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Toa Novu

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Everything posted by Toa Novu

  1. 1/5.I've been a member here for almost five years now. I was extremely active back then. Now I just hop on to troll around a bit when I have some free time. XP
  2. Does anyone know where I can get FMA:B dvds cheap? I'd love to own the entire series, but fifty bucks a pop just doesn't work for me right now. I've occasionally found them on sale at Best Buy. Do any of you know anywhere else?
  3. Nah, that could actually work into the "The Great Being are sexist" theory pretty well. Perhaps they created her, saw how much trouble she was, and mis-attributed her behavior to her gender? This could create a subconscious bias in which they would want to create male rather than female beings at any point after this first experience.
  4. It's staring at me. Even if I move it keeps staring at me. Why won't it stop staring at me? Nice doggy...
  5. I listen to videogame soundtracks all the time. They're usually from whatever games I happen to be into at the moment; currently I'm playing the songs from Bastion almost nonstop.In general, I really like the atmospheric stuff, ones that give your spine a tingle. The quiet, haunting music that plays as you walk down a corridor, or the sad and mournful music as you learn more about someone's pasts. Music like that can add so much to what is happening on the screen and draw you further into the story of the game.
  6. Of Middle Earth, yes.The person below me has to much free time on their hands.
  7. Yep. Had to do with the character motivation in a book series.The person below me hates acronyms.
  8. 1/5Hold your horses, hun. I've been plotting to take him down since long before you were even a glimmer in your Mum's eye.
  9. "The Haunting Piano Refrain" from Homestuck.
  10. I remember a Christmas morning several, several years ago. I was around six, and was SO EXCITED because when I shook one of my unopened presents, it made the very distinct LEGO sound. My little girl face shone as I ripped open the wrapping paper. What would it be? Star Wars? A battle ship? A castle? Oh please, please, let it be an awesome old castle with a dungeon and skeletons and knights and horses!It was a pink house. With "unique" molding that wouldn't really work with any of my brother's sets.I was a rather disappointed little Novu. It took about five years to finally convince my family that I wanted the "boy" versions of LEGO.
  11. Hm... Oh dear, I think the last movie I saw in theaters was Captain America. I don't hit the theaters much. The last movie I watched at home was Kung Fu Panda 2, with my family on Christmas day. Yay family bonding time!
  12. Infinite/5.I did read. Just not enough, apparently.Also, it makes me happy that my 'lil bro doesn't try to disown me on the interwebs. Hurray! *Poke poke bug bug annoy*
  13. 1/5Oh dear, I think I misunderstood how to play. I thought you were supposed to say how well known the person is on the site, not how well you PERSONALLY know them. Oops. XP *Gasp* OH NO! OUR SECRET IS OUT! How will I ever show my face again?!
  14. 3.5/5Be a bit more realistic. XP
  15. I love to see a person put so much effort into their own characters. The detail you have put into his design is inspiring, it makes me think of either Sauran from LotR or the ship used by the villains in the most recent Star Trek movie. In other words, DOOMY SPIKES OF VILLAINY! I also love the harsh glow of the red, it adds just enough color to draw the eye towards the character. Wonderful!
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