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Everything posted by BOXN

  1. BOXN

    I don't need one. Hurm.

  2. BOXN

    I wouldn't call you that if you only stuck to your gender.

  3. BOXN

    Don't hug me, you gender-changing moron.

  4. BOXN

    I already have done terrible things in my life. I want to kill people now.

  5. BOXN

    It won't get better until I die, and go to my day of judgment.

  6. BOXN

    I think I have been depressed all my life, but I'm actually feeling the mental illness...

  7. Why should i be.

  8. Is that flattery? If it is so, I am not flattered.

  9. Who said I was.

  10. Listen to March of the Pigs and Star######ers Inc. by NIN.

  11. Why did you add me?

  12. .....I don't know =1>

  13. Please dont commit suicide.

  14. Your banners too big.

  15. BOXN

    But I won't join the Girly-man club.

  16. Yo. You also have a My space?

  17. BOXN

    You. Yeah you. (bleep) off.

  18. I'll enter when I have time. Right now. In 20 seconds.
  19. So.......Could I enter? i love playing that game.
  20. Halo, Ratchet and Clank, and ESPECIALLY Spyro rule!

  21. Hmm, you just do this:

    *the URL of the pic here*

    Anymore problems with that, PM me.

  22. What the guy below just said! And ask me for help.

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