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Toa Novu

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Everything posted by Toa Novu

  1. *Rises up out of the void because she's curious as to how this contest is going and what everyone's entries are like*
  2. A bunch of quotes AND the very beginning of ones of the awesomest things to ever exist.
  4. Okay, been doin' a tad bit more research, and who names their kid Yonah? Or Nier, for that matter?
  5. Man, I so cannot get enough of the soundtrack. I think my favorite is probably Zulf's theme, just 'cause of how well it's used in the scene in question.
  6. Always nice to go with some of the more classic ones. Rurouni Kenshin was one of my first manga. :3 Ah, I remember reading about that getting a sequal. I might eventually try to dig it up and watch it, but I wasn't that impressed with the original Last Exile. It's pacing was... really poor.
  7. Same choice I took. Even with replays and the like, I just can't bear to take the other option as far as the former part goes.
  8. I hope I'm right in assuming that's a chick. She's got a nice hat!
  9. Whelp. My headcannon for a certain character's voice just flew out the window. I think I like the official one though. It was unexpected, but fits the character pretty well.
  10. A pretty cool lookin' transformer, though I can't quite tell which one. Soundwave, perhaps? But it doesn't look quite right...
  11. 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12,The ladybugs cameTo the ladybug picnic!
  12. Well, are we talking goodbad or just badbad? 'Cause that totally affects my opinion right there.
  13. Horror. (I know. It's just, anime girls kind of sort of scare me sometimes. XP)
  14. Okay, so it's an RPG/action thing from Square Enix, right? Or am I looking at the wrong game? This ain't from an anime, hun. It's from a video game. Not even an anime-style one. The preportions on the people aren't right to be anime.
  15. Okay, I'm gonna go have to figure out what the heck Nier is now.(Yet again I point out that he is not a kid. Dude's at least in his twenties. ;P)
  16. Oh, and the word Alpha all pink and totally none threating behind them. There's that, too. Nah, I don't pay much attention to fan created stuff. I just keep up to-date with the comic itself. :3
  17. Jake English, Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker, and Dirk Strider, being awesome friends. :3 Also, some rather interesting shadows behind them. *Coughthebetakidscough*
  18. Yeah, it is a bit weird to Ship Ponies... They just don't fit in the boxes right.And you have to make the airholes just the right size. To small, and they'll suffocate. To big, and they'll fall out!
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