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The Alchemyst

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by The Alchemyst

  1. Lol. xkcd is win.

  2. Lolz. You have too much time on your hands BFA.


  3. Maaake mooore MOCs...

  4. Macku ate it and became Toa of electric damp cheese

  5. Macku was too busy mourning, she got killed too.

  6. Mwahaha!

    I usually just get Presents for Xmas. Never Cash. I got Makuta on the year it came out from Xmas and I've mostly recieved Lego. This year I'm hoping for Dekar (Yes Dekar...the little Matoran) and Lesovikk...or any Titan...or any mahri...or any BIonicle Set I don't have :P

  7. Nah....someone else did...Now I'm back alive!! But since I'm dead, I can't die again!! Mwaahaha!

  8. Nidhiki has no mercy, he ran out of it. He needs to go to the supermarket!

  9. No problem. Great Entry though. Probably will beat mine.

    well good luck!


  10. No! I'm not the Nidhiki person!

    I'm the one who lets Nidhiki GET mauled!

    I'm also a crazy person that has random nights when I sleep at 4. This happens randomly...

  11. No...Cholie don't! And if you do...Be Ms. Cholie!

    And I need a fem name if I'm gonna change...

  12. Noobish name...but un-noobish sig and posts. Very good idea for a noobish name though XD



  14. Nope. Keetongu Hordika had his Entry names "Keetongu Hordika" on accident last BBC, and he asked for it to be changed...and it was DONE!!

  15. Nothing much, really. All the Proto was from News reports. MOCing has gotten better from those times. XD And I'm starting to delve into system a lot more.

    [-The Alchemyst-]

  16. o_O I need to check these comments a lot more.

    Midnighter is from a book series made by Scott Westerfield. I love it. That's why I changed the name. I wonder if anyone else reads them

    And no Chols, I'm not poi anymore XD (except on BS01)

  17. o.O I haven't checked my page in quite a while. Anyway, replying to you Bsm, let me check it out.

    And Kaxix: =D

  18. o.O

    All these comments!

    @Cholie: GIMP is fail if you have ever used Photoshop extensively. Srsly.

    @Visionary: *checks name changes* LT. Nocturn! I remember you, good times... :P

    @Mr. Haru: Haru, it's been a while, been good, lurking around your B-shelf, looking at your Self-MOCs. :P

    @Bfahome: GIMP=Fail. See what I said to Cholie.

  19. o.O

    This comment box is weird.

    Spam, and flaming in Comments?



  20. Oh wow! Comments!

    1000 posts in about 7 monthes...yea...I need to post more to get 2000 by my Vahi.

    And for the Icarax? I just photoshopped Toa Ignika off, use the dropper tool to get the color of the background I erased and spread it around, blurred it and put on Icarax. I als erased the text and put my own.

  21. Oh yeas. Leave a helpful criticism comment at my BBC44 entry topic!

  22. Ok...another bunch of weird comments...then again I can't complain...I'm taking SPanish as well. COmprende?

  23. Ooh! I have another one!

    Ona scooter: "When used correctly it moves" XD

    And I like the Alex Rider Seires! And obviously you're into cars. I know a guy who's like that...except he's like 7...o_O

  24. Perosnall DarKnight95...but I think the overlapping K's are kinda weird how about this:

    DaRkKnIgHt95 XD

    or this:

    DarKKnight...maybe neither...



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