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Everything posted by Indy

  1. Indy


    Watch a Indiana Jones movie. They are good and should kill some time.
  2. I'm going to enter, but I need to go get to Mom's house. *Waits another day* What color are your Po-Matoran here? I've got a WIP going......
  3. Indy

    Mini Moc Brawl!

    1. Gargali 2. Jaka Wajorzee
  4. Indy

    Mini Moc Contest Voting

    Poll 1: Oparai Poll 2: Kuma Turtle Poll 3: Monkey Poll 4: Jaka Wajorzee Poll 5: Squkak( ) Poll 6: Gargali 2 votes for the Squkak...
  5. Indy

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    Took pictures 15 minutes ago!.. Any way, here it is! Picture Link Name: Squkak. Topic coming soon.... Bio: The Squkak is a mutant squirrel of our world. They eat mostly plants off of the Great Tree. They are very fast and are good climbers. Please don't complain about customness!!! I had 5 minutes to build it.
  6. Indy

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    I am entering. I have the entry already built. However, I am not good at small MoCs.
  7. Indy

    Q & A

    Do you know me?
  8. Your Banner scares me.

  9. Indy

    A Contest

    Do you draw it, build it, or what?
  10. Hello! Welcome to BZPower!

  11. Poll 1: Kopakalaka Poll 2: Blue Diamond and Vermillion
  12. Entry Name: Blue Diamond and Vermillion Entry Pic Topic
  13. Indy

    Are you a Club Penguin member?

  14. Why do you tell everyone to leave a comment?

  15. Can you enter 3 or 4 members? Just wondering.
  16. I think I sow your Vavakx on #######.

  17. Hi. My profile is popular! :)

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