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Omega Toa of Shadows

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  • Location
    Awesomeland, Bermuda Triangle
  • Interests
    To sum it all up, I like books, movies, and music. Lego too, obviously. Everything else kinda branches off of that. <br /><br />Some of my favorite flicks:<br />all the Star Wars movies<br />all the Indiana Jones movies<br />all the Harry Potter movies<br />just about all the Batman movies (Dark Knight was awesome!)<br />all the Spider-Man movies<br />all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies<br />just about anything done by Mel Brooks<br />just about anything Disney or Pixar is classic(ly awesome!)<br />a bunch of stuff by James Cameron<br />an equallly big bunch of stuff by Michael Bay<br />and a huge bunch of stuff that I can't remember right now :)<br /><br />Some of my favorite music artists:<br />THE BEATLES<br />Jimi Hendrix<br />Led Zeppelin<br />Queen<br />Muse<br />Daft Punk<br />Styx<br />Journey<br />Linkin Park <br />David Bowie<br /><br />Yeah, the classics. And, uh, not so classics.

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