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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. Yep.

    I'm feeling depressed. Maybe I should go read a comedy. :P

  2. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  3. Yes, he's funny. And I'm still trying to decide who's my fav...

  4. Yes, that Bumblebee. *Huggless.*

    I thought about entering, but between classes and everything else in my hectic life, I just don't have time.

  5. Yes! I'm a super sheep! *Flies around the room.*

    It's a long story, but the jist of it is I got the name from a comedian named Ken Davis. Great guy. Even better term. Super sheep!

  6. Yes. He did. GO BRO!

  7. You can guess to you're heart's content.

    That doesn't mean I'll answer you though. :P

  8. You can usually find the episodes on you tube.

    *Pokes back, hugs Prowl, and then hugs Bulkhead, whom I call Teddy Tank.*

  9. You got a point... But Holmes is still better. :P

  10. You got Collide to? Awesome!

  11. You guys are so sweet! *Melts*

  12. You know, it's no longer a trilogy, but a cycle.

  13. You know... I have no idea what's in my interests. I better go see what I put...

  14. You know... I've always thought the star treck theme song was the corniest thingthere was.

  15. You like Adventures in Oddysey? I thought I was, like, the only person out here who like 'em!

  16. You need help with that pic, sq- ToD?

  17. You really should stop doing that to your poor head. Someday you won'y be able to re-esemble it.

    I'm in third place in the S&T finals! If anyone hasn't voted, go vote now!


  18. You want me to draw Prowl for you? I was thinking about doing him anyway, and I'm pretty pleased with how my other Transformer drawings have turned out.

  19. You're welcome! 8-#

  20. Your avy is really cute!

  21. Your avy is so true. I think my Mom has camera's up or something.

  22. Your changing it? But I like Varny... What are yah changing it to?

  23. Yummy coffee...

  24. Yummy pie... I don't care if it's pumpkin, peach, apple, or anyn other yummieness, I'll eat it.

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