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Status Updates posted by sirbibbleton

  1. bunda bunda bunda bunda bunda bunda MUSHROOM MUSHROOM

    Sorry, couldn't resist. =P

  2. *break comment chain*

  3. B~T = Black~Terror

    I really can't say the site's name since mentioning certain sites is against the rules...

    But the site I knew you from is administered by Blade. =P

  4. You're Voukor from MLN? I remember you from... another site.

    I'm also known as B~T in that site. But I don't know if you recognize me. =P

  5. I can't happy mouse... D=

  6. I almost thought it was another guy when I realized it was just the ddude I knew from ... a forum. =P



    What? Disky leaves pink and you don't complain. =P

  9. cuz im hungry. =D

  10. omnomnomnompinknomnomnom

  11. omigosh, I almost thought you were some random user posting in my comments until I realized you were KZ xD

  12. OMG you play Nitrome! Me too! =D

  13. Probably cuz we know each other in MLNO...

    As... You know.

  14. My head implodes.

    Thus reconstructing it.

    You shall never assimilate me!

    In fact, I just drank anti-assimilation juice today. No need to invade. Retreat Allosaurs.


  15. Only to find that the pill wore off and I'm still standing there.

    Since I am just too awesome for you, I shrug off all the tubes you put onto me.

  16. Guess what?

    You didn't assimilate me. I just threw a hallucination pill into your mouth, thus you assimilated a mirage of me.


    Now I have immunity to being assimilated. >=D

  17. And since I am pretty new, how do I access my profile easily... -_______-?

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