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Toa Novu

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Everything posted by Toa Novu

  1. Hey. Hey Kid. Death the Kid. Hey. Your hair is asymmetrical. :3
  2. Nah, I agree, they're pretty cool. Certainly not the scariest thing we've seen, but a more subtle creepy that works pretty well. I like 'em.
  3. Yep, earlier today in fact.The person below knows what I am referring to when I say "steam."
  4. Allright, I am going to grant your wish in ten seconds! Ready? 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2- *passes out in the vacuum from the last wish, and thus your wish is in turn not granted.*I wish my cat wouldn't keep trying to sit on my keyboard.
  5. You are unable to come up with a wish, and thus you are dropped into the bog of eternal stench.I wish I wasn't sneezing so much right now.
  6. Rather emotionally dull looking boy/man/you never really can tell at first glance with anime dang it might not even be human at all.
  7. Nope. I'm weary of the things hiding in the dark.The person below has played Portal 2.
  8. "It's you," one sighs. The other points out a more polite and traditional mode of greeting.
  9. Sorry, I forget that sarcasm doesn't carry well over the internet. You're right, it's a stereotype like any other. What I was trying to point out is that it is one that LEGO heavily follows in their marketing and products in general. Most little kids I know don't care what the gender of their playmate is. Heck, I know plenty of little boys and girls who will combine all of their toys and make a massive multiplayer crossover of epicness using barbies, LEGO, trucks, Polly pockets, army men, doll houses, and whatever else they might have on hand.As for Greg's control, he doesn't quite have as much as we give him credit for. There will always be people over his head going, "No no, this would better," or "Don't forget to do this."
  10. What the heck do sonic and megaman have to do with Bionicle? Just thinking about a crossover like that makes my brain go into a comma.
  11. Nah. Wouldn't mind doing so, though.The person below has never been ninja'd.
  12. I suppose you're right. I guess I just can't get over the ridiculousness of them.As for the timberwolves, several different connections can be drawn to various myths, so they're not that unique. I see them as either related to ents, dryads, or wood gods from other European mythologies. They make me think of one or two that can control creatures made out of trees, though these wolves didn't seem to be controlled by anyone or thing. Not to mention the fact that they largely exist for the pun of it.
  13. OUR DRILL IS A DRILL THAT WILL PEIRCE THE HEAVENS! Dang ninjas.What if he was given an even bigger and redder hat? Would the blue matoran's convictions be shaken?
  14. Did anyone else find the zap-apples kind of odd in relation to the rest of the established pony universe? Sure, the place runs on magic, but up to this point it's pretty much been magic that we've seen in other things. Manticores and pegasi, magic seeds and glowy floaty magic. The closest thing I can think of to the uniqueness of the zap-apples would be the ursa bears and Pinky's sense, but even those make sense within the context of the show. The zap-apples are just... bizzare.
  15. Because a society in which females just live alongside the males and do the same sort of stuff as them just isn't possible in Bionicle. Because girls are GROSS according to the target audience. Being in the periphery demographic really does stink in this fandom. Ah well.
  16. Hurray! Tell me, what does a perfectly cooked and prepared armadillo burger taste like? Bet it's pretty unique.I wish I already had me Bachelor's and didn't have a year and a half left to work on my degree.
  17. (Moving back on topic) Yes, yes I am.The person below me likes hard core music.
  18. Or maybe the spoiler is that the gender divergence is reversed. That would be mean that for the great beings, it's 1:5 in women's favor.
  19. A rather stubborn matoran with questionable fashion sense.
  20. A quote from one of the greatest men ever.And also some archer or something.
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