real life and you just realize the vastness of it. It's amazing. I also stepped perilously close to the edge, and it is just a straight drop down. I was honestly terrified and backed up right away.
    When we drove home, I started working on my puzzle. Still didn't get it done.
    And on the seventh day, I went to Barnes and Noble to buy a book because my dad said he'd pay for it, so I bought a big huge star wars animal thing (don't hate bro) and have very much enjoyed it. Might even scan some images for more banners and avs.
    Anyway, I finally finished the puzzle today. It was hard, but I was proud of what I did.
    We also went to some wildlife presentation at the senior center place. They brought in animals, and it was pretty cool. Too bad the parrot was really annoying and squawked every 5 seconds.
    For dinner that night, we went to the outback steakhouse. I had never been there before, but really wanted to go. We had to wait 25 minutes and my parents were not sure if they wanted to wait that long, but my brother and I convinced them. While we waited, my brother, sister, and I played some slap games and I had some of the most intense thumb wrestling I have ever had. I was victorious.
    When we finally got in, I can honestly say it was well worth the wait. One of the guy waiters that was giving us bread recognized my Deadpool shirt and said he was a huge fan. Every time he came by, me and my brother talked with him about some comic stuff, and it was awesome. The food was some of the best food I have ever had. The fries were great, my steak was awesome and my mashed potatoes were mind blowingly delicious.
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