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The Alchemyst

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by The Alchemyst

  1. Don't hate the elipses!! (sp?) I mean it's the best response...I use it as "enters" or as a reply on Gchat...Got it?... :P

  2. Don't mean to put you down, but you're third, everyone's forgotten about T-Hybrid and Reya. :(

  3. EGADS.


    *Adds As Friend*

  4. Eh, the Chimera Ant was cool, but then it got dragged out with too much new silliness here and there. Everything was just mashed together.

  5. Endra_Starris:

    Woo! First Korean I know on BZP! (Virtual High-Five!)

  6. Enter next BBC Contest. Or LGD contest. Gotta say this again:

    That fusion Ice Planet Fr-33-z mech is win.

    Make moar. >8O

  7. Es Malk? :o

    I'll still be your therapist. XD

  8. Finally!

    You deserved it Chols =D

  9. For some reason, I wanted to add you as a friend. o.O


  10. For your awesome debate skills, I add you as my friend. :3

  11. Gah, *Premier...or however you spell it...

  12. Geez...I don't know If I can do it...I have a bunch of test and projects...High School is eating my time...Let me try, Thanks though!


  13. Get me a Extra Large Pizza, hold the bread, cheese, sauce and toppings.

  14. Hah! Invade comments! >:D

    *Adds Five Stars*

    *One still falls*

    Dorek is right. It is impossible. And you science calls sounds...kiddy. I mean weather? I did that in 6th grade. o_o. Now we're doing chemistry and blowing stuff up! >:D (Literally!)

  15. Hai Mr. Popular Chols.

    11118 views. o.o

  16. Hallo!

    I purposely put an A there to look cool!

    *waves at you*

    So now Good-Bye!

  17. Happy Belated Birthday!

    It's been so long I don't remember your original name... no kidding.

    I might just have bad memory. XD


  18. Happy Early Birthday, before I forget. :D

    You rpobably don't know me too well, and I don't know you too well, but still. :D Keep MOCing. [-The Alchemyst-]

  19. Have a BOX!!! >8D

    Or a bin

    Or a can

    Or a basket

    Why not a jar?

    There's endless possibilities!!! 8D


    (Formerly Phoenix of Ice)

  20. He barely visits BZP anymore...shame. He's a Master MOCist AND a Senior Staff. Yay for seniority ;D


  21. Hello again!

    Mwahaa! (Random laugh)

    I'm bored let's play a story game! Add a sentence each time to make a story! No double commenting!

    One day Macku went out for a walk to Ta-Koro

  22. Hello Cap'n! When are we gonna see the new mascot?

    *eyes gleam*

    Your song-fics are awesome


  23. Hello! I think it's supposed to be "Manhwa" and not "Manwha". :P

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